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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie ngo mtshar lnga ldan 'dzam gling gi nor 'dzin
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition The five-fold marvels of this world's treasure holders. These are the five supreme worlds of this continent:\n1. {dbus su rgya gar rdo rje gdan shAkya thub pa'i zhing /} Bodhgaya of India in the centre, the land of Buddha [ṡākyamuni]\n2. {shar du rgya nag ri bo rtse lnga 'jam dpa' dbyangs kyi zhing /} Mt. Waute of China in the east, the land of Mañjuṡrī\n3. {lho na ri bo po ta la spyan ras dazigs kyi zhing /} Mt. Potala in the south, the land of [ārya Avalokiteṡvara]\n4. {nub na o rgyan mkha' 'gro'i gling pad ma 'byung gnas kya zhing /} Ogyan [ḍākinī] land in the west, the land of Padmasambhava\n5. {byang na sham b+ha la chos rgyal rigs ldan gyi zhing /} Shambhala in the north, the land of [dharmarāja] Kulikas.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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