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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie nyan thos la yod pa dang rjes su mthun pa'i rnam mkhyen gyi rnam pa sum cu so bdun
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition {nyan thos dang thun mong ba'i rnam pa so bdun/} The thirty-seven features of the omniscient mind common to Hearers and Solitary Realizers. 1-4. {dran pa nye bar bzhag pa bzhi/} [catvāri smṛtyūpasthānāḥ]/ the four close contemplations (see {dran pa nye bar bzhag pa bzhi}). 5-8. {yang dag par spong ba bzhi/} [catvāri samyak prahāṇāḥ]/ the four perfect abandonments (see {yang dag spong ba bzhi}). 9-12. {rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang pa bzhi/} [catvāri ṛddhipādāḥ]/ the four limbs of miracles (see {rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang pa bzhi}). 13-17. {dbang po lnga/} [pañcendriyāṇi]/ the five faculties (see {dbang po lnga}). 18-22. {stobs lnga /} [pañca balāni]/ the five powers (see {stobs lnga}). 23-29. {byang chub kyi yan lag bdun/} [sapta bodhyaṅgani]/ the seven limbs of enlightenment (see {byang chub yan lag bdun}). 30-37. {'phags lam yan lag brgyad/} [aṣṭāryāṅga mārga]/ the eight noble paths (see {'phags lam yan lag brgyad}).
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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