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[[gru 'dzin]] - Potala. 1) The pure land of [[Avalokiteshvara]]. Also {[[ri bo gru 'dzin]]} [RY]
Eight main bodhisattvas ([[nye ba'i sras brgyad]]).  

[[gru 'dzin]] - 1) rudder [that which can direct, "hold" the boat / also sail and engine]. 2) Potala, island on the coast of china, [[buddhafield]] of [[Avalokiteshvara]]. Syn {[[ri bo po ta la]]}; the Potala [RY]
*[[Kshitigarbha]], [[Akashagarbha]], [[Avalokiteshvara]], [[Vajrapani]], [[Maitreya]], [[Sarvanirvarana Vishkambin]], [[Samantabhadra]] and [[Manjushri]]. [RY]
[[gru 'dzin gnyis pa]] - the second Potala. Syn {[[lha sa]] [[po ta la]]} [RY]
[[gru 'dzin gnyis pa]] - [2nd] Lhasa Potala [IW]
[[gru 'dzin bdag po]] - the Lord of Potala. Syn {[[spyan ras gzigs]]}; [[Chenrezig]], [[Avalokiteshvara]]. the Lord of Potala. Syn {[[spyan ras gzigs]]} [RY]
[[gru 'dzin ri]] - Potala mountain [RY]
[[lcags po ri]] - Chakpori, hill near the Potala, on top of which was the medical college. Medical College Hill, a sacred mountain in Lhasa. Chakpori Hill Chakpori, in Lhasa [RY]
[[lcags pho ri]] - name of a hill near the Potala [JV]
[[chobs bsgyur yar phebs dang tshogs phebs]] - the Procession to the Potala (ceremony in the 10th Tibetan month) [JV]
[[chos rgyal sgrub phug]] - cave of Songtsen Gampo now in Potala [RY]
[[gdung rabs lha khang]] - temple of lineal succession, in the Potala [RY]
[['dod dpal mkhan po]] - master goldsmiths of Döpel [at the bottom of the Potala] [RY]
[[po ta la]] - Potala, [mountain of [[Avalokiteshvara]]]. winter palace of Dalai Lama [in Lhasa] [RY]
[[po ta la yi rtse]] - atop the peak of Mount Potala [RY]
[[po ta la'i pho brang dmar po]] - Potala's Red Palace [IW]
[[po ta la'i shod]] - at the bottom of the Potala [RY]
[[pho brang gru 'dzin gnyis pa]] - the palace that is the Potala on earth [RY]
[[pho brang ri bo gru 'dzin]] - Potala Palace 1) the [[Buddhafield]] of [[Avalokiteshvara]]. 2) The Potala of Lhasa; said to be an earthly version of the celestial Potala Palace [RY]
[[pho brang ri bo gru 'dzin]] - Potala Palace [RY]
[['phags pa lag na pad mo'i pho brang ri bo gru 'dzin]] - the palace of the noble 1 Padmapani, the Potala [IW]
[[rtse po ta la]] - the Potala Palace [in Lhasa] [RY]
[[rtse pho brang]] - Potala palace, {[[rtse po ta la]]} [IW]
[[rtse pho brang]] - Potala Palace. [sm. {[[rtse po ta la]]} [RY]
[[rtse pho brang po tA la]] - Potala, the Summit Palace [RY]
[[tshe gdung khang]] - tomb of the fifth dala lama in Potala [RY]
[[zhol]] - lower part, bottom, foot of the mts, town section of Lhasa below the Potala [IW]
[[ri bo gru 'dzin]] - Potala mt/ [[ri bo po ta la]] [IW]
[[ri bo gru 'dzin]] - Potala [RY]
[[ri bo gru 'dzin]] - Mount Potala. 2) Name of the Dalai Lama's residence [RY]
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Revision as of 00:46, 17 March 2006