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The Shangpa Kagyu school ([[shangs pa bka' brgyud]]) developed independently and is not counted among [[Kagyu|the Four Greater and Eight Lesser Dagpo Kagyu]] schools which originated with [[Tilopa]], [[Naropa]] and [[Marpa]] and which passed through [[Milarepa]] and [[Gampopa]], even though many of its teachings and practices have been assimilated into, and continue to be transmitted by the [[Karma Kagyu]] school today. It is included in the list of [[Eight_Chariots_of_Transmission|Eight Great Practice Lineages]]. For more detailed information check the excellent "Shangpa Network" website (see external link below).
<noinclude>[[Taglung Kagyu]]</noinclude><br>
<noinclude><span class=TibUni18>[[སྟག་ལུང་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད། ]]</span></noinclude><br>
As a matter of fact "Kagyu" ([[bka' brgyud]]) simply means "oral transmission". Therefore, any lineage that has transmitted its teachings orally, could call itself a "Kagyu" lineage. Nowadays the lineages that are associated with Marpa and Gampopa are mostly called "Kagyu", [[Marpa Kagyu]] or [[Dagpo Kagyu]], and the Shangpa Kagyu are often erroneously considered part of that group of lineages.<br>
<noinclude>[[stag lung bka' brgyud]]</noinclude><br>
As one of [[Eight_Chariots_of_Transmission|the eight great practice lineages]] ([[sgrub brgyud shing rta brgyad]]) of the Tibetan buddhist tradition, the Shangpa Kagyu exists as an unbroken lineage to the present day. Its most prominent lineage holders outside of Tibet were the previous [[Kalu Rinpoche]] (1904-1989) and [[Bokar Rinpoche]] (1940-2004). The present main lineage holder is H.E. the second Kalu Rinpoche (b.1990). But other masters hold this lineage as well, like H.E. the present [[12th Tai Situpa]] or the Vajra Master Kyabje [[Tenga Rinpoche]] of [[Benchen]] monastery, both of whom gave the transmissions of the Shangpa Kagyu Lineage this year (2009) in their respective monasteries. On top of this the transmission was also given in September 2009 by H.E. Kalu Rinpoche in his monastery in Sonada, near Darjeeling, India.<br>
Taklung Kagyu [IW]<br>
The lineage was established by the great scholar and accomplished master Khedrub [[Khyungpo Naljor]] (11/12th cent.), who travelled several times to India and studied under 150 masters, but predominantly under the two great female Mahasiddhas [[Niguma]] and [[Sukhasiddhi]], and under [[Maitripa]], [[Rahula]] and [[Vajrasanapa]]. Rahula also happened to be one of the early teachers of the great [[Atisha]]. Khyungpo Naljor hailed from the same family-clan, the clan of Khyungpo, as [[Jetsun Milarepa]]. The school, like many others, was named after the location where its founder eventually settled, the valley of Shang in Central Tibet, not far north of the town of Shigatse (gzhis ka rtse). The teachings and practices special to the Shangpa Kagyu school are what is known as "[[The Five Golden Dharmas of the Shangpa]]" ([[shangs pa gser chos lnga]]). They are likened to a tree with its roots, trunk, branches, flowers and fruits.<br>
"The Five Golden Dharmas of the Shangpa" are:
[[The roots: the Six Doctrines of Niguma]] ([[rtsa ba ni gu chos drug]])<br>
[[The trunk: the Mahamudra of the Amulet Box]] ([[sdong po phyag chen ga'u ma]])<br>
[[The branches: the Three Carry-Overs (of phenomena and appearances) onto the path]] ([[yal kha lam khyer rnam gsum]])<br>
[[The flowers: the White and Red Forms of the Dakini]] ([[me tog mkha' spyod dkar dmar]])<br>
[[The fruits: the Immortal and the Infallible]] ([['bras bu 'chi med 'chugs med]])<br>
But there are also other transmissions, such as the “Six Doctrines of Sukhasiddhi” ([[su kha siddhi chos drug]]), the “Combined Accomplishment of the Four Deities” ([[lha bzhi dril grub]]), the “Master and Protector Inseparable” ([[bla ma mgon po dbyer med]]), the “Five Tantra Classes” ([[brgyud sde lnga]]), Hayagrīva according to Kyergangpa’s tradition ([[skyer sgang rta mgrin]]) and the thirteen distinct transmissions of the Six-armed Protector, to name just a few.<br>
The first seven masters, from the Dharmakayabuddha Vajradhara until Choje Sangye Tonpa, are known as the "Seven Jewels" of the Shangpa Kagyu. Curiously, Sukhasiddhi is not counted among these, otherwise there would be eight. Among these seven, the full lineage transmission was passed on from the master to only a single disciple. After that, it was spread much more widely. Sangye Tonpa (sangs rgyas ston pa brtson 'grus seng ge - 1213-1285) had two main students, Khedrub Tsangma Shangton (mkhas grub gtsang ma shangs ston) and Khetsun Shonu Drub (mkhas btsun gzhon nu grub). From thereon onwards, the Shangpa teachings continued to be transmitted through four main lineages. The [[Jonang]] transmission of the Shangpa teachings, as well as the Thanglug (thang lugs) and Jagpa ('jag pa) lineages, originated with Shangton, whereas the Nyangme Samding (nyang smad bsam sding) lineage originated with Shonu Drub. '''See my [[Shangpa Lineages Outline]]'''.
However, none of these lineages, except for the Jonang who were already well established, established themselves with big institutions like monasteries or monastic universities. The Shangpa Kagyu as a lineage have always remained fairly unobtrusive, mainly because most of its principal lineage holders chose to live as hidden yogins, thus avoiding all the many responsibilities that come with running monasteries and affiliated institutions. In this way most Shangpa masters could devote themselves to many years of meditation in solitude.
Many of the Shangpa teachings were also integrated into other schools. It is therefore not surprising that we find teachings and practices of the Shangpa even in the [[Sakya]] and [[Gelug]] schools. Jagchen Jampa Pal (1310-1391) for instance, a prominent holder of the Jagpa tradition of the Shangpa teachings, was one of the teachers of [[Tsongkhapa]] Lobsang Dragpa (1357-1419). Another great master of this particular Shangpa lineage was [[Lapchiwa Namkha Gyaltsen]] (la phyi ba nam mkha' rgyal mtshan, 1372-1437), who was also a lineage holder of the [[Sakya]], [[Karma Kagyu]] and [[Drikung Kagyu]] traditions. [[Jetsun Kunga Drolchog]] (1507-1566), a great Sakya and Jonang master, was very fond of the Six Doctrines of Niguma and is known to have taught them many times to many masters from all sorts of schools and traditions.
The various existing streams of Shangpa transmissions were all received by [[Jamgon_Kongtrul|Kongtrul Lodro Thaye]] and then passed on by him. He received the Tanglug lineage from the great [[Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo]]. The Jonang lineage of the Shangpa teachings came to Kongtrul through Karma Shenpen Ozer (karma gshan phan 'od zer), who was also known as Lama Karma Norbu, about whom we know only what little Kongtrul mentions in his autobiography.<br><br>
In various publications, online and otherwise, one often finds the statement that the Shangpa Kagyu ceased to exist as "an independent lineage" at various points in history. We have to look at that more closely. What is the defining factor that makes a lineage an "independent entity"? Is it the establishment of a certain monastery as its main seat, like for instance Tshurpu, as in the case of the Karma Kagyu? Does that seat have to be the official residence of the recognized head of the lineage in question, like in this case the Karmapas?
Even though the early Shangpa masters, such as Khedrub Khyungpo Naljor or his immediate lineage holder Mokchokpa Rinchen Tsondrü ''did'' establish monasteries, they never had the character of "official main seats" of the Shangpa Kagyu, and consequently some of them were abandoned and fell into disrepair soon after these master's demise. The Shangpa Kagyu also never designated a single master, or his reincarnations for that matter, as "the official head of lineage". As one sees quite clearly from their biographies, most Shangpa lineage holders were rather reluctant lineage holders and preferred to spend much of their lives in seclusion, rather than gathering large numbers of students or gaining political or economical influence.
So, if all of these traits were the sole markings of "an independent lineage", one might even say that a "Shangpa lineage" as such, never existed at all. It is rather that their transmissions have always been maintained by masters of many different lineages and backgrounds and they have survived very nicely, and fully intact, in many small retreat centers all over the Himalayas, to the present day.
===External Links===
*[http://www.paldenshangpa.org The official website of H.E. Kalu Rinpoche]
*[http://www.shangpa.net The Shangpa Net]

The [[Taglung Kagyu]] lineage (stag lung) was established by [[Taklung Thangpa Tashi Pal]] (stag lung thang pa bkra shis dpal, 1142-1210). A great and famous master of this lineage was [[Sangye Ön]] (sangs rgyas dbon, 1251-1296). He was the founder of the great monastery of [[Riwoche]] (stag lung ma thang ri bo che). The Riwoche branch of the Taglung Kagyu almost became an independent lineage. One of its great masters, the [[7th Phakchok Rinpoche]], a son of [[Tsike Chokling Rinpoche]], lives in Kathmandu, near the great Boudanath stupa.<br>
*[https://taklungkagyu.org/ Taklung Kagyu.Org]
*[https://library.bdrc.io/show/bdr:T869 BDRC/TBRC Link]<br>
*[https://treasuryoflives.org/index.php/tradition/Taklung-Kagyu The Treasury of Lives Link]<br>
[[Category:Lineages & Teachings]]
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Latest revision as of 18:37, 31 January 2024

Taglung Kagyu
stag lung bka' brgyud

Taklung Kagyu [IW]

The Taglung Kagyu lineage (stag lung) was established by Taklung Thangpa Tashi Pal (stag lung thang pa bkra shis dpal, 1142-1210). A great and famous master of this lineage was Sangye Ön (sangs rgyas dbon, 1251-1296). He was the founder of the great monastery of Riwoche (stag lung ma thang ri bo che). The Riwoche branch of the Taglung Kagyu almost became an independent lineage. One of its great masters, the 7th Phakchok Rinpoche, a son of Tsike Chokling Rinpoche, lives in Kathmandu, near the great Boudanath stupa.