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- Treasury of Oral Instructions (category Vajrayana Literature)Treasury of Oral Instructions (gdams ngag mdzod). Contains the most essential advice and transmissions from the eight main Practice Lineages of Buddhism314 bytes (32 words) - 21:39, 7 July 2009
- Two Segments (category Vajrayana Literature)Two Segments (brtag gnyis). The condensed version of the Hevajra Tantra. Please expand137 bytes (13 words) - 23:00, 21 December 2005
- a lesser extent in Darjeeling and Kathmandu. There he studied Tibetan literature and Buddhist teachings closely with learned Tibetan scholars and respected6 KB (906 words) - 22:23, 15 September 2021
- Ati Yoga (category Vajrayana)Ati Yoga (lit. - shin tu rnal 'byor)-- see also rdzogs pa chen po; and Dzogchen. The third of the Three Inner Tantras. It emphasizes, according to Jamgön2 KB (266 words) - 11:45, 2 March 2008
- Bhumis (category Vajrayana)buddhas. For an enumeration of the latter, see under buddha levels. Mahāyāna literature speaks of ten progressive levels (daśabhūmi) of realisation through which5 KB (815 words) - 19:56, 21 September 2007
- Lamdre (section Contents of the Lamdre Literature)precious non-canonical literatures of the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. It generally covers esoteric teachings of Vajrayana and Hevajra Tantra. The2 KB (245 words) - 17:47, 25 February 2007
- teachings, Terdak Lingpa writes: "In the other classes of tantra found in the Vajrayana, the meaning is hidden using vajra words. In contrast, this meaning is19 KB (2,123 words) - 14:52, 25 January 2009
- Anu Yoga (category Vajrayana)Anu Yoga (rjes su rnal 'byor). As the second of the Three Inner Tantras, Anu Yoga emphasizes knowledge (prajna) rather than means (upaya) and the completion2 KB (343 words) - 08:57, 8 January 2006
- Rigpa (category Vajrayana)- state of rigpa [JV] rig rtsal - literature and art, expression of awareness, insight, technique, art and literature, the rtsal energy of rigpa [JV] rig4 KB (615 words) - 10:06, 11 October 2006
- Dzogchen (section Important Dzogchen Literature)perceive, Padmasambhava is not only the master of the numberless tantras of Vajrayana but possesses a unique short lineage of mastery over the profound topics3 KB (349 words) - 03:17, 24 September 2009
- Anuyoga (category Vajrayana)Anu Yoga, subsequent yoga. Syn a nu yo ga [RY] Anu Yoga [RY] Anuyoga [RY] anu yoga, the subsequent yoga [IW] anuyoga, Vehicle of the Anuyoga Tantra, Anuyoga863 bytes (99 words) - 02:57, 15 February 2006
- vehicle, the secret and sublime adamantine / vajra vehicle of Secret Mantra, Vajrayana [RY] Tantra (rgyud) In Buddhism, tantra is defined as a natural continuum4 KB (656 words) - 06:18, 4 June 2011
- Rime' (category Vajrayana)misunderstanding occurs because the teacher confines his studies to the literature of his own tradition. However, the philosophical differences are so subtle16 KB (2,577 words) - 13:47, 13 February 2006
- Eight Chariots of Transmission (category Vajrayana)Lineage "The major practice traditions are often referred to in Tibetan literature as the Eight Chariots of the Practice Lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. The3 KB (366 words) - 13:31, 7 July 2009
- Rime' Literature (category Vajrayana)misunderstanding occurs because the teacher confines his studies to the literature of his own tradition. However, the philosophical differences are so subtle15 KB (2,444 words) - 03:22, 20 April 2006
- Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras (category Nyingma Literature)Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras (ma ha yo ga’i rgyud sde bco brgyad). Listed in Chapter Twelve of The Lotus-Born. An alternative list is given by Shechen Gyaltsab9 KB (1,344 words) - 11:35, 4 February 2006
- Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel (category Nyingma Literature)will receive the profound ripening empowerment which is the root of the vajrayana path and the put the two stages into practice." The two stages are the11 KB (1,625 words) - 11:09, 21 October 2006
- Mahayoga (category Vajrayana)Mahayoga (rnal 'byor chen po). The first of the 'Three Inner Tantras.' Mahayoga as scripture is divided into two parts: Tantra Section and Sadhana Section1 KB (131 words) - 12:34, 3 January 2007
- teachings, Terdak Lingpa writes: "In the other classes of tantra found in the Vajrayana, the meaning is hidden using vajra words. In contrast, this meaning is352 bytes (2,194 words) - 22:33, 30 May 2021
- teachings, Terdak Lingpa writes: "In the other classes of tantra found in the Vajrayana, the meaning is hidden using vajra words. In contrast, this meaning is411 bytes (2,194 words) - 08:28, 9 May 2021