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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie dkar po'i chos bzhi
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition [catvāri ṡukladharma]/ The four white actions; the four wholesome actions. The four virtuous actions producing white karmic results which prevent the degeneration of bodhicitta, the enlightened motive of a Bodhisattva, namely:\n1. {srog gam than bzhad gad kyi phyir yang shes bzhin du rdzun mi smra ba/} abandoning consciously telling lies at the cost of one's life or even for a joke\n2. {sems can la g.yo sgyu med par bsam pa drang por gnas pa/} being unbiased in helping all sentient beings without having ulteriour thoughts\n3. {sems can kun la ston pa'i 'du shes skyed cing don gnas kyi bsngags pa brjod pa/} recognizing all Bodhisattvas as teachers and praising them as they deserve throughout the four directions 4. {gdul bya rnams nyi tshe ba'i theg par mi 'dor bar rdzogs pa'i byang chub 'dzin du 'jug pa/} inspiring all sentient beings to strive for the attainment of supreme enlightenment.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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