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Wylie | thabs mkhas bcu gnyid |
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Sanskrit | |
English | |
English Definition | The twelve skillful means of a Bodhisattva.\n1){sems can thams cad la snying rje dang lngan pa/} he is compassionate towards all beings\n2){rang bzhin ji lta ba bzhin mkhyen pa/} he knows their nature as it is\n3){bla med byang chub mngon du byed 'dod pa/} he aspires to attain supreme enlightenment\n4){'khor ba mi gtong ba/} he does not release himself from cyclic existence\n5){nyon mongs can ma yin pas 'khor bar 'khor ba/} he is able to take repeated rebirths in cyclic existence because he is not under the sway of delusions\n6){'tshang rgya 'dod pas brtson 'grus 'bar ba/} he strives hard for the attainment of Buddhahood\n7){dge ba'i rtsa ba chung rnams tshad med par sgyur bar byed pa/} he transforms minor roots of virtue into immeasurable virtue\n8){dka' tshegs chung ngus dge rtsa chen po 'grub par byed pa/} he accumulates enormous virtue with little effort\n9){bstan pa la 'gran pa rnams kyi khong khro 'joms par byed pa/} he pacifies anger in those wishing to harm Buddha's doctrine\n10) {bar mar gnas pa rnams bstan pa la 'dzud par byed pa/} he turns the minds of those indifferent to the doctrine\n11) {zhugs pa rnams smin par byed pa/} he matures the minds of those\nengaged in the teachings\n12) {smin pa rnams grol bar byed pa/} he liberates those who are matured. |
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