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<noinclude><span class=TibUni16>[[མཁན་པོ་གཞན་དགའ།]]</span></noinclude><br>
<span class=TibUni16>[[ལོ་ཆེན་དྷརྨ་ཤྲཱིཿ]]</span><br>
<noinclude>[[mkhan po gzhan dga']]</noinclude><br>
[[lo chen dharma shrI]]<br>
<noinclude>[[Khenchen Zhenphen Chokyi Nangwa]]</noinclude><br>
===Brief Biography===
<noinclude><span class=TibUni16>[[མཁན་ཆེན་གཞན་ཕན་ཆོས་ཀྱི་སྣང་བ།]]</span></noinclude><br>
*'''[[Minling Lochen Dharmashri]]''' ([[smin gling lo chen dharma shrI]] 1654 - 1717); one of the great scholars of the [[Nyingma School]] and brother of the great [[terton]] [[Terdak Lingpa]], founder of [[Mindrolling Monastery]].
<noinclude>[[mkhan chen gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba]]</noinclude><br>
[[Image:shenga.jpg|frame|The Great Khenpo Shenga]]
===Short Biography===
'''Khenpo Shenga, Shenpen Chökyi Nangwa''' (1871-1927). The renowned scholar and adept Khenpo Shenga was the reincarnation of Gyalsé Shenpen Thayé, an influential Nyingma master of the early 19th century associated with the Longchen Nyingthik teachings and Dzogchen monastery. His predecessor's works greatly impacted Nyingma study and practice. Shenpen Thayé founded Dzogchen Monastery's Sri Singha Monastic College, a famed center of Nyingma scholarship. He helped establish an emphasis on monastic discipline within the Nyingma, which has historically been less grounded in monasticism than Tibet's other three lineages. He also gathered the Kama teachings, the Nyingma lineage's canonical scriptures, into one collection. Khenpo Shenga followed in his predecessor's footsteps by further strengthening the Nyingmapa traditions of scholarship and monastic discipline.
Khenpo Shenga’s main achievement was the large body of commentarial literature he composed. His most important works concern the Thirteen Great Treatises, texts composed by Indian Buddhist masters concerning core Buddhist topics, from the Vinaya to Madhyamaka. These treatises comprise the main curriculum of Nyingma monastic colleges. Khenpo Shenga's commentaries on these texts remain amongst the most widely studied texts in these institutions.
<span class=TibUni16>འཕགས་ཡུལ་མཁས་པའི་དབང་ཕྱུག་ཟླ་བ་གྲགས། །</span><br>
In the noble land of India you were the learned mighty Lord Chandrakirti<br>
<span class=TibUni16>གངས་ལྗོངས་འཇམ་པའི་དབྱངས་དངོས་ཀུན་མཁྱེན་རྗེ། །</span><br>
In the snowy land of Tibet you were the Omniscient Lord, Manjushri manifested in person,<br>
<span class=TibUni16>དབྱེར་མེད་ཐུགས་རྗེའི་ཡང་སྤྲུལ་དགེ་བའི་བཤེས། །</span><br>
Your compassion again manifested as a spiritual guide, inseparable from them,<br>
<span class=TibUni16>གཞན་ཕན་ཆོས་ཀྱི་སྣང་བར་གསོལ་བ་འདེབས།། །།</span><br>
Shenphen Chökyi Nangwa <small>''(Khenpo Shenga)''</small>, to you I pray!<br>

===Literary Works===
===Literary Works===
See [[Writings of Khenpo Shenga]]<br>
See [[Writings of Lochen Dharmashri]]<br>
===Main Teachers===
===Main Teachers===
*[[Onpo Tenzin Norbu]]<br>
*[[Rigdzin Terdag Lingpa]]
*[[Khenpo Pema Vajra]]<br>
*[[5th Dalai Lama]]<br>
*[[Jamyang Loter Wangpo]]<br>
===Main Students===
===Main Students===
*[[Tai Situ Pema Wangchok Gyalpo]]<br>
*[[Rinchen Namgyal]]
*[[Khenpo Jamgyal]]<br>
*[[Migyur Paldron]]
*[[Khenpo Lhagyal]]<br>
*[[Do Karwa Tsering Wanggyal]] ([[mdo mkhar ba tshe ring dbang rgyal]])<br>
*[[Khenpo Thubga]]<br>
*[[Ngagwang Kunzang Dorje]] ([[ngag dbang kun bzang rdo rje]])<br>
*[[Khenpo Tsewang Rigdzin]]<br>
*[[Kunga Tashi]] ([[kun dga' bkra shis]])<br>
*[[Khenpo Yonten Gonpo]]<br>
*[[Pema Wangjor]] ([[padma dbang 'byor]])<br>
*[[Khunu Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen]]
*[[Gyalse Senge]] ([[rgyal sras sengge]])<br>
*[[Khenchen Kunga Wangchuk]]
*[[Ngagwang Sangye Palzang]] ([[ngag dbang sangs rgyas dpal bzang]])
*[[Orgyen Chokyi Dragpa]] ([[o rgyan chos kyi grags pa]])
===Main Lineages===
===Main Lineages===
*[[Nyingma Kama]]
*[[Nyingthig Yazhi]]
*[[Longchen Nyingthig]]
*[[Khandro Nyingthig]]
===Alternate Names & Spellings===
===Alternate Names & Spellings===
*[[Khenpo Zhenga]]
*<span class=TibUni16>[[ལོ་ཆེན་དྷརྨ་ཤྲཱི་]]</span>
*[[Gyakung Khenpo Shenga]]
*[[dharma shrI]]
*[[bstan 'dzin 'jam dbyangs]]
===Other Reference Sources===
*[[Ngawang Chöpal Gyatso]] ([[ngag dbang chos dpal rgya mtsho]])
*Dharmachakra Translation Committee [[http://www.dharmachakra.net/upcoming.php]]
*[[Minling Lochen Chopal Gyamtso]] ([[smin gling lo chen chos dpal rgya mtsho]])
*[[Middle Beyond Extremes]] by Maitreya, Ju Mipham, and Khenpo Shenga [http://www.snowlionpub.com/search.php?isbn=MIBEEX]<br>
*Khenpo Shenga's commentary ([[dbus dang mtha’ rnam par ‘byed pa’i tshig le’ur bas pa’i mchan ‘grel]])[http://www.dharmachakra.net/download.php?file=Middle%20Beyond%20Extremes%20-%20Khenpo%20Shenga.pdf]
*[[gzhung chen bcu gsum]] Indices [http://www.lotsawaschool.org/thirteen.html]
*[[gzhung chen bcu gsum]]'s TBRC page [http://www.tbrc.org/kb/tbrc-detail.xq;jsessionid=C84438282B3E5CBD0C2E3F955B0C20CC?RID=W23198]
===Internal Links===
===Internal Links===
*[[Dzogchen Monastery]]<br>
*[[Mindroling Monastery]]
*[[Dzongsar Shedra]]<br>
*[[Sangdag Trinley Lhundrup]]
*[[Palpung Monastery]]<br>
===External Links===
===External Links===
*Short bios of the greatest Dzogchen Khenchens[http://www.dzogchenmonastery.org/khenpos.html]
*[http://www.mindrolling.com/history/LochenDharmashri.cfm Mindrolling Website]
*Intro to the famous [[spyod ‘jug ‘mchan ‘grel]]; [http://www.rigpawiki.org/index.php?title=Annotated_Commentary_on_the_Bodhicharyavatara]
*[http://tbrc.org/kb/tbrc-detail.xq;jsessionid=FC10F74DEF80AC8762DC5A89261B7454?RID=P667 TBRC link]
*[http://www.lotsawahouse.org/id82.html Khenpo Shenga Series on Lotsawa House]
*[http://www.lotsawahouse.org/id83.html Biography of Khenpo Shenga on Lotsawa House]
*[http://www.tbrc.org/cgi-bin/tbrcdatx?do=so&resource=P699 TBRC on Khenpo Shenga]
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Latest revision as of 16:07, 5 January 2011