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([[bar chad kun sel kyi chos skor]]) - Here is a short introduction to the [[Barchey Künsel]] cycle: The Barchey Künsel is the [[heart essence]] of the accomplished master [[Padmasambhava]] who perceives the [[three times]] in their entirety. It is the quintessence of one billion heart sadhanas of the Guru, the most unique terma buried in the land of Tibet; and it is the first among the [[Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana]]. This [[Guru's Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles]] contains in completeness all the profound key points of the view, meditation and conduct of the [[Three Inner Tantras]]. It manifested from the secret treasury of the great wisdom, the vast realization of the Second Buddha of Uddiyana, as the self-existing natural vajra sounds in perfect melodious tones. Its expressions which are unmodified by the intellect of ordinary people, its words which are without delusion, and its meaning which is unmistaken, are exclusively due to the kindness of the three powerful knowledge-holders [Khyentse, Kongtrül, and Chokling], the great beings of the three families, who incarnated as masters to compile and propagate an ocean of secret teachings. It is exclusively through their kindness that this teaching was established in writing as the splendor of unending welfare and happiness for the disciples in the Land of Snow, and propagated to flourish everywhere. This pure and perfect teaching, which effortlessly bestows, in accordance with one's wishes, the all-encompassing supreme and common [[siddhi]]s, temporaily and ultimately, was an unprecedented diffusion of the gemstones of the profound meaning, like opening up for the treasury of the universal monarch. [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]] About the Barchey Künsel practice, which is the first and most extensive of the [[Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana]], [[Jamgön Kongtrül]] says in his Seed of the Great Sal Tree: "Generally, for the basic descriptions of how to practice this, take the third chapter taught in the Sheldam Nyingjang as basis and apply them, following your teacher's oral advice, in the extensive, medium or short version, whichever is appropriate, and in accordance with the situation in terms of place, time, and type of person. Whether you begin with the [[development stage]] or [[completion stage]], first perform the general preliminaries of the fourfold mind-training and the four special preliminaries. For the main part, according to the system of Terchen [[Chokgyur Lingpa]], take Sheldam Nyingjang as basis, and first practice ''Dharmakaya Amitayus'' followed by the ''Lotus Magical Net of Sambhogakaya'', the Great Compassionate One [[Avalokiteshvara]]. After this, combine the extensive or medium version with the [[Nirmanakaya]] [[Padmasambhava]], whichever is suitable, and complete the set number [of recitations] for [[approach and accomplishment]]. Following that, it is necessary to perform successively the specific approaches, combining the twelve manifestations with Trinley Nyingpo, and complete the four activities and the four ancillary practices as well as the practice of the teaching guardians. According to the system of the omniscient master, Padma Ösel Do-Ngak Lingpa [ [[Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo]] ], perform, as the beginning of the main part, the single mudra according to the [[Gyüngyi Köljang]], the Daily Practice Manual, as 'approach'; the condensed outer mandala of [[Trinley Nyingpo]] as the 'full approach;' [[Trinley Dringpo]], the Medium Practice Manual, as 'accomplishment;' and [[Trinley Gyepa]], the Extensive Practice Manual, together with [[Dzapkyi Köljang]], the Recitation Manual, and so forth in a detailed way for the 'great accomplishment.' The [[samadhi]]s and [[visualization]]s for recitation of these should conform with the root text of the third chapter [of Sheldam Nyingjang]. Having properly performed the [[four aspects of approach and accomplishment]], perform then the 'specific practices' such as those for [[Dharmakaya]], [[Sambhogakaya]] and so forth, whichever is suitable. There is no difference between following either of these two systems since they both are lords of these profound teachings." [RY]

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[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]]
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'''[[The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity]]''' (Front Cover)
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[[Dharmakirti]] - Seventh century master of logic from southern India [RY]
[[Dharmakirti]] - ([[chos kyi grags pa]]). One of the great Buddhist scholars of ancient India. ([[RY]])
[[Dharmakirti]] [LW1] ([[RY]])
[[Dharmakirti]] - ([[chos kyi grags pa]]) One of the Six Ornaments of India. Born in a brahmin family in South India, he embraced Buddhism and became one of the greatest logician of all times. He repeatedly defeated in debates the greatest [[tirthika]] [[pandita]]s, including [[Shankaracharya]], and composed many treatises on logic including the famed [[tshad ma rnam 'grel]]; (Skt. pramana vartika karika), the [[Extensive Commentary on Logic]]. [MR]
[[Dharmakosha]]. [[Daki]]. [RY]
Dharmapala (chos skyong). Nonhumans who vow to protect and guard the teachings of the Buddha and its followers. Dharmapalas can be either 'mundane' i.e. virtuous samsaric beings or 'wisdom Dharma protectors' who are emanations of buddhas or bodhisattvas. [RY]
Dharmapala (chos skyong). The protectors of the Buddhist teachings. [RY]
Dharmapalas 11, 16 [RY]
Dharmaraja, The Lord of Death (gshin rje chos rgyal). Our mortality; a personification of impermanence and the unfailing law of cause and effect.[AL] [RY]
dharmas:  are elementary constituent events into which the world is broken down, what we see as the Person of Self being no more than a collection of dharmas, without ultimate reality. In the higher schools of Buddhist philosophy it is shown that dharmas themselves have no ultimate existence: their Suchness, or true nature, is to be Empty (or pure) of true existence. See [[all dharmas]] - ([[chos kun]]).  All which is, all which can be, all experiences, all phenomena, all events.  [JV]
dharmas of mahamudra, six Another name for the six yogas of Naropa. [Rain of Wisdom]
Dharmata (chos nyid), the absolute nature. At this stage, both ordinary phenomena and the visions experienced in the former stages dissolve in the absolute nature. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
dharmata (chos nyid). The intrinsic nature of phenomena and mind. [AL] [RY]
Dharmata (chos nyid). The innate nature of phenomena and mind. [Bardo Guide 91] [ZL] [RY]
Dharmata (chos nyid). The innate nature of phenomena and mind. [Primer] [RY]
dharmata (chos nyid); bardo; buddha-nature; manifest; natural sound of; vajra voice [LW1] [RY]
Dharmata {chos nyid}. The nature of emptiness. [RY]
Dharmata Exhaustion Beyond Concepts (chos zad blo 'das). The fourth of the four visions in Dzogchen. [RY]
Dharmata mindfulness (chos nyid kyi dran pa). Innate, unchanging presence of mind. [RY]
Dharmatrata [LW1] [RY]
dharma-vision. Ordinary vision sees visual forms. Divine vision sees clairvoyantly. Dharma vision is the ability to directly see the true nature of things as explained in the Dharma. [Peter Roberts]
Dharmevajra (rdo rje chos). See Vajrapani [LW1] [RY]
Dharmic (chos kyi). Of or pertaining to the Dharma; religious or pious. [ZL] [RY]
Dhatu [Skt.]; Space. Element. See dharmadhatu [RWB]
Dhatvishvari (dbyings phyug ma) [LW1] [RY]
Dhatvishvari; Vajra Yogini; [LWx] [RY]
Dhitika - The fifth patriarch, who taught throughout India and also in Tokharia [RY]
Dhupe (Skt.). Incence. [RY]
Dhuti (Skt.). The central channel. [EMP] [RY]
Dhyana - meditation [RY]
Dhyana (bsam gtan). Meditative absorption, concentration meditation, n. of the fifth Perfection. Four form and four formless dhyanas are taught. [RY]
Dhyana (bsam gtan). The fifth of the six paramitas which means 'steady mindfulness.' Can also refer to the state of concentrated mind with fixation and also the god realms produced through such mental concentration. [RY]
Dhyana (bsam gtan). The state of concentrated mind and also the name for god realms produced through such mental concentration. See also under 'four dhyana states.'[AL] [RY]
Dhyana (bsam gtan). The state of concentrated mind with fixation and also the god realms produced through such mental concentration. [RY]
dhyana (bsam gtan); actual state of; eight aspects of the main stage; first state of; four; four, detailed; main part of first; mundane; of abiding blissfully in this life; of rebirth; of rebirth; of serenity; ordinary and special main part (dngos gzhi tsam khyad); prerequisites for; special stage of; that are common to the mundane paths; that delights the tathagatas; the samadhi of the first; undefiled [LW1] [RY]
dhyana (bsam gtan); ordinary and special main part (dngos gzhi tsam khyad) [LWx] [RY]
Dhyana Realms (bsam gtan gyi gnas ris). See also Four Dhyana Realms; First Dhyana Realm; Four Dhyana Realms; in the Realm of Form; Fourth Dhyana Realm; Second Dhyana Realm; Third
Dhyana Realm [LW1] [RY]
Dhyana realms of the gods (lha'i bsam gtan gyi ris). A meditative state of concentrated mind with fixation leads not to liberation but to being reborn as a god in the Realm of Form produced through such mental concentration. [RY]
Diamond Cutter Sutra (Skt. Vajracchedika-prajnaparamita, Tib. 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa rdo rje gcod pa T 16). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Diamond Cutter Sutra {rdo rje gcod pa}. Name of a sutra. Skt. Vajracchedika-prajnaparamita Tib. {'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa rdo rje gcod pa}. [RY]
Diamond Throne of India (Skt. Vajrasana, Tib. rgya gar rdo rje ldan), now called Bodhgaya: the place where Lord Buddha Sakyamuni attained enlightenment and where the thousand Buddhas of this aeon attain enlightenment. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Diamond Throne of Ultimate Excellence (nges legs rdo rje gdan) is enlightenment. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Diamond-hard resolutions - As explained by H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, "unswerving determination" means that no matter what our parents, friends, or anyone else may think or say, no matter what adverse conditions may be, nothing can deter us from our resolve to practice the Dharma. "Indifference to what others may think of you," means that once we have achieved our goal--to practice Dharma--even if people have a poor opinion of us, criticize us for "wasting our time," or slander us, we should not care about it in the least. The "vajra of wisdom" is the awareness of the ultimate truth, which should accompany us at all times. See also Shabkar's Beneficial Moon (chos bshad gzhan phan zla ba), fols. 148-9. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Digest of the Prajñaparamita in Eight Thousand Verses; (brgyad stong don bsdus). [PK] [RY]
Dignaga - Disciple of Vasubandhu, famed for his contributions to logic and epistemology [RY]
Dignaga (phyogs glang). Fifth century author of Abhidharma Kosha. Disciple of Vasubandhu, famed for his contributions to pramana, logic and epistemology. Counted among the Six Ornaments which Beautify Jambudvipa, he is the holder of the transmission of valid cognition, which brings an end to confusion about meaning.[EMP] [RY]
Dignaga [LW1] [RY]
Dignaga, (phyogs glang), is, among the Six Ornaments which Beautify Jambudvipa, the recipient of the transmission of pramana, valid cognition, to bring an end to confusion about meaning. [RY]
Dilgo clan [LW1] [RY]
Dilgo Khyentse (ldil mgo mkhyen brtse). See His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. [ZL] [RY]
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (skyabs rje ldil mgo mkhyen brtse rin po che). (b. 1910). Regarded by followers of all four schools as one of the foremost masters of Tibetan Buddhism. Among his other names are Rabsel Dawa and Tashi Paljor, and his tertön names Osel Trulpey Dorje and Pema Do-ngak Lingpa. His two root gurus were Shechen Gyaltsab Pema Namgyal and Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö. His collected works fill numerous volumes. [RY]
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, expl. of his lineage for Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo [LW1] [RY]
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. [RY]
diligence [LW1] [RY]
Dipamkara Buddha. The Buddha who prophesied Shakyamuni's attainment of enlightenment. According to legend, in a past life when Shakyamuni Buddha was still treading the bodhisattva path, he brought some Lotus flowers to offer to Dipamkara Buddha, and spread his hair over a puddle so the ancient Buddha could pass it on soiled. Upon doing that, he attained the realization of nonarising of dharmas and received the prophecy of his attainment of buddhahood. [RY]
Dipankara, the Light Giver Buddha (mar me mdzad), is the protector of mariners. Sometimes also explained as the one "Who Became Buddha Through a Lamp," thus called because he planted the seed of Buddhahood by offering the light of a single lamp with pure aspiration. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Direct crossing (thod rgal). The literal meaning of Tögal is to proceed directly to the goal without having to go through intermediate steps. [RY]
Direct Crossing of spontaneous presence (lhun grub thod rgal). See Tögal [LW1] [RY]
Direct Crossing of Spontaneous Presence {lhun grub thöd rgal}. Dzogchen practice which leads to the attainment of the four visions {thöd rgal gyi snang ba bzhi}. [RY]
Directions, the ten (dasha dish, phyogs bcu). i.e. All space. They are enumerated as the four cardinal and four intermediate points plus up and down. [RY]
Discerning Dharmas and Dharmata (chos dang chos nyid rnam 'byed) [LW1] [RY]
Discerning Dharmas and Dharmata (chos dang chos nyid rnam par 'byed pa). One of the Five Teachings of Maitreya. [RY]
Discerning the Middle and the Extremes (dbus mtha' rnam 'byed) [LW1] [RY]
Discerning the Middle and the Extremes (dbus mtha' rnam par 'byed pa). One of the Five Teachings of Maitreya. [RY]
disciple (slob ma); characteristics of; explanation of qualities; six principal virtues of [LW1] [RY]
disciple; characteristics of; explanation of qualities; six principal virtues of [LWx] [RY]
discipline (tshul khrims); detailed; four aspects of taking, observing, purity and restoring; four qualities; three types of [LW1] [RY]
Disciplines - see Eight Great Disciplines. [RY]
Disciplines (tshul khrims). See vows and precepts. [RY]
discriminating knowledge (shes rab). See also knowledge; aggregate of; continuity of; on bhumis; supramundane [LW1] [RY]
Discriminating wisdom (so sor rtog pa'i ye shes). One of the five wisdoms. The transmutation of attachment. [RY]
discrimination. See also discriminating knowledge [LW1] [RY]
Discriminative awareness {shes rab}. The sixth transcending perfection. [RY]
Dispeller of All Obstacles (bar chad kun sel). See Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Künsel. [RY]
Display of Great Secret (gsang chen rol pa) charnel ground [LW1] [RY]
Dissolution and emergence (bsdu ldang). Two phases near the conclusion of yidam practice the purpose of which is to eliminate the tendencies to hold the wrong views of eternalism and nihilism. [RY]
Dissolution stages (thim rim). A process of physical and mental dissolution that all sentient beings go through at various times, as when falling asleep and even in the moment of a sneeze. Here these stages refer chiefly to the process of dying. [RY]
Dissolution stages (thim rim). In this book defined as three types: the gross dissolution of the elements, the subtle dissolution of the thought states, and the very subtle dissolution stages during the bardo of dharmata. For the last see also 'bardo of dharmata.' [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]
distraction ('du 'dzi) twenty defects [LW1] [RY]
disturbed-mind consciousness (nyon yid); definition of [LW1] [RY]
disturbed-mind consciousness of formation ('du byed kyi nyon yid) [LW1] [RY]
Disturbing emotion (nyon mongs pa). The five poisons of desire, anger, delusion, pride, and envy which tire, disturb, and torment one's mind. [RY]
Disturbing emotion (nyon mongs pa). The five poisons of desire, anger, delusion, pride, and envy which tire, disturb, and torment one's mind. The perpetuation of these disturbing emotions is one of the main causes of samsaric existence. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]
DISTURBING EMOTIONS (nyon mongs pa). The five poisons of desire, anger, delusion, pride, and envy which tire, disturb, and torment one's mind. The perpetuation of these disturbing emotions is one of the main causes of samsaric existence. [AL] [RY]
Divine activity (karman, 'phrin las). see Action. [RY]
Divine eye (lha yi mig). One of the superknowledges; the capacity to clearly see distant places. [RY]
Divine Valley Water (gshong pa'i lha chu). 'Shongpey Lhachu.' Even today a place with clear and sweet water, situated near Lhasa in Central Tibet. [ZL] [RY]
Division of Mantra (sngags kyi sde). [RY]
Division of Vinaya ('dul ba'i sde), [RY]
Divisions of the Sangha (dge bdun gyi sde): those with shaved heads and bare feet are the Division of Vinaya ('dul ba'i sde), and those with braided hair and white robes are the Division of Mantra (sngags kyi sde). [RY]
Do Drupchen Trinley Öser (rdo grub chen 'phrin las 'od zer), see Translator's Introduction, note 48. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje (mdo mkhyen brtse ye shes rdo rje). A great master and tertön who was the mind emanation of Jigmey Lingpa. [RY]
Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje: 1800-1859?. [RY]
Do, Gyu and Sem. [RY]
dobdops (rdob rdob), the famous guard-monks of the big monasteries around Lhasa, who would sometimes behave in a manner inconsistent with the rules of monastic life, acting almost like mercenaries. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Doctrine guardians. [RY]
Dodrub Chen Rinpoche [LW1] [RY]
Dodrup Jigme Tenpai Nyima: 1865-1926 [MR]
Dodrup Tenpai Nyima: 1865-1926. [RY]
Dogen - Thirteenth century Zen monk, founder of the Soto Zen school [RY]
Doha Khorsum;, (do ha skor gsum);, the three mains "songs of realization" told by the Mahasiddha Saraha. The Doha for the King, the Doha for the Queen, and the Doha for the Subjects. [MR]
Doha, mystical songs of the great siddhas. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Doha-kosha (do ha mdzod). A collection of spontaneous vajra songs by the Indian masters of the Mahamudra lineage. [RY]
Dohas are the spontaneous spiritual songs of the Indian mahasiddhas and other accomplished masters. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Dokham (mdo khams), details of places in [LW1] [RY]
Dokham. [Daki] [RY]
Dokpa ceremony. [RY]
Dokpa ritual. [RY]
Dola Jigme Kalsang, disciple of 1rst Dodrup, recognized Patrul Rinpoche as emanation of Palge Tulku, teacher of Chögyal Wang [MR]
Dola Jigme Kalzang Chökyi Lodrö (rdo bla 'jigs med skal bzang chos kyi blo gros). Together with Do Drupchen Trinley Öser (see Translator's Introduction, note 48), Dola Jigme recognized the tulku of Palge Samten Puntshok (dpal dge bsam gtan phun tshogs), who became the celebrated master Dza Patrul Rinpoche, Orgyen Jigme Chökyi Wangpo (dpal sprul o rgyan 'jigs med chos kyi dbang po, 1808-87). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Dombi Heruka [LW1] [RY]
Dominant result (bdag po'i 'bras bu) is that the area has little splendor, much hail and frost, abundant dust, deep undulations, *tshva sgo can*, disordered seasons, little crops, deep abysses, lack of water. [RY]
dominant result (bdag po'i 'bras bu). See result [LW1] [RY]
Dominant result (dbang gi 'bras bu). The ripening of karma that shows itself in the surrounding environment. [RY]
Don (gdon). A negative force; a type of evil spirit.[AL] [RY]
Döndrub Tulku [LW1] [RY]
Do-ngak Lingpa. See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo [LW1] [RY]
Dönwa Donden, Karmapa VI: 1416-1453. [RY]
Döny Dorje overthrow the Phagmodrupa rule, the Rinpongpa rule begins, (for 130 years) [MR]
Doors of Deliverance, three; vimoksa mukha, (rnam par thar pa'i sgo). Emptiness, signlessness, Wishlessness. [RY]
Doors, three (sgo gsum). Body, speech and mind. [RY]
Döpel ('dod dpal) was a famous goldsmith and ironsmith workshop at the foot of the Potala. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Dorbeb. [RY]
Dordrag Rigdzin Chenpo (rdor brag rig 'dzin chen po) Pema Trinley (1641-1718), a reincarnation of Nanam Dudjom Dorje (sna nam bdud 'joms rdo rje). [RY]
Dorje Bechon. [RY]
Dorje Drag (rdo rje brag) [LW1] [RY]
Dorje Drag lineage 1. (rdo rje brag) Monastery: 1) Rigdzin Gödem; (rig 'dzin rgod kyi ldem phru can), alias Ngodrup Gyaltsen (dnos grub rgyal mtshan), 1337-1408. 2) Ngari Penchen Pema Wangyal; (1487-1542), who first identified the site of Dorje Drag (thus called because of a round stone with a blue crossed-vajra on it), according to Guru Rinpoche's predictions. By spending one night on the site his life was extended of 12 years. He gave the name of E-wam Chog Gar (E wam lcog gar) to the site. 3) Dordrag Rigdzin:II Legden Dorje;, younger brother of Ngari Penchen, and like him a Tertön, was the second Gödem (Rigdzin II). Together with Changdag Tashi Topgyal;, the reincarnation of Ngari Penchen, he established there the Thekchog Ling Monastery. 4) Rigdzin III was Dordrag Rigdzin: III, Ngagi Wangpo; (1580-1639), son and disciple of Tashi Topgyal. Vastly extended Dorje Drag and was the first Rigdzin to occupy the throne there. [RY]
Dorje Drag lineage 2. His disciple Yolmo Tendzin Norbu (3rd incarnation of Yolmo Shakya Sangpo), who rule the monastery after the Rigdzin passed away and recognized the IV Rigdzin. 5) Rigdzin IV, the famed scholar saint Dordrag RIgdzin:IVPema Trinley; (1641-1718) disciple of the 5th Dalai Lama, Zurchen Choying Rangdrol, Sönam Chöden, Lhatsün Namkha Jigme, and of Minling Terchen. Wrote 13 Volumes of essential commentaries. Fell to the Jonggar invaders. 6) Dordrag Rigdzin: V Kalsang Pema Wangchuk;. He is said to have been a centenary, and had a great activity. 7) Dordrag:Rigdzin VI Kunsang Gyurme Lhündrub;, an accomplished teacher, who did not live long. 8) Dordrag:Rigdzin VII Ngawang Jampel Mingyur Lhündrub Dorje;, became very learned but passed away at the age of 25. 9) Dordrag:Rigdzin VIII Kalsang Pema Wangyal;, an accomplished teacher who demonstrated many miracles. [RY]
Dorje Drag lineage 3. 10) Dordrag:Rigdzin IX Thubten Chöwang Namnyi Dorje;, (1884-1932), went to Kham and had many disciples. 11) Dordrag:Rigdzin X Jetsün Thubten Jigme Namdrol Gyatso;, (1936-), disciple of 'Go tsha mkhan chen theg mchog bstan 'dzin, Minling Khen Rinpoche and H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche. (These few details were taken from the bod yul gangs can gyi ljong su snga 'gyur bka' gter gyi chos brgyud 'dzin pa'i gdan sa chen po thub bstan rdo rje brag E wam lcog sgar ba'i chos brgyud dang gdan rabs bcas kyi lo rgyus mdor bsdus) by Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche. [MR]
Dorje Drak - the fifth Great Vidyadhara of Dorje Drak (rdor brag rig 'dzin chen po), Kalzang Pema Wangchuk (skal bzang padma dbang phyug, also known as rdo rje thogs med rtsal). Born in 1719 he is said to have lived to over a hundred. He was the 5th reincarnation of Rigdzin Gödem (rig 'dzin rgod ldem, 1337-1408) and the immediate reembodiment of the famed Rigdzin Pema Trinley (rig 'dzin padma phrin las, 1641-1717). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Dorje Drak (rdo rje brag) is the main center for the practice of the Northern Terma tradition, the collection of spiritual treasures rediscovered by Rigdzin Gödem (rig 'dzin rgod kyi ldem phru can, 1337-1408, see NS, pp.780-783). It was Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal (mnga' ris pan chen padma dbang rgyal, 1487-1542) who, following Guru Rinpoche's predictions, first identified the site of Dorje Drak, the "Vajra Rock" (thus called because of a round stone with a blue crossed-vajra on it). The monastery was actually founded by Rigdzin III, Ngakyi Wangpo (ngag gi dbang po, 1580-1639) in 1632. See also chap.9, note 41. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Dorje Drak Monastery. [RY]
Dorje Drakpo Tsal (rdo rje drag po rtsal). "Wrathful Vajra Power." A wrathful form of Guru Rinpoche and one of the 'twelve manifestions.' [RY]
Dorje Drakpo Tsal (rdo rje drag po rtsal). 'Powerful Vajra Wrath.' A wrathful form of Guru Rinpoche. [ZL] [RY]
Dorje Drakpo Tsal (rdo rje drag po rtsal); details of revelation; expl. ultimate meaning of; Innermost Cycle; innermost sadhana (yang gsang sgrub pa rdo rje drag rtsal); Padmasambhava's manifestation; Powerful Vajra Wrath; secret cycle [LW1] [RY]
Dorje Drakpo Tsal, Wrathful Vajra Power. [Daki] [RY]
Dorje Drakpo Tsal. A Mind-terma tertön of the eighteenth century. [Peter Roberts]
Dorje Draktsal (rdo rje drag rtsal). Same as 'Dorje Drakpo Tsal.' [RY]
Dorje Draktsal, the secret practice. 'Powerful Vajra Wrath.' A wrathful form of Guru Rinpoche.[Primer] [RY]
Dorje Draktsal. See Dorje Drakpo Tsal [LW1] [RY]
Dorje Dröllo (rdo rje drod lo). A wrathful form of Padmasambhava; especially for subduing evil forces and concealing termas for the welfare of future generations. [ZL] [RY]
Dorje Drolö (rdo rje gro lod); one of the eight manifestations; thirteen Tiger's Nest [LW1] [RY]
Dorje Dudjom (rdo rje bdud 'joms). Same as Dorje Dudjom Tsal. [RY]
Dorje Düdjom - means 'Indestructible Subduer of Mara.'  [LW1] [RY]
Dorje Dudjom of Nanam (sna nam pa rdo rje bdud 'joms). One of king Trisong Deutsen's ministers, sent to Nepal to invite Padmasambhava to Tibet. A mantrika who had reached perfection in the two stages of development and completion, he could fly with the speed of the wind and traverse solid matter. Rigdzin Gödem (1337-1408) and Pema Trinley (1641-1718), the great vidyadhara of Dorje Drak monastery in central Tibet, are both considered reincarnations of Dorje Dudjom. Dorje Dudjom means 'Indestructible Subduer of Mara.' [AL] [RY]
Dorje Dudjom Tsal (rdo rje bdud 'joms rtsal). One of the 25 disciples of Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
Dorje Lingpa (rdo rje gling pa) (1346-1405) was on of five major revealers of hidden treasures in Tibet renowned as the Five Tertön Kings. [RY]
Dorje Lingpa [LW1] [RY]
Dorje Lingpa: 1346-1405 [MR]
Dorje Lobpön (rdo rje slob dpon). The Tibetan word for vajra master.[Primer] [RY]
Dorje Lobpön [LW1] [RY]
Dorje Phurba (rdo rje phur pa), or Vajra Kilaya. One of the main meditational deities, or yidam, of the Nyingma and other traditions, whose specific quality is to dispel all obstacles on the path of enlightenment. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Dorje Tötreng Tsal (rdo rje thod phreng rtsal). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
Dorje Ziji Tsal. See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo [LW1] [RY]
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'''[[The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity]]''' (Front Cover)
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Latest revision as of 12:20, 23 March 2006

(bar chad kun sel kyi chos skor) - Here is a short introduction to the Barchey Künsel cycle: The Barchey Künsel is the heart essence of the accomplished master Padmasambhava who perceives the three times in their entirety. It is the quintessence of one billion heart sadhanas of the Guru, the most unique terma buried in the land of Tibet; and it is the first among the Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana. This Guru's Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles contains in completeness all the profound key points of the view, meditation and conduct of the Three Inner Tantras. It manifested from the secret treasury of the great wisdom, the vast realization of the Second Buddha of Uddiyana, as the self-existing natural vajra sounds in perfect melodious tones. Its expressions which are unmodified by the intellect of ordinary people, its words which are without delusion, and its meaning which is unmistaken, are exclusively due to the kindness of the three powerful knowledge-holders [Khyentse, Kongtrül, and Chokling], the great beings of the three families, who incarnated as masters to compile and propagate an ocean of secret teachings. It is exclusively through their kindness that this teaching was established in writing as the splendor of unending welfare and happiness for the disciples in the Land of Snow, and propagated to flourish everywhere. This pure and perfect teaching, which effortlessly bestows, in accordance with one's wishes, the all-encompassing supreme and common siddhis, temporaily and ultimately, was an unprecedented diffusion of the gemstones of the profound meaning, like opening up for the treasury of the universal monarch. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche About the Barchey Künsel practice, which is the first and most extensive of the Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana, Jamgön Kongtrül says in his Seed of the Great Sal Tree: "Generally, for the basic descriptions of how to practice this, take the third chapter taught in the Sheldam Nyingjang as basis and apply them, following your teacher's oral advice, in the extensive, medium or short version, whichever is appropriate, and in accordance with the situation in terms of place, time, and type of person. Whether you begin with the development stage or completion stage, first perform the general preliminaries of the fourfold mind-training and the four special preliminaries. For the main part, according to the system of Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa, take Sheldam Nyingjang as basis, and first practice Dharmakaya Amitayus followed by the Lotus Magical Net of Sambhogakaya, the Great Compassionate One Avalokiteshvara. After this, combine the extensive or medium version with the Nirmanakaya Padmasambhava, whichever is suitable, and complete the set number [of recitations] for approach and accomplishment. Following that, it is necessary to perform successively the specific approaches, combining the twelve manifestations with Trinley Nyingpo, and complete the four activities and the four ancillary practices as well as the practice of the teaching guardians. According to the system of the omniscient master, Padma Ösel Do-Ngak Lingpa [ Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo ], perform, as the beginning of the main part, the single mudra according to the Gyüngyi Köljang, the Daily Practice Manual, as 'approach'; the condensed outer mandala of Trinley Nyingpo as the 'full approach;' Trinley Dringpo, the Medium Practice Manual, as 'accomplishment;' and Trinley Gyepa, the Extensive Practice Manual, together with Dzapkyi Köljang, the Recitation Manual, and so forth in a detailed way for the 'great accomplishment.' The samadhis and visualizations for recitation of these should conform with the root text of the third chapter [of Sheldam Nyingjang]. Having properly performed the four aspects of approach and accomplishment, perform then the 'specific practices' such as those for Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya and so forth, whichever is suitable. There is no difference between following either of these two systems since they both are lords of these profound teachings." [RY]