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mi g.yo ba
Achala. smod pa drag sngags a deity, immovable, unmoving. [The deity] Achala, non-transference mi 'so ba the Unshakable, [ a wrathful deity], the 8th bhumi, sa bcu the unwavering, 8th level of a bodhisattva. mi g.yo ba rab tu gnas; [['jig rten pa'i bsam gtan gsum pa man chad kyi 'dod chags dang bral la tshor ba bde sdug ma lus pa 'gog pas skyon brgyad kyis mi g.yo zhing khyad par 'gyur byed bde sdug gis mi g.yo bas na mi g.yo ba zhes bya ste / rtog dpyod gnyis / dbugs dbyung rngub gnyis / bde sdug gnyis / yid bde yid mi bde gnyis te brgyad do]] non-transference mi 'so ba the unwavering, 8th level of a bodhisattva, undynamic. or neutral. unshakable, immovable, the eight of sa bcu the unshakable one, name for the 8th bodhisattva bhumi- it can't be moved by the two types of conceptualism differentiating attributes or their absence so is called the unshakable one

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