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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie nyon mongs pa'i byed las bcu
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition The ten functions of delusions.\n1. {rtsa ba brtan par byed pa/} it stabilizes the root of delusion\n2. {rgyun gnas par byed pa/} it keeps the continuity of delusion\n3. {zhing du sgrub par byed pa/} it establishes its own goal\n4. {rgyu mthun par byed pa/} it establishes results simiar to itself\n5. {las kyi srid pa mngon par sgrub par byed pa/} it establishes karmically linked existence\n6. {rang gi tshogs yongs su 'dzin par byed pa/} it treasures its own collection of delusions\n7. {dmigs pa la kun tu rmongs par byed pa/} it makes its objectives unclear\n8. {rnam par shes pa'i rgyun 'khrid par byed pa/} it leads to the continuity of consciousness\n9. {dge ba'i phyogs las g.yo bar byed pa/} it misdirects oneself from wholesome activities\n10. {khams las mi 'da' ba'i tshul gyis 'ching ba'i don du khyab par byed pa/} it multiplies as a binding force without transcending the delusive realms.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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