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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie sa bzhi pa'i yongs sbyong bcu
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition Ten thorough trainings on the fourth ground.\n1. {dben pa'i nags na gnas pa/} solitary dwelling in a forest\n2. {'dod pa chung ba/} having few desires\n3. {chog shes pa/} being contented\n4. {sbyangs pa'i yon tan la yid dam pa/} strictiy following the twelve ascetic trainings (see {sbyangs pa'i yon tan bcu gnyis})\n5. {bslab khrims yongs su mi gtong ba/} not forshaking discipline\n6. {'dod pa'i yon tan la smod pa/} loathing sensual objects\n7. {gdul bya so sa'i sgral ba dang 'tshams pa'i chos ston cing myang 'das la gzhol ba/} leading beings to the state of peace by giving teachings according to their capabilities\n8. {bdog pa kun gtong ba/} renouncing and giving away all possessions\n9. {dge ba sgrub pa la sems mi zhum pa/} never turning away from\ndoing wholesome practices\n10. {mngon zhen gyi lta ba med pa/} never holding wrong views.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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