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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie mtshan bzang po sum cu rtsa gnyis
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition Thirty-two major marks of a Buddha.\n1. {phyag zhabs 'khor los mtshan pa/} the palms of his hands and feet bear signs of a wheel\n2. {rus sbal bzhin du zhabs shin tu gnas pa/} his feet are well set upon the ground like a tortoise\n3. {phyag zhabs sor mo dra bas 'brel ba/} his fingers and toes are webbed\n4. {phyag zhabs 'jam zhing gzhon sha chags pa/} the palms of his hands and feet are smooth and tender\n5. {phyag dang zhabs dang thal gong dang ltag pa'i phyogs mtho ba'i phyir sku'i gnas bdun mtho ba/} his\nbody has seven prominent features: broad heels, broad hands,\nbroad shoulder blades and broad neck\n6. {sor mo ring ba/} his fingers are long\n7. {rting pa yangs pa/} his heels are soft\n8. {sku che zhing drang ba/} he is tall and straight\n9. {zhabs kyi long bu mi mngon pa/} his ankle-bones do not protrude\n10. {sku'i ba spu gyen du phyogs pa/} the hairs on his body point upward\n11. {byin pa ri dwags e na ya 'dra ba/} his ankles are like an antelope's\n12. {phyag ring zhing mdzes pa/} his hands are long and beautiful\n13. {mdoms kyi sba ba sbubs su nub pa/} his male organ is withdrawn\n14. {pags pa gser mdog 'dra ba/} his body is the colour of gold\n15. {pags pa srab cing 'jam pa/} his skin is thin and smooth\n16. {ba spu re re nas g.yas phyogs su 'khyil ba/} each hair curls to the right\n17. {zhal mdzod spus brgyan pa/} his face is adorned by a coiled hair between his eyebrows\n18. {ro stod seng ge 'dra ba/} the upper part of his body is like that of a lion\n19. {dpung pa'i mgo shin tu zlum pa/} his head and shoulders are perfectly round\n20. {thal gong rgyas pa/} his shoulders are broad\n21. {ro mi zhim pa ro mchog snang ba/} he has an excellent sense of taste even of the worse tastes\n22. {sku n+ya gro ltar chu zheng gab pa/} his body has the proponions of a banyan tree\n23. {gcug tor bltar mi mngon pa/} he has a protrusion on the crown of his head\n24. {ljags ring zhing srab pa/} his tongue is long and thin\n25. {gsung tshangs dbyangs lta bu/} his voice is mellifluent\n26. {'gram pa seng ge 'dra ba/} his cheeks are like those of a lion\n27. {tshoms shin tu dkar ba/} his teeth are white\n28. {tshoms mnyam pa/} there are no gaps between his teeth\n29. {tshems thags bzang ba/} his teeth are eveniy set\n30. {tshems bzhi bcu mnga' ba/} he has a total of forty teeth\n31. {spyan mthon mthing 'dra ba/} his eyes are the colour of saphire\n32. {spyan gyi rdzim ba mchog gi rdze ma dang 'dra ba/} his eyelashes are like those of a magnificient heifer.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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