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A list of all pages that have property "English-Definition" with value "The major partial downfalls. The breach of two or more factors constituting a transgression of a monk's vows.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1816  + ([pratipakṣa]/ Discordant factors; dissimilar factors. That which is either contradictory to or does not share a common basis with the predicate in a logical syllogism.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1762  + ([prayoga]/\nA. Trainings; practices.\nB. Commitment of an action; one of the four factors determining the completion of an action.\nC. Preliminaries to an actual practice.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1472  + ([pāyantika]/ Abandoning downfalls. A class of monk's transgression of vows that can be confessed in the presence of the [saṅgha] community through abandoning the causal object of the downfall.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1967  + ([saṃprayukta hetu]/ Concomitant cause. Sharing five common factors with the result, which pertain oniy to a cognition; one of the six types of causes (see {rgyu drug}).)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/126  + ([steyasaṁvāsika]/ Living a lie. The lifestyle of living like a monk without having received monk vows; or without changing one's heart, even though one has externally taken the vows.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1378  + ([sthavira]; An Elder. A sehior monk who ha[sthavira]; An Elder. A sehior monk who has completed at least ten years of training as a fully ordained monk, and h_ gained mastery over the theory and practice of a monk's discipline, and thus is authorized to give the novice and full ordination vows to others.novice and full ordination vows to others.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/100  + ([tri parigrahaka gurū]/ He possessing the [tri parigrahaka gurū]/ He possessing the three kindnesses. According to the [sūtra] tradition, this refers to a spiritual master from whom one has received vows, teachings and oral tansmission, and according to tantra, this refers to a spiritual master from whom one has received initiation, tantric teachings and oral transmissions. tantric teachings and oral transmissions.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/850  + ([tri parivartana]/ The three transformatio[tri parivartana]/ The three transformations; the three alterations. The three tranformations a new monk or nun is supposed to undertake at their ordination.\n1. {rtags dang cha lugs brje ba/} [veṣa parivartana]/ changing their way of life\n2. {bsam pa brje ba/} [āṡāya parivartana]/ changing their thought\n3. {ming brje ba/} [nāma parivartana]/ changing their name.} [nāma parivartana]/ changing their name.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/59  + ([tri saṁyojana]/ The three constant fetter[tri saṁyojana]/ The three constant fetters; three ever-binding factors. These refer to the three types of delusions that are abandoned upon reaching the Path of Seeing (third of the five paths).\n1. {'azig lta kun btags/} [satkayadṛṣṭi]/ the intellectually acquired view of the transitory collection (of I or mine) that obstructs a person from achieving liberation\n2. {tshul khrims dang brtul zhugs mchog 'dzin/} [ṡīlavrata parāmarṡa]/ the view that holds wrong moral disciplines and practices as superior and that obstructs a person by way of taking a wrong path as the right path\n3. {the tshoms nyon mongs can/} [kliṣṭa vicikitsā]/ doubt that obstructs a person by generating a wavering attitude towards the (right) path.avering attitude towards the (right) path.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1337  + ([trisaṁvara]/ A. The three classes of vows[trisaṁvara]/ A. The three classes of vows.\n1. {so thar gyi sdom pa/} [pratimokṣa saṁvara]/ the individual liberation vows\n2. {byang sems kyi sdom pa/} [bodhicitta saṁvara]/ the Bodhisattva vows\n3. {gsang sngags kyi sdom pa/} [mantra saṇvara]/ the tantric vows.\nB.\n1. {'dod}' {pa'i sas bsdus pa so thar gyi sdom pa/} the individual liberation vows of those within the desire realm\n2. {gzugs kyi sas bsdus pa bsam gtan gyi sdom pa/} the concentration vows of those within the form realm\n3. {khams gsum lasa'adas shing 'phags pa'i sas bsdus pa zag med kyi sdom pa/} the\nuncontaminated vows of those at the level of an [ārya]'s path transcending all those vows within three realms.ending all those vows within three realms.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/281  + ([upādhyāya paramparā]/ The abbot lineage. A. The ordination\nlineage of monastic vows. B. The lineage of abbots of a monastery, also called «abbot lineage» ({mkhan rabs}).)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/280  + ([upādhyāya]/ An abbot or abbess. The head of a monastery or the principal master from whom monastic vows are received.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1659  + ([vaibhāṣika]. A lower school of Buddhist p[vaibhāṣika]. A lower school of Buddhist philosophy that asserts the division of all phenomena into the following five I categories, and assert three times as substantially existent.\n1. {'du ma byas rtag pa'i gzhi/} non-composite phenomena as permanent\n2. {snang ba sems kyi gzhi/} appearances as form (objects of perception)\n3. {gtsong bo sems kyi gzhi/} primary mind\n4. {'khor sems byung gi gzha/} secondary minds\n5. {ldan pa ma yin pa'i 'du byed kyi gzhi/} non-associated compositional factors.hi/} non-associated compositional factors.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2024  + ([vārika]/ Monk steward. Monk official in charge of economic affairs; especially one chosen during the three months rainy season retreat.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1012  + ([āpatti]/ Downfalls; A category of monk's precepts the transgression of which becomes a downfall.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1980  + ([ūṃākeṡa]/ Coiled hair, hair-treasure. A long coiled hair between the eyebrows of a Buddha; one of the thirty-two major marks of a Buddha (see {mtshan bzang po sum cu rtsa gnyis}).)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2408  + ([ṡakyaprabha]/. An Indian pandit who was a direct disciple of [ācārya guṇaprabha]. He mastered the study of monastic discipline (vinaya) and wrote the Treatise on Novice Vows ({sa'aramanerika karika}).)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/476  + ([ṡikṣamānā]/ A probationary novice nun. On[ṡikṣamānā]/ A probationary novice nun. One of the seven types of individual liberation vow holders, who is a novice nun on two years probation before being ordained as a [bhikṣunī], observing the six root dharmas (see {rtsa ba'i chos drug}) and the six auxiliary dharmas (see {rjes mthun gyi chos drug}) in addition to her novice vows.hos drug}) in addition to her novice vows.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2623  + ([ṡikṣāsammuccaya]/ Compendium of Precepts. An important work by Acarya Santideva compiled from [mahāyāna] teachings dealing with moralities, vows and precepts. This complements his A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life ({spyod 'jug}).)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/463  + ([ṡramaṇa]/ A practitioner of virtue. A gen[ṡramaṇa]/ A practitioner of virtue. A general name for any person ordained as a novice monk or nun, or a fully ordained monk or nun or the whole [saṅgha], who have vowed to attain the state of liberation by means of observing the precepts of the individual liberation vows (pratimoksa) in his or her endeavour to eliminate delusions and pacify sufferings within [saṁsara].ns and pacify sufferings within [saṁsara].)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/468  + ([ṡramaṇera]/ A novice monk. A monk observing thirty-six precepts according to the pratimoksa vows (dge-tsul-gyi blang-'das so-drug).)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/895  + ([ṣaḍ mahākleṡa bhūmikāḥ]/ Six mental attit[ṣaḍ mahākleṡa bhūmikāḥ]/ Six mental attitudes of the major delusions.\n1. {ma dad pa/} [aṡraddya]/ lack of faith\n2. {le lo/} [kausīdya]/ laziness\n3. {gti mug} [moha]/ ignorance\n4. {bying ba/} [nimagna]/ mental cloudiness\n5. {rgod pa/} [auddhātya]/ mental agitation\n6. {bag med pa/} [pramāda]/ unconscientiousness.g med pa/} [pramāda]/ unconscientiousness.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1886  + ([ṣaḍ mūladharmāḥ]/ Six root precepts; six [ṣaḍ mūladharmāḥ]/ Six root precepts; six root vows of a probationary nun.\n1. {gcig pu lam du mi 'gro ba/} not going alone on the road\n2. {chur rkyal bar mi bya ba/} not swimming across to the other shore\n3. {skyes pa reg par mi bya ba/} not touching a male person\n4. {skyes pa dang lhan cig 'dug par mi bya ba/} not living with a male person\n5. {zla mo'i nyes pa 'chab par mi bya ba/} not concealing a transgression of vows by a fellow\nnun\n6. {smyan 'gyur ba mi bya ba/} not acting as a mi bya ba/} not acting as a go-between.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1217  + ([ṣaḍ vargika]/ The six close disciples of [ṣaḍ vargika]/ The six close disciples of Buddha [ṡākyamuni],\nwho were punished by Buddha [ṡākyamuni] for their breach of disciplines.\n1. {dga' bo/} Nanda\n2. {nye dga' bo/} Upananda\n3. {'gro mabyogs/} [aṡvaka]\n4. {nabs so/} Punarvasu\n5. {'dun pa/} Chanda\n6. {'char ka/} [udāyi].{'dun pa/} Chanda\n6. {'char ka/} [udāyi].)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2622  + ({bslab sdom/}\n[ṡikṣā ṡīla]/ The precepts and trainings; the vows of individual liberation, Bodhisattva and tantra.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1122  + (A human from a remote place. To be born as a barbarian or among men dwelling in a country far from the place of the eight conducive factors (see {dal ba brgyad}) preventing the practice of religion.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1440  + (A lay-person observing only some vows. One of the four nominally ordained lay persons (see {dge bsnyen btags pa ba bzhi}) observing two or three precepts.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/435  + (A monk disciplinarian. The monk in charge of enforcing the monastic rules and regulations.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1674  + (A tantric monk. A monk either from the upper or lower tantric college of the Gelug order.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/30  + (A. Space B. Snake С. Mental factor or factors (see {kun 'gro lnga/}) that accompanies every instance of mind or mental activity.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2048  + (Abandonments of harms to others along withAbandonments of harms to others along with the basis. The\nnature of individual liberation vows; 'others', here refers to\nthe seven non-virtuous activities of body and speech that\ninflicts direct harm on others, and 'bases', here refers to the\ncauses of those non-virtues—the three non-virtues of mind. When a person holding individual liberation vows eliminates these with his or her mind conjoined with a sense of\nrenunciation, it becomes a fully characterized individual\nliberation vow (pratimoksa).d individual\nliberation vow (pratimoksa).)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2654  + (Additional articles of a monk. The articles that a monk is allowed to possess not out of necessity but to use these in times of need for oneself or for others, e.g. an extra robe.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1947  + (Collective generality. Any group which is the combination or collection of many factors or components, e.g. a pillar.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/829  + (Definition; nature; meaning. An explanation of a point which gives a partial explanalion of the object defined.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1478  + (Demotion, pleasing and expulsion. The monaDemotion, pleasing and expulsion. The monastic rules for confessing a transgression of the 'remainder' category of vows by accepting the demotion of ranks, by offering services to the monk community which pleases them, or by accepting expulsion from the accepting expulsion from the community.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1817  + (Eight causes of invisibility.\n1. {ha cangEight causes of invisibility.\n1. {ha cang ring ba/} very distant\n2. {ha cang nye ba/} very close\n3. {dbang po nyams pa/} weak sense faculty\n4. {yid dbang nyams pa/} weak mental faculty\n5. {cha phra ba/} subtle object\n6. {sgrib pa dang bcas pa/} obstructive factors\n7. {zil gyis gnon pa/} outshining factors\n8. {yul 'dres pa/} confusing object.tors\n8. {yul 'dres pa/} confusing object.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2520  + (Eight classes of individual liberation vows (see {so thar rigs bdun} 1-7)\n8. {bsnyen gnas kyi sdom pa/} one day ordination vows.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/538  + (Eight great festivals connected with BuddhEight great festivals connected with Buddha [ṡākyamuni].\n1. {lha las babs pa/} His descent from Tusita heaven\n2. {lhums su zhugs pa/} His entenng of mother's womb\n3. {sku bltams pa/} His birth\n4. {rab tung byung ba/} His renunciation of worldly life and becoming a monk 5 {sangs rgyas pa/} His attainment of complete enlightenment\n6. {chos 'khor bskor ba/} His turning the wheel of doctrine\n7. {cho 'phrul bstan pa/} His performance of miracles\n8. {mya ngan las 'das ba/} His passing into [parinirvāṇa]. 'das ba/} His passing into [parinirvāṇa].)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1758  + (Eight major transgressions (of tantric vowEight major transgressions (of tantric vows).\n1. {mtshan nyid mi ldan pa'i rig ma bsten pa/} relying on an unqualified consort\n2. {'du shes gsum dang bral ba'i snyoms 'jug la gnas pa/} being in union without the three recognitions\n3. {snod min pa la gsang ba ston pa/} revealing secret substances of one's Lama and his\nconsort to those who are not proper vessels\n4. {tshogs kyi 'khor lo'i dus su rtsod pa/} quarreling or arguing during an offering assembly\n5. {dad pas chos 'dri ba la lan slog pa/} giving wrong answers to sincere questions\n6. {nyan thos nang du zhag bdun long bar bsdad pa/} spending more than seven days in the home of a Hearer\n7. {rnal 'byor pa'i mtshan nyid dang mi ldan par sngags par rlom pa/} pretending to be a great yogi when you are not\n8. {dad pa med pa la dam chos ston pa/} giving teachings to those who do not have faith in to those who do not have faith in them.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1803  + (Eight non-condusive factors. Eight non-freEight non-condusive factors. Eight non-free states or factors making the practice of dharma impossible.\n1. {dmyal bar skye ba/} born as a hell being\n2. {yi dwags su skye ba/} born as a hungry ghost\n3. {dud 'gror skye ba/} born as an animal\n4. {lha tshe ring por skye ba/} born as a long living god\n5. {kla klor skye ba/} born in a barbaric land where the doctrine of the Buddha does not exist\n6. {dbang po ma tshang ba/} having incomplete sense faculties, such as being blind, deaf or insane\n7. {log lta can/} holding wrong views, such as disbelief in the law of causality\n8. {sangs rgyas }\n{kyi chos med pa'i yul na skye ba/} born in a land where Buddha's doctrine does not flourish.where Buddha's doctrine does not flourish.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1881  + (Eighteen root downfalls; eighteen root traEighteen root downfalls; eighteen root transgressions of the Bodhisattva vows.\n1. {bdag bstod gzhan smod/} praising oneself and belittling others\n2. {chos nor mi ster ba/} not giving material aid or teachings of Dharma\n3. {bshags kyang mi nyan par gzhan la 'chog pa/} not listening when someone declares his or her offences\n4. {theg chen spong zhing dam chos 'drar snang ston pa/} abandoning the teachings of the greater vehicle and preaching false doctrine akin to the [mahāyāna] teachings\n5. {dkan mchog gi dkor ma byin par len pa/} misusing offerings of the three jewels not given to oneself\n6. {dam pa'i chos spong ba/} abandoning the sublime Dharma\n7. {rab byung la 'tshe ba/} evicting monks and nuns\n8. {mtshams med kyi las byed pa/} committing any of the five boundless actions\n9. {log lta 'dzin pa/} holding wrong views\n10. {gnas 'jig pa/} destroying places of worship or pilgrimage\n11. {snod min la stong nyid bstan pa/} teaching emptiness to improper receptacles\n12. {rdzogs byang thob pa'i blo las bzlog par byed pa/} turning people away from working for enlightenment\n13. {so thar spong ba/} abandoning the vows of individual liberation\n14. {nyan thos kyi theg pa la skyar ba 'debs pa/} mistreating the lower vehicle doctrine\n15. {mi chos bla ma'i rdzun smra ba/} lying exorbitantly of superhuman attainments\n16. {dkon mchog gi dkor ma byin par len pa/} misappropriation of the property of the three jewels\n17. {khrims ngan 'chang ba/} holding corrupt ethical discipline\n18. {byang chub kyi sems 'dor ba/} abandoning the mind of} abandoning the mind of enlightenment.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1880  + (Eighteen root downfalls; eighteen root traEighteen root downfalls; eighteen root transgressions of the Bodhisattva vows.\n1. {bdag bstod gzhan smod/} praising oneself and belittling others\n2. {chos nor mi ster ba/} not giving material aid or teachings of Dharma\n3. {bshags kyang mi nyan par gzhan la 'chog pa/} not listening when someone declares his or her offences\n4. {theg chen spong zhing dam chos 'drar snang ston pa/} abandoning the teachings of the greater vehicle and preaching false doctrine akin to the [mahāyāna] teachings\n5. {dkan mchog gi dkor ma byin par len pa/} misusing offerings of the three jewels not given to oneself\n6. {dam pa'i chos spong ba/} abandoning the sublime Dharma\n7. {rab byung la 'tshe ba/} evicting monks and nuns\n8. {mtshams med kyi las byed pa/} committing any of the five boundless actions\n9. {log lta 'dzin pa/} holding wrong views\n10. {gnas 'jig pa/} destroying places of worship or pilgrimage\n11. {snod min la stong nyid bstan pa/} teaching emptiness to improper receptacles\n12. {rdzogs byang thob pa'i blo las bzlog par byed pa/} turning people away from working for enlightenment\n13. {so thar spong ba/} abandoning the vows of individual liberation\n14. {nyan thos kyi theg pa la skyar ba 'debs pa/} mistreating the lower vehicle doctrine\n15. {mi chos bla ma'i rdzun smra ba/} lying exorbitantly of superhuman attainments\n16. {dkon mchog gi dkor ma byin par len pa/} misappropriation of the property of the three jewels\n17. {khrims ngan 'chang ba/} holding corrupt ethical discipline\n18. {byang chub kyi sems 'dor ba/} abandoning the mind of} abandoning the mind of enlightenment.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1559  + (External tutor. The living Guru other than oneself.\n{phyir bcos/}\n[pratikriyā]/ Restoration of vows. Restoration of transgressed vows through a confession ceremony.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2511  + (Fifty-one secondary mental factors; fifty-Fifty-one secondary mental factors; fifty-one secondary minds accompanying a primary mind. 1-5. {kun 'gro lnga /} the five omnipresent-mental factors (see {kun 'gro lnga}) 6-10. {yul nges lnga /} the five determinants (see {yul nges lnga}) 11-16. {rtsa nyon drug} the six root delusions (see {rtsa nyon drug}) 17-36. {nyen nyon nyi shu/} the twenty near-delusions (see {nye nyon nyi shu}) 37-47. {dge ba bcu gcig} the eleven virtuous mental factors (see {dge ba bcu gcig}) 48-51. {gzhan 'gyur bzhi/} the four changeable mental factors (see {gzhan 'gyur bzhi}).e mental factors (see {gzhan 'gyur bzhi}).)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2051  + (Five circumstantial endowments. Of the tenFive circumstantial endowments. Of the ten endowments (see {'byor ba bcu}) the five factors required to be fulfilled in the environment in which one lives:\n1. {sangs rgyas 'jig rten na byon pa/} Buddha's having come\n2. {dam pa'i chos gsungs pa/} His having taught the doctrine\n3. {bstan pa gnas pa/} the existence of His doctrine\n4. {de'i rjes 'jug yod pa /} the existence of His followers\n5. {gzhan phyir rtag tu snying brtse ba/} being compassionate towards others.e ba/} being compassionate towards others.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1968  + (Five concommitant factors. The way a seconFive concommitant factors. The way a secondary mind accompanies the primary mind through five-fold correlationships. 1, {rten mtshungs pa/} common sense base\n2. {dmigs pa mtshungs pa/} common object\n3. {rnam pa mtshungs pa/} common aspect\n4. {dus mtshungs pa/} common time\n5. {rdzas mtshungs pa/} common substantial entity.s mtshungs pa/} common substantial entity.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2208  + (Five determining mental factors; five deteFive determining mental factors; five determinants.\n1. {'dun pa/} [chanda]/ aspiration\n2. {mos pa/} [adhimokṣa]/belief\n3. {dran pa/} [smṛti]/ mindfulness\n4. {ting 'dzin/} [samādhi]/ concentration\n5. {shes rab/} [prajñā]/wisdom.\n{yul can gyi 'od gsal/}\nSubjective clear light; the wisdom cognizing emptiness in tantra. the wisdom cognizing emptiness in tantra.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2287  + (Five major sciences; five major fields of Five major sciences; five major fields of study.\n1. {bzo rig pa/}\n[ṡilpa]/ arts and crafts\n2. {gso ba rig pa/} [cikitsā]/ medicine\n3. {sgra rig pa/} [ṡabdavidyā]/grammar\n4. {gtan tshigs rig pa/} [hetu]/ logic\n5. {nang don rig pa/} [adhyātma]/ philosophy.{nang don rig pa/} [adhyātma]/ philosophy.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2540  + (Five means of guarding a moral discipline;Five means of guarding a moral discipline; five ways of protecting one's vows from degeneration.\n1. {dge ba'i bshes gnyen la bsten pa/} relying on a spiritual teacher\n2. {bsam pa phun sum tshogs pa/} relying on an excellent motivation\n3. {'gal rkyen mi mthun phyogs ngo shes pa/} recognizing the opposing factors\n4. {ba ba pa ngas sa nga pa/} perfectly training in the precepts\n5. {pade bar gnas pa'i }^{na pa}^{na pa/} relyiag on conditions for a peaceful life.relyiag on conditions for a peaceful life.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/2273  + (Five types of ordination vows; five kinds Five types of ordination vows; five kinds of vows. 1-2. {dge tshul pha ma'i sdom pa/} [ṡrāmaṇera ṡrāmanerikā]/ novice monk and nun's vows\n3. {dge slob ma'i sdom pa/} s'iks.āmān.a]/ probationary nun's vows 4-5. {dge slong pha ma'i sdom pa/} [bhikṣu bhikṣunī]/ fully ordained monk and nun's vows.ṣunī]/ fully ordained monk and nun's vows.)