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- "Dictionaries/Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary/gardula (category External Dictionary - 2)210 {{#arraymap: |; |@@@ | | }} {{ |=Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary }}216 bytes (17 words) - 14:23, 3 September 2021
- don (category Tibetan Dictionary)work, action, project; 2) benefit [Spyi don,...Sger don,...Rang don,...Gzhan don]; 2) meaning; 3) reality; 4) grasped external object; 5) particle for5 KB (769 words) - 08:11, 6 May 2021
- dkyil 'khor (category Tibetan Dictionary)circumference, disk. 1) mandala. 2) formation of deities or enlightened attributes. 3) sacred diagram; 1) mandala. 2) disc [as in sun. moon.]. [RY] mandala2 KB (366 words) - 05:51, 6 May 2021
- bsam pa (category Tibetan Dictionary)of how to --; 2) external actions really being appearances in the head [IW] 1) ft. of sems pa to ponder, consider, plan, reflect, think. 2) thought, ideation2 KB (321 words) - 12:07, 5 May 2021
- 'jig rten (category Tibetan Dictionary)features. འཇིག་རྟེན 1) the external, physical world, the world, the external world, world system, worldly, mundane, ordinary, society. 2) mortal, subject to destruction1 KB (251 words) - 22:10, 4 May 2021
- Tibetan-English dictionaries. Tib-Tib Tibetan-Tibetan dictionaries. Tib-Skt Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionaries. Tib-Chi Tibetan-Chinese dictionaries. TMs Translation11 bytes (179 words) - 11:54, 8 March 2022
- Dictionaries/Monlam Grand/2 (category External Dictionary - Monlam Grand){{#arraymap:ཀཿ་ |; |@@@ | | }}266 bytes (1 word) - 12:34, 13 September 2021
- Steinert App Dictionaries/01-Hopkins2015/2 (category External Dictionary - Hopkins2015)'ang but; even; also; ever; or {{#arraymap:'ang |; |@@@ | | }}89 bytes (8 words) - 14:19, 14 September 2021
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/2 (category External Dictionary - RangjungYeshe)a bar skyu gsum yellow, beleric, and emblic myrobalan {{#arraymap:a bar skyu gsum |; |@@@ | | }}114 bytes (13 words) - 18:43, 20 September 2021
- Dictionaries/Hopkins Synonyms 1992/2 (category External Dictionary - Hopkins Synonyms 1992)104 bytes (0 words) - 06:30, 23 August 2022
- Dictionaries/Hackett Definitions 2015/2 (category External Dictionary - Hackett Definitions 2015)93 bytes (0 words) - 13:24, 28 August 2022
- Steinert App Dictionaries/06-Hopkins-Comment/2 (category External Dictionary - Hopkins-Comment)'bras bu for synonyms and examples see: byas pa {{#arraymap:The ReplaceSet call limit ($1) has been reached. |; |@@@ | | }}118 bytes (17 words) - 15:36, 14 September 2021
- Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2 (category External Dictionary - Tsepak Rigdzin)307 bytes (0 words) - 06:36, 23 August 2022
- Dictionaries/Dan Martin/2 (category External Dictionary - Dan Martin)258 bytes (0 words) - 22:30, 27 August 2022
- Dictionaries/Hopkins Divisions 2015 (Tibetan)/2 (category External Dictionary - Hopkins Divisions 2015 (Tibetan))Wylie 'brel pa Wylie Definition Wylie Synonym dbye ba/ (1) bdag gcig 'brel/ (2) de byung 'brel/ Sanskrit English English Definition English Synonyms Chinese149 bytes (0 words) - 18:26, 2 September 2022
- Dictionaries/rgya bod ming mdzod/2 (category External Dictionary - rgya bod ming mdzod)Definition English Synonyms Chinese Chinese (Simplified) 2.方法,如:མི་འགྲོ་ཀ་མེད不去没办法,不能不去。 Chinese (Traditional) 2.方法,如:མི་འགྲོ་ཀ་མེད不去沒辦法,不能不去。 Chinese Definition290 bytes (0 words) - 14:30, 22 August 2022
- Dictionaries/Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary/2 Kuhā (5091) (category External Dictionary - Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary)2 Kuhā Entry 5091, Page 189, Col. 2 (kuhA, 2 kuhA) [2 Kuhā¦, n. of a river: Māy 252.35; prob. error for Skt. Kuhū.] {{#arraymap: |; |@@@ | | }}254 bytes (26 words) - 17:04, 14 September 2021
- Dictionaries/Sera Textbook Definitions (Tibetan)/2 (category External Dictionary - Sera Textbook Definitions (Tibetan))mtshan nyid} - Source: Yongdzin Purbuchog {bsdus grwa 'bring/} (ACIP: S6857-2) - Sautrantika Wylie Synonym Sanskrit English English Definition English Synonyms338 bytes (0 words) - 11:46, 28 August 2022
- Dictionaries/Le shing gur khang/2 (category External Dictionary - Le shing gur khang)158 bytes (0 words) - 21:50, 27 August 2022
- Dictionaries/Lokesh Chandra (Sanskrit-Tibetan)/2 (category External Dictionary - Lokesh Chandra (Sanskrit-Tibetan))95 bytes (0 words) - 09:04, 28 August 2022