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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie mngon byang lnga
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition A. The five modes of enlightenment; a generation stage practice of visualizing a deity.\n1. {zla ba las byang chub pa/} enlightenment from moon\n2. {nyi ma las byang chub pa/} enlightenment from sun\n3. {sa bon las byang chub pa/} enlightenment from the seed syllable\n4. {phyag mtshan las byang chub pa/} enlightenment from the deity's implements\n5. {sku rdzogs pa las byang chub pa/} enlightenment from the entire entity of the body. B. The process of generating oneself into a My enlightened deity:\n1. {zla ba me long yeshes las byang chub pa/} visualizing the moon as the mirror-like wisdom of a Buddha\n2. {nyi ma mnyam nyid ye shes las byang chub ba/} visualizing the sun as the wisdom of sameness of a Buddha\n3. {sa bon dang phyag mtshan sor rtogs ye shes las byang chub pa/} visualizing the seed syllable and implements of a deity as the wisdom of individual discrimination\n4. {thams cad 'dres pa bya grub ye shes las byang chub pa/} visualizing the combination of all (moon, sun, seed syllable and implements) as the wisdom of accomplishments\n5. {sku rdzogs pa chos dbyings ye shes las byang chub pa/} visualizing the full-fledged body of a Buddha as the wisdom of reality.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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