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[[Image:Tseringma16c.jpg|frame|Tashi Tshering Ched Nga - painted by Tsewang Dorje of Nubri, 2006]]
'''Guru Vidyadhara''' ([[bla ma rig 'dzin]]).

'''Five Sisters of Long Life''' ([[tshe ring mched lnga]]) - protectoress of the Dharma, embodied as the [[Thon Thing Gyalmo]] ([[mthon mthing rgyal mo]]) or [[Gaurishankar]] mountain -- syn ([[jo mo tshe ring mched lnga]]) 'The five sisters of Long Life', they are:
*A deity and set of scriptures belonging to the [[Nine Sadhana Sections]]. Often the Guru Vidyadhara and the [[eight herukas]] in the [[Eight Sadhana Teachings]] form a single mandala with nine groups of deities. The chief existing scripture for the teachings on Guru Vidyadhara is called the ''[[Root Tantra of the Assemblage of Vidyadharas]]'' ([[rig 'dzin 'dus pa rtsa ba'i rgyud]]) and is the fifteenth tantra within the [[Assemblage of Sugatas]], an immensely detailed collection of teachings on the Eight Sadhana Teachings and associated Vajrayana material brought to Tibet by Padmasambhava and taught to his main disciple. The Assemblage of Sugatas was concealed as a terma and later revealed by [[Nyang Ral Nyima Oser]]. The practice of Guru Vidyadhara is expressed through the principle known as the [[four aspects of approach and accomplishment]]. The most detailed terma on this principle was revealed by [[Sangye Lingpa]] (1340-1396) and is still renowned as [[Lama Gongdu]] ([[bla ma dgongs 'dus]]) in 18 volumes of approximately 700 pages each. The Guru Vidyadhara is also the basis for innumerable sadhanas propagated by other tertons, for instance the [[Rigdzin Dupa]] cycle within the termas of [[Longchen Nyingtig]] as well as the [[Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel]] cycle revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa and [[Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo]] that are both widely practiced to this day. [[EPK]]
#[[Tashi Tseringma]] ([[bkra shis tshe ring ma]]), she is white with one face and two arms, holding a golden nine-pronged vajra in her right and a long-life flask ornamented with an auspicious knot and a swastika in her left hand. Her mount is a white snow-lioness.
#[[Tingi Shalzangma]] ([[mthing gi zhal bzang ma]]), she is blue with one face and two arms, holding a silver mirror in her right and a banner of the gods in her left hand. She rides a mare.
#[[Miyo Lozangma]] ([[mi g.yo blo bzang ma]]), she is yellow with one face and two arms, holding a bowl with delicious foods in her right and a mongoose in her left hand. Her mount is a tigress.
#[[Chöpen Drinzangma]] ([[cod dpan mgrin bzang ma]]), she is red with one face and two arms, holding a wishfulfilling jewel in her right and a jewel encrusted casket in her left hand. She rides a hind.
#[[Täkar Drozangma]] ([[gtal dkar ´gro bzang ma]]), she is green with one face and two arms, holding a bushel of durva grass in her right and a snake noose in her left hand. Her mount is a female turquoise dragon.<br>
According to various traditions, they might be described slightly differently. The above description is according to the [[Karma Kagyu]] tradition. Worshipped by all schools, they are particularly popular with the various [[Kagyu]] schools because of their connection with [[Jetsun Milarepa]]. They are considered the most important among his non-human disciples and were particularly charged with protecting Milarepa's lineage.

According to the [[tshe ring mched lnga]]'i [[bka' gtad]] [[kyi]] [[zur 'debs]] [[sman btsun]] [[dgyes pa]]'i [[zur mig]], by [[Khewang Sangye Dorje]] ([[mkhas dbang sangs rgyas rdo rje]]) (1569-1645), a [[Drukpa Kagyu]] master and disciple of the great [[4th Gyalwang Drukpa]] [[Pema Karpo]] (1527-1592), Tashi Tseringma and her sisters took their first oaths from the dakini [[seng gdong ma]] in the great charnel ground "Singha" (this name is not mentioned among the various lists of the [[eight great charnel grounds]] of India). <br>
Later they took further oaths from [[Guru Padmasambhava]] in Kham, at a place named [[zla nyi kha la rong sgo]], where he concealed the [[gter ma]] of [[Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel]] ([[bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel]]), and made them promise to be the guardians of this cycle of teachings. Then they took more oaths in the charnel ground called [[mun pa sgra sgrogs]] in India from the mahasiddha [[Krishnacharya]] ([[nag po spyod pa]]); and finally from [[Jetsun Milarepa]] at [[yongs rdzong]] in Tibet.
Together with [[Karag Khyungtsünma]] ([[kha rag khyung btsun ma]]), who is one of the twelve Tenma goddesses ([[bstan ma bcu gnyis]]), they are the special protectors of the Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel terma cycle, rediscovered by the great treasure finder ([[gter ston]]) [[Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa]] (1829-1870). Their residence is said to be [[Thon Thing Gyalmo]] ([[mthon mthing rgyal mo]]), a (supposedly) five peaked snow mountain on the border of Tibet and Nepal. Another name for this mountain is [[jo mo gangs dkar]], the Nepalese [[Gaurishankar]].
In the [[lha sman bkra shis tshe ring ma]]'i [[sgo nas]] [['jig rten dang 'jig rten las 'das pa]]'i [[rjes gnang]] [[bkra shis]] [[tshe dbang]] [[rab rgyas]], ([[bka' brgyud sngags mdzod]]), vol. 6, pp. 493-526, by [[Jamgon Kongtrul]] [[Lodrö Thaye]] (1813-1899), we read several accounts on how the Tseringma sisters repeatedly appeared to various lineage masters, aided them and renewed their oaths with them. At and immediately after Milarepa's time, they appeared to his close disciples like [[Gampopa]], [[Rechungpa]], [[Ngendzong Repa]] and [[Repa Shiwa Ö]] etc. and repeatedly helped and advised them. The instructions and transmissions for the practices of the Tseringma sisters were, among others, all given to Milarepa's sun-like disciple [[Dagpo Da-Ö Shönnu]] ([[sgam po pa]]), (1079-1153) who passed them on to his students. From there on onwards, these were handed down within all the four major and eight minor Kagyu schools until the present day.
Through the [[1st Karmapa]] [[Dusum Khyenpa]] (1110-1193) these were transmitted into the [[Karma Kagyu]] tradition. He had repeated visions of them, as did [[Drukpa Gyalwang Je]] (the 2nd Gyalwang Drukpa, 1428-1476) and [[Drikung Chöying Rangdrol]]. Among many other masters, they also appeared to the [[3rd Karmapa]] [[Rangjung Dorje]] (1284-1339), the [[9th Karmapa]] [[Wangchuk Dorje]] (1556-1603) and the [[6th Shamar Rinpoche]] [[Garwang Chökyi Wangchuk]] (1584-1630), who composed the [[tshe ring mched lnga]]'i [[mchod gtor]] [[gyi]] [[rim pa]], the main Tsheringma practice text in use nowadays by monastic communities of the [[Karma Kagyu]] ([[bka' brgyud sngags mdzod]], vol. 6, pp. 437-460). A shorter text, more suitable for individual daily practice, the [[dgyes]] [[rgu'i]] [[dpal]] [[bskyed]], was composed by the [[15th Karmapa]] [[Khakyab Dorje]] (1871-1922). It is contained in his collected works ([[mkha' khyab rdo rje]] [[gsung 'bum]], vol. 10, pp. 207-218]]).
When the omniscient [[8th Tai Situpa]] [[Chökyi Jungne]] (1700-1774) was traveling to Nepal, he met the Tseringma sisters in actuality and received much advice from them. There are many stories about how they, until the present day, again and again appear to many practitioners of the various Kagyu lineages and aid and advise them.
:Translated by [[Thomas Roth]] ([[User:SherabDrime]])
[[Category:Chokling Tersar]]
[[Category:Dharma Protectors]]

Revision as of 21:01, 26 March 2007

Guru Vidyadhara (bla ma rig 'dzin).