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the 18 renowned scriptures [IW]
the 18 renowned scriptures [IW]

Latest revision as of 00:44, 7 May 2021

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the 18 renowned scriptures [IW]

Eighteen Texts of Great Renown, studied in the Sakya tradition [ggd] [RY]

the 18 renowned scriptures [of Sakya philosophy]. so sor thar pa'i mdo. - Pratimoksha sutra, 'dul ba mdo rtsa ba. - Vinaya sutra, mngon rtogs rgyan. - Abhisamayalamkara, mdo sde rgyan. - Sutralamakara, rgyud bla ma. - Uttara tantra, dbus mtha' rnam 'byed. - Madhyantha vibhanga, chos dang chos nyid rnam 'byed. - Dharmadharmata vibhanga, spyod 'jug. - Bodhicharyavatara, dbu ma rtsa ba shes rab. - Mulamadhyamika prajna, bzhi brgya pa. - Catuhsataka, dbu ma la 'jug pa. - Madhyamikavatara, mngon pa kun btus. - Abhidharma samuccaya, mngon pa mdzod. - Abhidharma kosha, tshad ma kun btus. - Pramana samuccaya, tshad ma rnam 'grel. - Pramana vartika, tsahd ma rnam nges. - Pramana viniscaya, tshad ma rigs gter. - Pramana yuktiniti, sdom gsum rab dbye. - Trisamvara pravedha] [IW]

the 18 renowned scriptures [of philosophy in the Sakya tradition]. so sor thar pa'i mdo Pratimoksha Sutra, 'dul ba mdo rtsa ba Vinaya Sutra, mngon rtogs rgyan Abhisamaya Alamkara, mdo sde rgyan Sutra Alamakara, rgyud bla ma Uttara Tantra, dbus mtha' rnam 'byed Madhyantha Vibhanga, chos dang chos nyid rnam 'byed Dharma Dharmata Vibhanga, spyod 'jug Bodhicharya Avatara, dbu ma rtsa ba shes rab Mulamadhyamika Prajna, bzhi brgya pa Catuhshataka, dbu ma la 'jug pa Madhyamika Avatara, mngon pa kun btus Abhidharma Samuchaya, mngon pa mdzod Abhidharma Kosha, tshad ma kun btus Pramana Samuchaya, tshad ma rnam 'grel Pramana Vartika, tshad ma rnam nges Pramana Viniscaya, tshad ma rigs gter Pramana Yuktiniti, sdom gsum rab dbye Trisamvara Pravedha [RY]

The above-mentioned texts in list format:

1. so sor thar pa'i mdo

2. 'dul ba mdo rtsa ba

3. mngon rtogs rgyan

4. mdo sde rgyan

5. rgyud bla ma

6. dbus mtha' rnam 'byed

7. chos dang chos nyid rnam 'byed

8. byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa

9. rtsa ba shes rab

10. bzhi brgya pa

11. dbu ma la 'jug pa

12. mngon pa kun btus

13. mngon pa mdzod

14. tshad ma kun btus

15. tshad ma rnam 'grel

16. tshad ma rnam nges

17. tshad ma rigs gter

18. sdom gsum rab dbye