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(p mtshongs -]]-jump, leap, gem [said to cure paralysis = chong dkar la sngo mdangs chags pa phyi nang mi sgrib pa zhig ste, nus pas gza' nad dang, gdon gzer sogs la phan [IW]

(p mtshongs -]]-jump, leap, gem [said to cure paralysis = chong dkar la sngo mdangs chags pa phyi nang mi sgrib pa zhig ste, nus pas gza' nad dang, gdon gzer sogs la phan'dzin] [IW]

(p mtshongs,, jump, leap, gem [IW]

agate, SA chong, a gem which cures paralysis, quartz [JV]

agate; p. mchongs, to jump [RY]

(med) Agate (Drungtso 1999)

mchong dang ma rgad dag kyang de dang 'dra / 'di la rigs bzhi 'byung ba'i mchog ni / dkar la sngo mdangs can dangs pas phyi nang mi bsribs pa zhig 'byung ba dkar mo lag g.yas zhes pas sde brgyad srung nus pa'i nor bu yin pa dang / de 'dra ba las de tsam mi dangs pa dmar mdangs chags pa ma na hum zhes pa'ang snga ma dang phyogs mtshungs tsam mo / 'di gnyis ma ha' tsi' na nas 'byung / kha che'i yul nas 'byung ba'i [093] dmar po dang / sna rabs kyi dkar khra zhig 'byung ba dman par bshad / nus pa gzi dang 'dra zhes pa'o // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 092.5)

Illustrations : dGa' ba'i rDo rje 2018 (n°041) mtshong, Achates (n°042) ma na ho dmar po, Red agate sardonyx

The Shel gong mentiones 4 types. The 2 from China, the white dkar mo lag g.yas and the red ma na hung, are superior. The 2 coming from Kashmir are inferior. ma rgad refers to Emerald or gemstones of the Beryl groupe.
dGa' ba'i rDo rje pictures under gzi (n°039) an opaque agate, and under mchong (n°041) a translucent one. And identifies as ‘Red agate sardonyx’ both forms of agate, an opaque gzi dmar (n°040) and a translucent ma na ho dmar po (n°042) under mchong. On, Sardonyx is depicted as an opaque mineral, but the chinese name given on the website is the same as for the translucent ma na ho dmar po in dGa' ba'i rDo rje.
See also lig bu mig, khra man and rdo'i snying po for other agates.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 12:52, 29 February 2024 (EST)