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===Active Projects===
===Active Projects===
*Translating and introducing a collection of Buddhist Poetry and Pith-Instructions from both India and Tibet, titled ''[[Straight from the Heart]]'', forthcoming from Snow Lion Publications in 2007
*Translating and introducing a collection of Buddhist Poetry and Pith-Instructions from both India and Tibet, titled ''[[Straight from the Heart]]'', forthcoming from Snow Lion Publications in 2007
*A study of the [[Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje]]´s commentary on the [[Dharmadhatustava]] by [[Nagarjuna]] in comparison to the other existant Tibetan commentaries, with a general discussion of Nagarjuna's Collection of Praises (includes translations of all hitherto untranslated praises ascribed to Nagarjuna), and an outline of the Third Karmapa's view in general, based on several fo his main texts.
*''[[In Praise of Dharmadhatu]]'' - a study of the [[Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje]]´s commentary on the [[Dharmadhatustava]] by [[Nagarjuna]] in comparison to the other existant Tibetan commentaries, with a general discussion of Nagarjuna's Collection of Praises (includes translations of all hitherto untranslated praises ascribed to Nagarjuna), and an outline of the Third Karmapa's view in general, based on several fo his main texts; this book will be part of Snow Lion's Nitartha Series
*A more detailed study of the [[Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje]]´s view, based on six of his main texts, including translations of his [[snying po bstan pa]] ''[[Pointing out the Heart of the Tathagatas]]'', [[rnam shes ye shes 'byed pa]] ''[[Distinguishing Consciousness and Wisdom]]'' (with their commentaries by [[Jamgon Kongtrul|Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye]]) as well as selections on the view from the autocommentary on his ''[[zab mo nang don]]'' (Profound Inner Reality)
*A more detailed study of the [[Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje]]´s view, based on six of his main texts, including translations of his [[snying po bstan pa]] ''[[Pointing out the Heart of the Tathagatas]]'', [[rnam shes ye shes 'byed pa]] ''[[Distinguishing Consciousness and Wisdom]]'' (with their commentaries by [[Jamgon Kongtrul|Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye]]) as well as selections on the view from the autocommentary on his ''[[zab mo nang don]]'' (Profound Inner Reality)
*Exemplary stories from the sutras (an appendix to [[Drikung Ngorje Repa]]'s [[theg chen bstan pa´i snying po]]), in English (German version see under published works)
*Exemplary stories from the sutras (an appendix to [[Drikung Ngorje Repa]]'s [[theg chen bstan pa´i snying po]]), in English (German version see under published works)

Revision as of 07:49, 6 September 2006

Short description

Karl Brunnhölzl is a physician and studied Tibetology and Sanskrit at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He translates Tibetan Buddhist texts into English and German since 1988. He was mainly trained in Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan language at Marpa Institute for Translators (Director: Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. Currently, he is mainly involved as a translator and teacher with Nitartha Institute in Canada and Nalandabodhi Sangha in USA (both directed by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche)

Main teachers

Published Works

  • Buddhas Legenden. Trans. Ed. Ngordsche Repa Schedang Dorje. Otter Verlag 2006;
  • The Center of the Sunlit Sky. Madhyamaka in the Kagyü Lineage. Snow Lion 2004; ISBN 1-55939-218-5
  • Essay in Mein Weg zum Buddhismus. Hrsg. Dagmar Doko Waskönig. O.W. Barth 2003; ISBN 3-502-61111-4
  • Die Drei Yanas. Trans. Author: Shamar Rinpoche. Joy Verlag 1989; ISBN 3-9801624-4-3
  • The Classification of Mental States. 1996; 2003. Kathmandu: Marpa Institute; Halifax: Nitartha Institute.
  • A Critical Analysis of The Classification of Mental States. 2001. Halifax, Canada: Nitartha Institute.
  • The Collected Topics. 1999. Halifax, Canada: Nitartha Institute.
  • The Gateway that Reveals the Philosophical Systems to Fresh Minds. 2001. Halifax, Canada: Nitartha Institute.
  • The Ninth Chapter of the Bodhicaryavatara with a commentary by Pawo Rinpoche Tsugla Trengwa. 2000—2001. 2 Vol. Hamburg, Germany: Nitartha Institut.
  • A Commentary on the Perfection of Knowledge: The Noble One Resting at Ease. 2001. Halifax, Canada: Nitartha Institute (translation of The Ornament of Clear Realization and the word-commentary on it in Karmapa Mikyö Dorje´s The Noble One Resting at Ease, including some of its general topics).
  • The Presentation of Grounds, Paths, and Results in the Causal Vehicle of Characteristics in The Treasury of Knowledge (Shes bya kun khyab mdzod, ch. 9.1 and 10.1). 2002a. Halifax, Canada: Nitartha Institute.
  • The Presentation of Madhyamaka in The Treasury of Knowledge (Shes bya kun khyab mdzod, Selected passages from ch. 6.3, 7.2, and 7.3). 2002b. Halifax, Canada: Nitartha Institute.
  • In Praise of Dharmadhatu with a commentary by the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje. 2005. Halifax, Canada: Nitartha Institute.

In German

  • Das Kurze Gebet an Mañjushri. 1992. Hamburg: Karmapae Chö Ling
  • Die Klassifikation der Gründe. 1994. Hamburg: Marpa Institut.
  • Die Siebenunddreissig Praktiken eines Bodhisattva. 1994. Kathmandu: Marpa Institute.
  • Das Bergweihrauchopfer. 1994. Wachendorf: Kamalashila Institut.
  • Das Rauchopfer: Wolkenschar der Sinnesfreuden. 1996. Wachendorf: Kamalashila Institut.
  • Die gesammelten Beweisführungen des Ozeans der Texte über Beweisführung, die das Tor auftun zum Schatz, der alle Erkenntnisobjekte umfasst, "Der magische Schlüssel." 1997. Nagold: Marpa Institute.
  • Die Abhandlung, die das Herz der So-Gegangenen aufzeigt. 1999. Hamburg, Germany: Nitartha Institut.
  • Die Klassifikation der Bewusstseinseinszustände. 1999. Hamburg, Germany: Nitartha Institut.
  • Die Gesammelten Themen. 1999. Hamburg, Germany: Nitartha Institut.
  • Eine Kritische Analyse der Klassifikation der Bewusstseinseinszustände. 2001. Hamburg, Germany: Nitartha Institut.
  • Die Darstellung des Madhyamaka im Schatz des Wissens. 2002. Hamburg, Germany: Nitartha Institut.
  • Das Sadhana des orangefarbenen Mandschugoscha Arapatschana. 2002. Publ. by Siddharta´s Intent.
  • Die Unterscheidung zwischen der Mitte und Extremen mit Kommentar von Mipham Rinpoche. 2005. Hamburg, Germany: Nitartha Institut.

Published by Thegsum Tashi Chöling, Hamburg:

  • Die Vorbereitenden Übungen von Mahamudra. 1995.
  • Das Herz-Sutra
  • Guru-Yoga des 16. Karmapa
  • Guru-Yoga von Guru Padma Tötreng Tsal
  • Das Kurze Gebet an Vajradhara 1997.

See also Marpa Institute and the website of Nitartha Institute (Nitartha Institute website)

Active Projects

Unpublished Works (completed)


  • The Classification of Reasons
  • The Heart Sutra
  • The Short Prayer to Vajradhara
  • The Prayer to Mañjushri


  • Die Definitionszuordnungen von Geist und Geistigen Ereignissen, Ein Wassertropfen aus dem Ozean der Erkenntnisobjekte (sems sems byung mtshan msthon sbyor ba shes bya´i rgya mtsho´i thig pa, KTGR)
  • Bodhicaryavatara (Kapitel 2, 3 und 6)
  • Das Aufzeigen des Dharma-Körpers per Fingerzeig (chos sku mdzub tshugs, 9. Karmapa Dbang phyug rdo rje)
  • Das Sutra vom Reissetzling (sa lu ljang pa´i mdo)
  • Das Kurze Mahakala-Gebet (Om ma dag ma)

Other Projects

Internal Links

External Links

email: kabrunn@googlemail.com