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na mo gu ru%<br>
ta tha' ga ta grub par snang ba la sogs pa las kyi rigs mtha' yas pa - the Tanthagata Siddhyaloka and the countless Tathagatas of the Action Family [RY]
sprel lo sprel zla ra ba'i tshes bcu la bsam yas bar khang g.yu zhal can du rdo rje dbyings kyi dkyil 'khor zhal phyes tshe o rgyan gyis smon lam 'di gsungs pas rje 'bangs thams cad kyis thugs dam nar mar mdzad%<br>
phyi rabs rnams kyis 'di la thugs dam rtse gcig tu mdzod%<br><br>

phyogs bcu dus bzhi'i rgyal ba sras dang bcas%<br>
ta tha' ga ta shri bE ro tsa na la sogs pa de bzhin rigs kyi rgyal ba mang po - the Tathagata Shri Vairochana and many other Conquerors of the Tathgata Family [RY]
bla ma yi dam mkha' 'gro'i chos skyong tshogs%<br>
ma lus zhing gi rdul snyed gshegs su gsol%<br>
mdun gyi nam mkhar pad zl'i gdan la bzhugs%<br>
lus ngag yid gsum gus pas phyag 'tshal lo%<br>
phyi nang gsang ba de bzhin nyid kyis mchod%<br>
rten mchog bde gshegs rnams kyi spyan snga ru%<br>
sngon gyi sdig pa'i tshogs la bdag gnong zhing %<br>
da lt'i mi dge 'gyod pas rab tu bshags%<br>
phyin chad de las ldog phyir bdag gis bsdam%<br>
bsod nams dge tshogs kun la yi rang ngo %<br>
rgyal ba'i tshogs rnams mya ngan mi 'da' bar%<br>
sde snod gsum dang bla med chos 'khor bskor%<br>
dge tshogs ma lus 'gro ba'i rgyud la bsngo%<br>
'gro rnams bla med thar pa'i sar phyin shog%<br>
sangs rgyas sras bcas bdag la dgongs su gsol%<br>
bdag gis brtsams pa'i smon lam rab bzang 'di%<br>
rgyal ba kun tu bzang dang de sras dang %<br>
'phags pa 'jam dpal dbyangs kyi mkhyen pa ltar%<br>
de dag kun gyi rjes su bdag slob shog%<br>
bstan pa'i dpal gyur bla ma rin chen rnams%<br>
nam mkha' bzhin du kun la khyab par shog%<br>
nyi zla bzhin du kun la gsal bar shog%<br>
ri bo bzhin du rtag tu brtan par shog%<br>
bstan pa'i gzhi ma dge 'dun rin po che%<br>
thugs mthun khrims gtsang bslab gsum gyis phyug shog%<br>
bstan pa'i snying po gsang sngags sgrub pa'i sde%<br>
dam tshig ldan zhing bskyed rdzogs mthar phyin shog%<br>
bstan pa'i sbyin bdag chos skyong rgyal po yang %<br>
chab srid rgyas shing bstan la sman par shog%<br>
bstan pa'i zhabs 'degs rgyal rigs blon po yang %<br>
blo gros rab 'phel rtsal dang ldan par shog%<br>
bstan pa'i gsos byed khyim bdag 'byor ldan rnams%<br>
longs spyod ldan zhing nyer 'tshe med par shog%<br>
bstan la dad pa'i yangs pa'i rgyal khams kun%<br>
bde skyid ldan zhing bar chad zhi bar shog%<br>
lam la gnas pa'i rnal 'byor bdag nyid kyang %<br>
dam tshig mi nyams bsam pa 'grub par shog%<br>
bdag la bzang ngan las kyis 'brel gyur gang %<br>
gnas skabs mthar thug rgyal bas rjes 'dzin shog%<br>
'gro rnams bla med theg pa'i sgor zhugs nas%<br>
kun bzang rgyal srid chen po thob par shog%<br>
de ltar gyi smon lam dus drug tu brtson par bya%<br>
sa ma ya%<br>
rgya rgya rgya%<br>
lha sras mu rub rnam 'phrul gter chen mchog gyur bde chen gling pas gnas mchog seng chen gnam brag g.yas zur brag ri rin chen brtsegs pa'i gong mo 'og ma nas khrom gter du spyan drangs pa'i bE ro'i sku chos dar shog ngos mtsho rgyal phyag bris bod yig bshur ma las de 'phral nyid du pd+ma gar dbang blo gros mtha' yas kyis dag par bshus pa dge legs 'phel

de bzhin gshegs pa rdo rje'i rigs rnam - the Tathagatas of the Vajra Family [RY]

mi bskyod pa - Akshobhya, Buddha of the Vajra Family. Syn {mi 'khrugs pa} [RY]
On the tenth day of the monkey month in the monkey year, Orgyen uttered this aspiration on the occasion of revealing the vajradhatu mandala in the turquoise-coated middle chamber of Samye. Thereafter, the king and the disciples made it their daily practice. All future generations should wholeheartedly take it up as their practice as well.$<br>
Chokchu düshi gyalwa seydang chey$<br>
Lama yidam khandro chökyong tsog$<br>
Malü shing gi dülnye shegsu sol$<br>
Düngyi namkhar pedey den la shug$<br>
Victorious ones and your sons in the ten directions and four times,$<br>
Assemblies of gurus, yidams, dakinis, and Dharma protectors$<br>
Please come here all of you, numerous as dust motes in the world,$<br>
And be seated on the lotus and moon seat in the sky before me.$<br>
Lü ngag yisum güpey chagtsal lo$<br>
Chinang sangwa deshin nyikyi chö$<br>
Tenchog desheg namkyi chen ngaru$<br>
Ngöngyi digpey tsog la dag nong shing$<br>
Danta migey gyöpey rabtu shag$<br>
Chinchey deley dogchir dag gi dam$<br>
With respectful body, speech, and mind I bow down$<br>
And present you outer, inner, secret, and suchness offerings.$<br>
In your presence, sugatas, supreme objects of worship,$<br>
I feel shame for all my past evil actions$<br>
And regretfully apologize for my present nonvirtues.$<br>
In order to turn away from them in the future I shall restrain myself.$<br>
Sönam getsog künla yirang ngo$<br>
Gyalwey tsognam nya ngan mida war$<br>
Denö sumdang lamey chökhor kor$<br>
Getsog malü drowey gyüla ngo$<br>
Dronam lamey tarpey sarchin shog$<br>
I rejoice in all the gatherings of merit and virtue$<br>
And ask you, victorious ones, not to pass into nirvana$<br>
But to turn the Dharma wheel of the Tripitaka and the unexcelled teachings.$<br>
All accumulations of virtue I dedicate to the minds of beings,$<br>
So they may reach unsurpassable liberation.$<br>
Sangye seychey dagla gongsu sol$<br>
Dag gi tsampey mönlam rabsang di$<br>
Gyalwa küntu sang dang desey dang$<br>
Phagpa jampal yang kyi khyenpa tar$<br>
Dedag küngyi jesu dag lob shog$<br>
Buddhas and your sons, please listen to me!$<br>
May this excellent aspiration which I have begun here$<br>
Be expressed in accordance with the victorious Samantabhadra and his sons$<br>
And with the wisdom of noble Manjushri.$<br>
Tenpey palgyur lama rinchen nam$<br>
Namkha shindu künla khyabpar shog$<br>
Nyida shindu künla selwar shog$<br>
Riwo shindu tagtu tenpar shog$<br>
May all the precious masters, the splendor of the doctrine,$<br>
Reach everywhere like the sky.$<br>
May they shine on everyone like the sun and moon$<br>
And may their lives be firm like mountains.$<br>
Tenpey shima gendün rinpoche$<br>
Tugtün trimtsang labsum gyi chug shog$<br>
Tenpey nyingpo sang ngag drubpey dey$<br>
Damtsik denshing kyedzog tarchin shog$<br>
May the precious sangha, the foundation of the doctrine,$<br>
Be in harmony, keep pure vows and be wealthy in the three trainings.$<br>
May the practitioners of Mantrayana, the essence of the doctrine,$<br>
Keep their samaya and perfect the development and completion stages.$<br>
Tenpey jindag chökyong gyalpo yang$<br>
Chabsi gyeshing tenla menpar shog$<br>
Tenpey shabdeg gyalrig lönpo yang$<br>
Lodrö rabphel tsaldang denpar shog$<br>
May the ruler who supports the Dharma, the patron of the doctrine,$<br>
Expand his dominion and aid the Buddhist teachings.$<br>
May the nobility and chieftains, the servants of the doctrine,$<br>
Increase their intelligence and be endowed with resourcefulness.$<br>
Tenpey sojey khyimdag jorden nam$<br>
Longchö denshing nyertse meypar shog$<br>
Tenla deypey yangpey gyalkham kün$<br>
Dekyi denshing barchey shiwar shog$<br>
May all rich householders, the sponsors of the doctrine,$<br>
Have wealth and enjoyments and be free from harm.$<br>
May all the countries with faith in the doctrine$<br>
Have peace and happiness and be free from obstacles.$<br>
Lamla neypey naljor dagnyi kyang$<br>
Damtsik minyam sampa drubpar shog$<br>
Dagla sang ngan leykyi drelgyur gang$<br>
Neykab tartug gyalwey jedzin shog$<br>
Dronam lamey tegpey gor shug ney$<br>
Künsang gyalsi chenpo tobpar shog$<br>
May I, a yogi on the path,$<br>
Have flawless samaya and fulfillment of my wishes.$<br>
May anyone connected with me through either good or evil karma,$<br>
Both now and ultimately be cherished by the victorious ones.$<br>
May all beings enter the gate of the unexcelled vehicle$<br>
And attain the vast kingdom of Samantabhadra.$<br>
Exert yourself in this aspiration during the six sessions. Samaya. Gya.$<br>
The great tertön Chokgyur Lingpa, emanation of Prince Murub, revealed this treasure among a crowd of people. He took it from underneath the upper part of Piled Jewels Rock Mountain situated on the right slope of the most sacred place, Sengchen Namtrak. Written by Tsogyal in Tibetan shurma letters upon silk paper made from the robe of Vairochana, it was then immediately transcribed correctly by Padma Garwang Lodrö Thaye. May virtuous goodness increase.<br>

From the "General Chant Book", Rangjung Yeshe Publications & Translations, 1990. [[RY]]
tshangs gsar - Tsangsar Family, also referred to as {pha bu bco brgyad} [RY]
tshangs gsar - thangsar Family, also referred to as {pha bu bco brgyad} [IW]
rigs kyi bdag po - Family lord. The chief figure of that particular buddha family [RY]
rigs kyi bdag po - Family lord, individual tantras's chief deity [IW]
rigs kyi bdag po - Family lord [RY]
rigs rnam gnyis - ambhogak ya, 2-fold Buddha, the two types of affinity/ Enlightened Family [The enlightened family which naturally abides {rang bzhin gnas pa'i rigs} and the enlightened family of inner growth {rgyas 'gyur gyi rigs] [IW]
rigs rnam gnyis - sambhogak ya, 2-fold Buddha, the two types of affinity/ Enlightened Family/ gotra [IW]
rigs rnam gnyis - the two types of affinity/ Enlightened Family/ gotra, dvikrama [The enlightened family which naturally abides {rang bzhin gnas pa'i rigs} prak ti hagotra and the enlightened family of inner growth {rgyas 'gyur gyi rigs samud n gotra] [IW]
rigs bzhi - four castes, Four Enlightened Families, according to Ubhaya tantra. four castes. 1) {bram ze} brahman, the priestly caste. 2) {rgyal rigs} ksatriya, the warrior or royal caste, 3) {rje'u rigs} vaisya, the merchant or tradesman caste, 4) {dmangs rigs} sudra, the servant or laborer caste. In addition to the above cited three enlightened families, the Ubhaya tantra adds a fourth which combines the Action Family {las kyi rigs} or karmakula. with the Jewel Family {rin chen rigs} or ratna aula. four enlightened families of Ubhaya tantra; Four Enlightened Families, according to Ubhaya tantra. In addition to the above cited three enlightened families, the Ubhaya tantra adds a fourth which combines the Action Family {las kyi rigs}. or (karmakula. with the Jewel Family {rin chen rigs}. or ratnakula. four castes. 1) {bram ze} brahman, the priestly caste. 2) {rgyal rigs} ksatriya, the warrior or royal caste, 3) {rje'u rigs} vaisya, the merchant or tradesman caste, 4) {dmangs rigs} sudra, the servant or laborer caste [RY]
rigs bzhi - four castes/ Enlightened Families [four castes ; 1) *{bram ze}* - brahman, the priestly caste, 2) *{rgyal rigs}* - ksatriya, the warrior or royal caste, 3) *{rje'u rigs}* - vaisya, the merchant or tradesman caste, 4) *{dmangs rigs}* - sudra, the serwant or laboror caste. In addition to the above cited three enlightened families, the Ubhayatantra adds a fourth which combines the Action Family *{las kyi rigs}* or karmakula with the Jewel Family *{rin chen rigs}* or ratnakula- [Tserig]. sngar rgya gar gyi mi'i rigs rim pa bzhi ste, bram ze'i rigs dang, rgyal rigs, rje rigs, dmangs rigs sam gdol rigs rnams so, rigs so so'i bar gyi dbye mtsams ha cang gsal bas phan tsun bar mnyam du bza' btung dang, 'gro 'ong, sdod gnas, gnyen sgrig sogs byas mi chog pa dang, rigs 'og ma'i mi rnams kyis rigs gong ma'i las ka don gnyer byas mi chog] [IW]
rigs bzhi - four castes/ Enlightened Families [according to Ubhayatantra [four castes ; 1) *{bram ze}* - brahman, the priestly caste, 2) *{rgyal rigs}* - ksatriya, the warrior or royal caste, 3) *{rje'u rigs}* - vaisya, the merchant or tradesman caste, 4) *{dmangs rigs}* - sudra, the serwant or laboror caste In addition to the above cited three enlightened families, the Ubhayatantra adds a fourth which combines the Action Family *{las kyi rigs}* or karmakula with the Jewel Family *{rin chen rigs}* or ratnakula- [Tserig]. sngar rgya gar gyi mi'i rigs rim pa bzhi ste, bram ze'i rigs dang, rgyal rigs, rje rigs, dmangs rigs sam gdol rigs rnams so, rigs so so'i bar gyi dbye mtsams ha cang gsal bas phan tsun bar mnyam du bza' btung dang, 'gro 'ong, sdod gnas, gnyen sgrig sogs byas mi chog pa dang, rigs 'og ma'i mi rnams kyis rigs gong ma'i las ka don gnyer byas mi chog] [IW]
rigs gsum mgon po - Lords of the Three Families, Three Family Lords, Three Protectors. Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapani [RY]
rin chen rigs - the Jewel Family [IW]
rin chen rigs - the Jewel Family, ratna family [RY]
rin 'byung - rin chen 'byung gnas - Ratnasambhava. N. of a Buddha, Lord of the Jewel Family [RY]
las kyi rigs - Action Family. Karma family, the action-family; karma/ activity family; the action-family [RY]
las kyi rigs tshogs - Action Family; karma-kula [RY]
gshin rje gshed - Yamantaka. A wrathful form of Manjushri, representing wisdom that subdues death. Among the Eight Sadhana Teachings he is the wrathful buddha of the Body Family. Yamantaka means 'Slayer of Yama,' the Lord of Death. Also named 'Manjushri Body,' {'jam dpal sku} [RY]
gsang chen rigs gcig - Single Family of the Great Secret. Sadhana text of Mahayoga composed by Padmasambhava [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]]

Latest revision as of 02:02, 31 March 2006

ta tha' ga ta grub par snang ba la sogs pa las kyi rigs mtha' yas pa - the Tanthagata Siddhyaloka and the countless Tathagatas of the Action Family [RY]

ta tha' ga ta shri bE ro tsa na la sogs pa de bzhin rigs kyi rgyal ba mang po - the Tathagata Shri Vairochana and many other Conquerors of the Tathgata Family [RY]

de bzhin gshegs pa rdo rje'i rigs rnam - the Tathagatas of the Vajra Family [RY]

mi bskyod pa - Akshobhya, Buddha of the Vajra Family. Syn {mi 'khrugs pa} [RY]

tshangs gsar - Tsangsar Family, also referred to as {pha bu bco brgyad} [RY]

tshangs gsar - thangsar Family, also referred to as {pha bu bco brgyad} [IW]

rigs kyi bdag po - Family lord. The chief figure of that particular buddha family [RY]

rigs kyi bdag po - Family lord, individual tantras's chief deity [IW]

rigs kyi bdag po - Family lord [RY]

rigs rnam gnyis - ambhogak ya, 2-fold Buddha, the two types of affinity/ Enlightened Family [The enlightened family which naturally abides {rang bzhin gnas pa'i rigs} and the enlightened family of inner growth {rgyas 'gyur gyi rigs] [IW]

rigs rnam gnyis - sambhogak ya, 2-fold Buddha, the two types of affinity/ Enlightened Family/ gotra [IW]

rigs rnam gnyis - the two types of affinity/ Enlightened Family/ gotra, dvikrama [The enlightened family which naturally abides {rang bzhin gnas pa'i rigs} prak ti hagotra and the enlightened family of inner growth {rgyas 'gyur gyi rigs samud n gotra] [IW]

rigs bzhi - four castes, Four Enlightened Families, according to Ubhaya tantra. four castes. 1) {bram ze} brahman, the priestly caste. 2) {rgyal rigs} ksatriya, the warrior or royal caste, 3) {rje'u rigs} vaisya, the merchant or tradesman caste, 4) {dmangs rigs} sudra, the servant or laborer caste. In addition to the above cited three enlightened families, the Ubhaya tantra adds a fourth which combines the Action Family {las kyi rigs} or karmakula. with the Jewel Family {rin chen rigs} or ratna aula. four enlightened families of Ubhaya tantra; Four Enlightened Families, according to Ubhaya tantra. In addition to the above cited three enlightened families, the Ubhaya tantra adds a fourth which combines the Action Family {las kyi rigs}. or (karmakula. with the Jewel Family {rin chen rigs}. or ratnakula. four castes. 1) {bram ze} brahman, the priestly caste. 2) {rgyal rigs} ksatriya, the warrior or royal caste, 3) {rje'u rigs} vaisya, the merchant or tradesman caste, 4) {dmangs rigs} sudra, the servant or laborer caste [RY]

rigs bzhi - four castes/ Enlightened Families [four castes ; 1) *{bram ze}* - brahman, the priestly caste, 2) *{rgyal rigs}* - ksatriya, the warrior or royal caste, 3) *{rje'u rigs}* - vaisya, the merchant or tradesman caste, 4) *{dmangs rigs}* - sudra, the serwant or laboror caste. In addition to the above cited three enlightened families, the Ubhayatantra adds a fourth which combines the Action Family *{las kyi rigs}* or karmakula with the Jewel Family *{rin chen rigs}* or ratnakula- [Tserig]. sngar rgya gar gyi mi'i rigs rim pa bzhi ste, bram ze'i rigs dang, rgyal rigs, rje rigs, dmangs rigs sam gdol rigs rnams so, rigs so so'i bar gyi dbye mtsams ha cang gsal bas phan tsun bar mnyam du bza' btung dang, 'gro 'ong, sdod gnas, gnyen sgrig sogs byas mi chog pa dang, rigs 'og ma'i mi rnams kyis rigs gong ma'i las ka don gnyer byas mi chog] [IW]

rigs bzhi - four castes/ Enlightened Families [according to Ubhayatantra [four castes ; 1) *{bram ze}* - brahman, the priestly caste, 2) *{rgyal rigs}* - ksatriya, the warrior or royal caste, 3) *{rje'u rigs}* - vaisya, the merchant or tradesman caste, 4) *{dmangs rigs}* - sudra, the serwant or laboror caste In addition to the above cited three enlightened families, the Ubhayatantra adds a fourth which combines the Action Family *{las kyi rigs}* or karmakula with the Jewel Family *{rin chen rigs}* or ratnakula- [Tserig]. sngar rgya gar gyi mi'i rigs rim pa bzhi ste, bram ze'i rigs dang, rgyal rigs, rje rigs, dmangs rigs sam gdol rigs rnams so, rigs so so'i bar gyi dbye mtsams ha cang gsal bas phan tsun bar mnyam du bza' btung dang, 'gro 'ong, sdod gnas, gnyen sgrig sogs byas mi chog pa dang, rigs 'og ma'i mi rnams kyis rigs gong ma'i las ka don gnyer byas mi chog] [IW]

rigs gsum mgon po - Lords of the Three Families, Three Family Lords, Three Protectors. Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapani [RY]

rin chen rigs - the Jewel Family [IW]

rin chen rigs - the Jewel Family, ratna family [RY]

rin 'byung - rin chen 'byung gnas - Ratnasambhava. N. of a Buddha, Lord of the Jewel Family [RY]

las kyi rigs - Action Family. Karma family, the action-family; karma/ activity family; the action-family [RY]

las kyi rigs tshogs - Action Family; karma-kula [RY]

gshin rje gshed - Yamantaka. A wrathful form of Manjushri, representing wisdom that subdues death. Among the Eight Sadhana Teachings he is the wrathful buddha of the Body Family. Yamantaka means 'Slayer of Yama,' the Lord of Death. Also named 'Manjushri Body,' {'jam dpal sku} [RY]

gsang chen rigs gcig - Single Family of the Great Secret. Sadhana text of Mahayoga composed by Padmasambhava [RY]