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English he in every respect rising entirely from the idea of nothingness and having accomplished the formation of and idea of what is neither conscious nor unconscious continues (to exist) and this is the seventh kind of emancipation
Chinese 超一切非非想處定具足住是第七解脫捨無所有處一心緣非有想非無想定時,超一切無所有處入非想非非想處定具足住是第七解脫,即觀此定,是第七解脫
Sanskrit (dev) स सर्वश आकिंचन्यायतनं समतिक्रम्य नैवसंज्ञानासंज्ञायतनमुपसम्पद्य विहरत्ययं सप्तमो विमोक्षः
Sanskrit (translit) sa sarvaśa ākiṃcanyāyatanaṃ samatikramya naivasaṃjñānāsaṃjñāyatanam upasampadya viharaty ayaṃ saptamo vimokṣaḥ
Sanskrit (Tibetanized) ས༌སརྦ༌ཤོ༌ཨཱ༌ཀིཾ༌ཙི༌ཏྱཱ༌ཡ༌ཏ༌ནཾ༌ས༌མ༌ཏི༌ཀྲ༌མྱ༌ནཻ༌བ༌སཾ༌ཛྙཱ༌ནཱ༌སཾ༌ཛྙཱ༌ཡ༌ཏ༌ན༌མུ༌པ༌སཾ༌པ༌དྱ༌བི༌ཧ༌ར༌ཏྱ༌ཡཾ༌སཔྟ༌མོ༌བི༌མོ༌ཀྵཿ།

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