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#redirect [[Chetsun Nyingthik]]
Intermediate States ([[bar do]])
*The term "intermediate state" (Skt. [[antarābhava]]) indicates the key transitional phases of cyclic existence, each of which has its own diverse experiences and meditative antidotes. The original usage of the term within the literature of the Lesser Vehicle suggests that it referrred exclusively to the hiatus between the time of death and the time of rebirth. According to the RNying-ma school, however, six intermediate states are distinctly recognised: the intermediate state of living ([[rang bzhin bar do]]), the intermediate state of meditative concentration ([[bsam gtan bar do]]), the intermediate state of dreams ([[rmi lam bar do]]), the intermediate state of the time of death ([['chi kha'i bar do]]), the intermediate state of actual reality ([[chos nyid bar do]]) when the peaceful and wrathful deities manifest, and the intermediate state of rebirth ([[srid pa'i bar do]]). During each of these phases the consciousness of a sentient being is said to undergo an experiential transition, and corresponding to these experiences there are specific meditative techniques conducive to liberation from cyclic existence. [[GD]] (from the Glossary to [[Tibetan Elemental Divination Paintings]])
[[Category:Astrology and Divination]]

Latest revision as of 09:33, 6 October 2006

Intermediate States (bar do)

  • The term "intermediate state" (Skt. antarābhava) indicates the key transitional phases of cyclic existence, each of which has its own diverse experiences and meditative antidotes. The original usage of the term within the literature of the Lesser Vehicle suggests that it referrred exclusively to the hiatus between the time of death and the time of rebirth. According to the RNying-ma school, however, six intermediate states are distinctly recognised: the intermediate state of living (rang bzhin bar do), the intermediate state of meditative concentration (bsam gtan bar do), the intermediate state of dreams (rmi lam bar do), the intermediate state of the time of death ('chi kha'i bar do), the intermediate state of actual reality (chos nyid bar do) when the peaceful and wrathful deities manifest, and the intermediate state of rebirth (srid pa'i bar do). During each of these phases the consciousness of a sentient being is said to undergo an experiential transition, and corresponding to these experiences there are specific meditative techniques conducive to liberation from cyclic existence. GD (from the Glossary to Tibetan Elemental Divination Paintings)