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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie sa brgyad pa'i yongs sbyong brgyad
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition Eight thorough trainings on the eighth ground.\n1. {sems can } {thams cad kyi sems shes pa/} knowledge of the thoughts of all sentient beings\n2. {sangs rgyas gang na bzhugs pa'i 'jig rten gyi khams shes pa/} knowledge of the places where Buddha resides\n3. {sangs rgyas kyi zhing sgrub pa/} establishing Buddha-fields\n4. {chos rnams kyi rang bzhin je lta ba bzhin rtogs pas sangs rgyas mnyes pa/} pleasing the Buddhas with one's correct understanding of the reality of all phenomena\n5. {sems can rnams kyi khams dang dbang po sogs mkhyen pa/} knowledge of the different faculties of sentient beings\n6. {sangs rgyas kyi zhing gang du 'grub ba'i sems can rnams kyi rgyud sbyong ba/} purifying\nthe continuum of sentient beings in those directions where Buddha-fields will be established\n7. {byang sems kyi spyod pa thams cad sgyu ma lta bu'i ting nge 'dzin la gnas nas byed pa/}\nperforming the deeds of Bodhisattvas while abiding in an illusion like concentration\n8. {sems can gyi don sems bzhin du srid pa len pa/} willingly taking rebirth for the benefit of sentient biengs.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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