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ka dag khregs chod - cutting through/, trekchö of primordial purity, cutting through resistance to primordial purity [pith ofpractice of dzongchen mantra, instruction in le lo can effortless liberation; gzhi gnas self exising wisdom grol lugs chen po bzhi'i ngang du gnas pa nyid ngo rang thog tu 'phrod, thag chig thog tu chod, gding grol thog tu bca' ba bcas kyis dharmata, guarding the alpha pure unfabricated natural state la primordial sor bzhag gi ngang [IW]

ka dag gi gnas lugs - natural state of primordial purity [JV]

klungs su gyur pa - established in the natural state [JV]

*aka [[karma'i mkhen chen rin chen dar rgyas]]
skad zer - claim to, profess to {gnas lugs sgom pa skad zer nas} claim to train in the natural state [RY]
khregs chod gnas lugs - the natural state / condition of Trekchö / Cutting Through [RY]
khregs chod gnas lugs - the natural state/ condition of trekcho/ cutting through [IW]
'khor sgyur gyi 'khor lo'i khyad chos drug - the six special qualities of the wheel of universal emperor: 1) {myur du 'gro ba} going quickly; 2) {gzhan du 'gro ba} going for /to others; 3) {ma rgyal ba las rgyal bar byed pa} 4) {rgyal ba rnal du 'god pa} 5) establishing rgyal ba in the natural state {mtho ba las 'phar ba} 6) {dma' ba las 'bab pa}; [IW]
grol lam - Path of liberation. 1) When related to the 'path of ripening' it refers to the practice of the oral instructions of one's personal vajra master. 2) When related to the 'path of means' it refers to the practice of sustaining the natural state of mind; Mahamudra or Dzogchen [RY]
dgongs pa de kho na nyid - natural state [JV]
rgyun bskyang ba - to practice remaining (in the natural state) [JV]
ngang - scope (for rig pa'i ngang, "scope of awareness"); (true) state/ context; fundamental nature/ state; isc. continuity; isc. embrace; isc. natural state; isc. while . . . ; is(vf)c. quality [RB]
ngo 'phrod - realized, realization, received the transmissions *, be identified; 1) having realized the natural state encounter it; 2) Bcos ma ma yin par lag par 'byor ba Phyag bris ngo 'phrod byung bas 'dir yang blo sems bde [IW]
ngo bo - 1) essence, essential meaning * nature, character, attribute, entity, intrinsic/ central/ essential nature, vital substance, core, being, inmost nature, vitalement, synthesis; 2) principle, existence, fact[icity][of being], faculty; 3) entity, concerns, identity {dngos po}; 4) definition, main principle; 5) what it comes down to, at bottom, in fact, the buddha-body of reality, way things are, natural state, realize[d], realization, receive[d] transmission, see, identify, recognize, be introduced, understand, surface of [IW]
ngo bo - 1) essence, nature, character, attribute, identity, entity, intrinsic/ central/ essential nature, vital substance, core, being, inmost nature, vitalement, synthesis; 2) principle, existence, facticity, fact, faculty; 3) entity, fact of being, concerns, identity {dngos po}; 4) definition, main principle [one of trio of the essence, natural expression and spirituality according to the great perfection, the essence [gd] similar to rang bzhin but when referring to sugatagarbha, ngo bo refers to the emptiness part whereas {rang bzhin} refers to the luminosity or clarity part]; 5) what it comes down to, at bottom, in fact, identity of things, the buddha-body of reality, essential meaning [R] way things are, natural state, realize[d], realization, receive[d] transmission, see, identify, recognize, be introduced, understand, surface of [IW]
ngo bo - essence, pure fact, being, facticity, facticity of being, fact of ultimate nature of things, lack of any specifically characterizable being, fact of being, state of being what it comes down to, at bottom, in fact, entity, substance, intrinsic nature, identity, identity of things, essence or emptiness aspect of primordial base, fundamental condition, true nature, 1 of chos gsum, in fact, real substance, entity, identity, natural state [JV]
ngo bo'i mnyam bzhag - composure of the natural state [JV]
dngos gnas - real, true, the nature of things, the natural state, the way things are [IW]
dngos po'i gnas lugs bsgom pa - meditate on the natural state of things / the way things are [IW]
chos nyid mngon sum gi snang ba - The visionary appearance of direct perception of reality, appearance of the manifestation of dharmata [one of the {snang ba bzhi} the natural state of things as they are primordially pure dharmata by its manifestation being seen transcending the extremes of labelings of intellectual analysis opens the gate to the tathagata's secret buddha fields inconceivable to thought] [IW]
chos nyid gnyug ma - natural state, circumstances of the external world [JV]
chos nyid gnyug ma - natural state [of dharmata] [IW]
chos nyid gnyug ma - natural state [RY]
chos nyid rnal ma'i don - genuine fact of isness/ reality/ dharmata, meaning of the natural state of dharmata [IW]
chos dbyings stong pa nyid kyi gnas lugs - field of events and meanings; dharmadhatu, the natural state of emptiness [IW]
'chi ba 'od gsal gnas lugs - the natural state of luminosity of death [IW]
'chi ba 'od gsal gnas lugs mngon du 'gyur - realize death as the natural state of luminosity [RY]
'chugs pa - [A} 1) lips sdum par byed pa [straighten?] two Snyan sgron, lamp of hearing request oral natural state [IW]
ji bzhin pa - as it is, suchness, the authentic condition, state of being just as it is, natural state [JV]
rjes thob - 1) RJY: post-meditation, the post-meditative period, ensuing, after a period of contemplation, aftermath [of meditative absorption). Generally, the period of being involved in sense perceptions and daily activities. Specifically, the period of being distracted from the natural state of mind. 2) subsequent attainment / realization,  3) Jackson, 1994, EMS, "post-meditation practice." post-attainment, post-meditation experience, [Skt] prashthalabdha; postmeditative awareness, ["after-feeling"]; Thrangu Rinpoche: the feeling after {mnyam bzhag}  [RY]
nyams 'al 'ol dang gnyug ma rab rib can - a hazy meditation mood or a distorted version of the natural state [RY]
gnyug ma - 1) the way things are, the natural state; 2) primordial/ fundamental existence, genuine,real, authentic, innate, on-going, uninterrupted, perpetual, primordial, original, natural [state], continuously residing, innate genuine nature, original untouched nature [IW]
gnyug ma - real, genuine, unconceptualizable reality, natural, original, authentic, not artificial, innate, peculiar, absolute, essential, innate nature, innate, intrinsic, innate, natural state [JV]
gnyug ma rab rib can - a distorted version of the natural state [RY]
gnyug ma'i ngang - the natural state, innate state /continuity [IW]
gnyug ma'i ngang - the natural state, innate state, innate continuity [RY]
gnyug ma'i thol glu - spontaneous song of the natural state [RY]
gnyug ma'i lus - body of the natural state [the subtle life grasping wind or dvangs ma'i lus of inseparable mind and wind, continuous from beiginningless samsara to buddhahood] [IW]
gnyug ma'i lus - body of the natural state [IW]
gnyug ma'i gshis - natural state [JV]
gnyug mar gnas pa - continuously existing, existing as/within the natural state [IW]
gnyud ma'i ngang - natural state [IW]
snyug ma'i sems - mind in its natural state [gd] [IW]
lta ba spros bral gyi gnas lugs - the view of the natural state of simplicity [RY]
de kho na nyid - 1) thatness, reality, suchness, thusness, natural state, real nature, real, That, what actually is, the real thing, state of being just as it is. Syn tathata {gnas lugs, stong pa nyid, de nyid, chos nyid, yang dag pa, de bzhin nyid}. can be abbreviated by {de nyid} reality; Skt. tattva or tatva, thatness itself. 2) that very same, that itself [RY]
de kho na nyid - the real, suchness, the way things are, [emptiness, thusness, the natural state, dharmata, dharmadhatu, That, that very same, thatness, reality, reality, what actually is, the real thing (it does not always mean the absolute truth, it can also be relative. There is conventional suchness and absolute suchness it can be abbreviated by {de nyid} [IW]
don dam - / the absolute [1) (met) liberation 2) dharmata, the natural state of all dharmas inexpressible by speech and thought, the realm of individual and personal wisdom so so rang rig pa'i ye shes kyi spyod yul] [IW]
don dam gyi gnas tshul - ultimate condition, the way things really are, the natural state of the absolute [IW]
don dam gnas lugs - the true natural state [RY]
gdams ngag nyon - {gnas lugs ma rtogs bar du thos pa dgos pas bla ma'i gdams ngag nyon} Until you realize the natural state, you need to learn, so listen to his instructions. Atisa [RY]
gdod ma gshis kyi gnas lugs - primordial true nature, natural state of the primordial essence [RY]
gdod ma gshis kyi gnas lugs - natural state of the primordial essence [IW]
gdod ma'i ka dag chen po'i gnas lugs - original natural state of great primordial purity [RY]
gdod ma'i gnas lugs - original state, original and natural state [JV]
gnas tshul - 1) [actual facts of] conditions/ circumstances/ situation, object; 2) news, information, issue; 3) abiding mode [of reality]; 4) subsistence, natural state/ mode; 5) the way it is, how things [really] are [IW]
gnas tshul ji bzhin pa - natural state of things just as they are true state offerings [RY]
gnas tshul ji bzhin pa - natural state of things just as they are, true state of things [IW]
gnas tshul ma mthong ba'i blo - mind that does not see the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs - Natural State, natural condition; fundamental nature (of reality); abiding nature [of reality]. the nature of the buddha body of reality. circumstances, condition, situation, fundamental nature, mode of being, natural condition / state, mode of being, natural situation, natural state, things as they are, news, ontological status, the actual condition of existing, situation, principle, truth, the natural state, mode of subsistence, the basic condition; nature. See also Syn {yin lugs, gnas tshul}. Ex. {sems kyi +} the nature of mind [RY]
gnas lugs - natural (situation, condition of things, state, state of all things), essential nature, mode of subsistence, mode of abiding, reality, being, real (disposition, being, existence), genuine (existence, deep-structuring), existential presence, circumstances, condition, situation, principle, truth, haeceity, presence, being-oneself, being-in-itself, primordial experience of being, the fact of being, blunt fact of existence, things as they are, SA dngos po'i gnas lugs, absolute nature, situation, condition, fundamental nature, actuality, enduring condition, true essence, natural state, true nature, way of abiding, real mode [JV]
gnas lugs - 1) the way things are; 2) perfect nature of all things; 3) natural state)/ [abiding nature of reality, the nature of the buddha body of reality. circumstances, condition, situation, fundamental nature, mode of being, natural condition/ state, mode of being, natural situation, natural state, things as they are, news, ontological status, the actual condition of existing, situation, principle, truth, the natural state, mode of subsistence, the basic condition] [IW]
gnas lugs - 1) the way things are; 2) perfect nature of all things; 3) natural state; 4) situation, conditions [IW]
gnas lugs kyi ngang - the natural state; the realm of the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs kyi rtogs pa - realize the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs kyi rtogs pa - realization of the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs kyi rtogs pa skyes te - realized the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs kyi rtogs pa rgyud la skyes te grol ba yin pa - awakens the realization of the natural state within one and brings liberation [RY]
gnas lugs kyi lta ba - the view of the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs kyi sta ba - vision of the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs kyi don - the meaning of the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs kyi snang ba - appearance of the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs kyi phyag rgya chen po - Mahamudra of the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs kyi rtsal - expressions of the natural state [JV]
gnas lugs kyi rang mtshang ji bzhin - innate suchness of the natural state exactly as it is [RY]
gnas lugs gi gzhi - the ground of the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs bsgom zer - claim to meditate on the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs ngang - the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs chos sku - dharmakaya as the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes - wisdom of knowing the natural state as it is [IW]
gnas lugs ji lta ba bzhin - the natural state as it is [IW]
gnas lugs ji lta ba gzigs pa'i ye shes - the knowledge of quality, the knowledge which sees the natural state just as it is [RY]
gnas lugs gtan la 'bebs - ascertain the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs gtan la 'bebs pa - ascertaining the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs lta ba'i ngo sprod - introducing the view of the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs lta ba'i ngo sprod - introduction to/ transmission of the view of the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs stong pa - natural state of emptiness [JV]
gnas lugs tha bral - the natural state free from difference [IW]
gnas lugs thar thug - the ultimate natural state [IW]
gnas lugs mthar thug - ultimate natural state [IW]
gnas lugs de kho na nyid - the natural state/ real condition of thatness, suchness [IW]
gnas lugs de kho na nyid - the natural state of thatness, the ral condition of thatness, suchness [RY]
gnas lugs de kho na nyid kyi don - the natural state/ real condition of thatness, suchness [IW]
gnas lugs de bzhin nyid - the natural state as it is, the suchness nature [RY]
gnas lugs don - [the meaning of] the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs don gyi kun gzhi - ultimate all-ground of the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs don gyi ye shes - ultimate wisdom of the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs don dam gyi lta ba - the ultimate view of the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs don dam pa'i bden pa - absolute truth of the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs rdo rje'i skyabs 'gro - vajra refuge of the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs rdo rje'i skyabs 'gro - the vajra refuge of the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs spyod pa'i blo - mind that realizes the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs phug chod - total understanding of the natural state [JV]
gnas lugs phyag rgya chen po - mahamudra of the natural state [= {de gshegs snying po} [IW]
gnas lugs phyag rgya chen po - mahamudra of the natural state [JV]
gnas lugs phyag rgya chen po - Mahamudra of the natural state. definition Syn for {de gshegs snying po} [RY]
gnas lugs phyag chen - mahamudra as it is, things as they are, mahamudra [the natural state] [ground Mahamudra] [IW]
gnas lugs ma bcos pa'i rtogs pa rgyud la skye ba - to awaken within you the realization of the uncontrived natural state [RY]
gnas lugs rdzogs pa chen po - dzogchen of the natural state [IW]
gnas lugs gzhi'i 'od gsal - Ground luminosity of the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs gzhi'i 'od gsal - ground luminosity of the natural state [RY]
gnas lugs la sgrib - to obscure the natural state [JV]
rnam du 'byor ba - to put into practice, "to join with the natural state" [RY]
rnam du 'byor ba - put into practice, "join w the natural state" [IW]
rnal du - at ease / peace / to the natural state [RY]
rnal du dbab pa - bringing to the natural state * resting at ease, remaining in naturalness, let things settle in their nature, leave in its natural composure [IW]
rnal du dbab pa - bringing to the natural state [= {bde lugs su nyal ba} resting at ease, remaining in naturalness, let things settle in their nature, leave in its nautral composure [IW]
rnal du dbab pa - resting / remaining in naturalness, bringing to the natural state. Syn {bde lugs su nyal ba} resting at ease, remaining in naturalness, let things settle in per nature, leave in its natural composure; to come down to the/ a fundamental, natural condition [RY]
rnal du dbab pa - settle into the natural state, resting in naturalness, to bring into the natural state [JV]
rnal dbab - relaxing in the natural state [JV]
rnal 'bebs - bringing to the natural state [RY]
rnal 'byor pa - Yogi / yogi. Tantric practitioner. In this book, the word yogi often holds the connotation of someone of who has already some level of realization of the natural state of mind [RY]
rnal ma - 1) genuine, true, the way things actually are [...Gtam rnal ma,...Go bsdur rnal ma,...Gnas lugs rnal ma]; 2) [in accord w] natural state, things as they are [Nyen tsabs che ba'i gnas tshul byung skabs sems rnal du phab ste brtag dpyad byed dgos,...Dran pa rnal du bzhag nas rtsod pa rgyag pa,...Shes pa rnal du mi gnas pa] [IW]
rnal ma - 1) real true, way things are; 2) in accord w the natural state/ way things are  [IW]
rnal ma - natural state, genuine, fundamental state, SA rnal, nature of the genuine condition, authentic condition [JV]
rnal ma - 1) the true, real, actual, genuine, original, pure, basic. 2) natural state, uncontrived state, absolute nature, fundamental / natural condition. 3) Syn {dngos ma}, {ma bcos pa}, {ma bcos pa'i don}, {so ma}, {gshis lugs}, {yang dag pa} [RY]
rnal ma - 1) the true, real, genuine, original; 2) absolute nature, natural state; 3) unfabricated, uncontrived state; 4) fresh [IW]
rnal ma - 1) real true, way things are [Gtam rnal ma,...Go bsdur rnal ma,...Gnas lugs rnal ma]; 2) in accord w the natural state/ way things are)/ [Nyen tsabs che ba'i gnas tshul byung skabs sems rnal du phab ste brtag dpyad byed dgos,...Dran pa rnal du bzhag nas rtshod pa rgyag pa,...Shes pa rnal du mi gnas pa] [IW]
rnal ma'i ngang - the natural state [RY]
rnal ma'i don - the true nature, natural state [RY]
rnal ma'i rnal 'byor - yoga of naturalness/ the natural state, {rdzogs rim} [IW]
rnal ma'i rnal 'byor - yoga of naturalness / the natural state. Syn {rdzogs rim} [RY]
rnal ma'i rlung sems - prana/mind of the natural state [lus la rang chas su yod pa'i rlung sems te, ye shes kyi rlung dang rig pa'o] [IW]
rnal ma'i rlung sems - prana/mind of the natural state [IW]
rnal ma'i lus - body of the natural state [IW]
rnal ma'i sems - mind of the natural state, self-arising wisdom [IW]
rnal mar gzhag - settle into the natural state [JV]
rnal mar bzhag pa - to settle into the natural state [RY]
rnal mar bzhag pa - settle into the natural state [IW]
rnal gzhag chen po - great natural state [JV]
rnal bzhag chen po - totally settled into the natural state, the great self-settled natural state [RY]
rnal bzhag chen po - great naturalness, the great settling into the natural condition, totally settled into the natural state, the great self-settled natural state [JV]
dbyings rig rang so la 'jog pa - rest in the natural state of space and awareness [IW]
dbyings rig rang so la 'jog pa - to rest in the natural state of space and awareness [RY]
'brel yod - connected [since relations between things do not produce resolution, all thoughts of former --- in the natural state must be destroyed] [IW]
sbyor ba don gyi gnas lugs - the natural state of adherence. [Syn. {sems nyid 'od gsal ba}, {bde gshegs snying po} [RY]
sbyor ba don gyi gnas lugs - the natural state of adherence [IW]
ma bcos gnyug ma'i ngang - the unfabricated natural state, within unfabricated naturalness [IW]
ma'i 'od gsal - Mother luminosity. The ground luminosity of the natural state inherent as the enlightened essence of all sentient beings [RY]
mtshan med - characteristicless [meditate on he natural state, emptiness [IW]
gzhi gnas kyi ye shes - the wisdom dwelling in the ground. ground wisdom of the natural state [IW]
gzhi gnas lugs kyi ye shes - ground wisdom of the natural state [RY]
gzhi lhun grub kyi gnas lugs - natural state of the ground of spontaneous presence, the ground condition of spontaneous presence [RY]
gzhi'i gnas lugs - the basic condition, the ground of the natural state [IW]
gzhis lugs - natural state, way things are [IW]
mzhon du bum pa sku'i gnas lugs - the natural state of the youthful vase body [IW]
zang ka ma - just as it is, just so, ordinary, simply, in its natural state, not changed [R] [IW]
zang ka ma - just as it is, just so, ordinary, simply, in its natural state, not changed [ati] [IW]
'od gsal nyug ma'i rig pa - the insight of the luminous natural state [IW]
'od gsal gnyug ma'i rig pa - luminous natural awareness/ insight, luminous awareness of the natural state [IW]
'od gsal rnal ma - 1) real luminosity; 2) the luminous natural state [IW]
yang gsang gnas lugs phug chod - discovery of the innermost secret natural state of being [JV]
yin lugs - as it is, fundamental being, innate condition, modes of reality. abiding nature of reality, the true / absolute nature, the mode of being, 'how it is', the condition of [the detailed characteristics of the nature] the natural state, natural state of existence; the mode of being; mode/ manner of being; the way something/ things actually is/ are. Syn {gnas lugs} [RY]
yin lugs - distorted description of the presence, the whole of empirical reality, being this or that, the state of existence of things, innate condition, natural state of existence, things as they are, mode of being, actual mode, real nature [JV]
yin lugs - 1) reason; 2) nature of emptiness; 3) as/ how it is, fundamental being, innate condition, modes of reality, detailed attributes of the abiding nature of reality.,the true/ absolute nature, the mode of being, the condition of [the detailed characteristics of the nature] the natural state [IW]
rang thog tu - in one's own condition, in one's own natural state, in one's condition, within oneself [JV]
rang bab - natural state, automatically [JV]
rang bab - 1) the way it is, [rest in] its natural state; 2) naturally occurring; 3) rang so/ self-pacified [IW]
rang bab - natural flow naturalness, [rest in the] natural state; [rest in the] natural state, natural flow naturalness [RY]
rang bab gshis - natural state [JV]
rang babs - unfabricated and natural state, natural, naturalness, self-occurring, spontaneously happening, spontaneous, self-manifesting, natural flow, natural mind, as it is, naturalness, as it is naturally, as it is by itself, in its own way, the natural state, left alone, self-occurring; self occurring; naturalness; natural condition falling out in and of itself; just so, natural flow, as it naturally is. naturalness, self-occurring, spontaneously happening, spontaneous, self-manifesting, natural mind, as it is, as it is by itself, in its own way, the natural state, left alone, self-occurring, unfabricated and natural state [RY]
rang babs - just so * natural flow, as it [naturally] is [by itself], naturalness, self-occurring, spontaneously happening, spontaneous, self-manifesting, natural mind, in its own way, left alone, self-occurring, [unfabricated and] natural state [IW]
rang babs - self-occurring, naturalness, just so, as it occurs to one's self, self-occurring, naturalness, natural state, natural [JV]
rang babs - natural condition/ circumstance; (natural state of) utter relaxation; isc. utterly relaxed; isc. natural(ly); (CYDz) natural seelting/ settling naturally/ naturally settled [RB]
rang babs su klod pa - release into the natural state [RY]
rang zhal - gnas lugs kyi + - the true face of your natural state [RY]
rang zhal - 1) one's face [h]; 2) the face of; 3) [dharmata and the mind of the natural state] true/ natural/ original face/identity [IW]
rang gzhag - in its natural state, self-settledness, natural condition [JV]
rang bzhag - self-settledness in its natural state, self-settled, remain as itself [JV]
rang bzhag chen po - great natural state [JV]
rang bzhin - (inherent, essential, ultimate, in its) nature, natural (disposition, state, constitution, temperament, inherent existence), character, actuality, fact, datum, essence, in itself, givenness, presence, frame of reference, natural state, character of existents, innate essence, manifesting, identity, accidental, character, nature or clarity aspect of primordial base, true nature, intrinsic nature, condition, 1 of chos gsum, the very substance, the substance of, its nature, natural [JV]
rang bzhin ngang - natural state [RY]
rang bzhin du gnas pa - naturally abide/ present, abide in the nature/ natural state rang sor gnas pa [IW]
rang bzhin babs - innate nature/ natural state of utter relaxation [RB]
rang bzhin bzhag - in its natural state [JV]
rang lugs - one's own (thing, system), (our, its) own system, way, natural state, naturalness [JV]
rang lugs su - as it naturally is, natural way, in its own natural state, in its natural way, in the natural state [JV]
rang lugs su - [adv.] naturally, its natural state [RY]
rang lugs su - [adv] naturally, its natural state [IW]
rang lugs su gnas - abide in the natural state, to remain calm in its own natural state [JV]
rang sa - (one's) own natural condition/ own place; natural state; isc. own ground [RB]
rang sa - 1) 1's fatherland; 2) place 1 is living; 3) 1's bhumi/ level; 3) in its own place/ state, in itself, where/ as it is/ was; 4) natural state; 5) own level; 6) same level as 1self [IW]
rang sa - in its own place, in its own state, in itself, where it is, natural state, own level, same level as oneself. also {rang sar} [RY]
rang sar - 1) 1's fatherland; 2) rang phyogs kyi sa khul; 3) 1's bhumi/ level; 3) in its own place/ state, in itself, where/ as it is; 4) natural state; 5) own level; 6) same level as 1self [IW]
rang sar grol ba - released into its own natural state [RY]
rang sar bzhag pa - to rest in its own place/ natural state [RB]
rang sar zin - resuming its natural state / own stable; remaining in its own (original) condition [RY]
rang so - naturally, natural state [RY]
rang so nyid - natural state [RY]
rig pa sems kyi rang so gzung ba - let your awareness take hold of the natural state of mind [RY]
lus so - the body and its proper/ natural state [IW]
shes pa rnal du dbab - bringing consciousness to its natural state [RY]
gshis kyi gnas lugs - natural state of how things are present, natural state, basic natural state [JV]
gshis lugs gnyug ma'i 'pho ba - innate phowa of the natural state [RY]
sems kyi rang babs - natural state of mind, the way mind naturally is, natural flow of mind [JV]
sems nyid ngal gso - relaxing in the natural state of the mind [JV]
sems rnal ma - 1) straightforward and right to the point; 2) mind not out of control; 3) natural state of mind [IW]
bsam gtan ngal gso - Easeing Weariness Through Meditation [text teaching the self-exiting samadhi of the natural state, the profound quick path producing familiarity with the path of luminous wisdom, with root verses and commentary in three chapters, written in the 14th century by the Nyingma master Longchenpa.] [IW]
lhan ne - {lhan ne ba} (to be) very present stable/ abiding/ steadfast; [EPK: "remaining in nonduality/ a natural state"] [RB]
lhan ne ba - (to be) very present stable/ abiding/ steadfast; [EPK: "remaining in nonduality/ a natural state"] [RB]
lhug ma - 1) natural state; 2) prose [IW]
lhun grub kyi gnas lugs - the spontaneously present natural state [IW]
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ka dag khregs chod - cutting through/, trekchö of primordial purity, cutting through resistance to primordial purity [pith ofpractice of dzongchen mantra, instruction in le lo can effortless liberation; gzhi gnas self exising wisdom grol lugs chen po bzhi'i ngang du gnas pa nyid ngo rang thog tu 'phrod, thag chig thog tu chod, gding grol thog tu bca' ba bcas kyis dharmata, guarding the alpha pure unfabricated natural state la primordial sor bzhag gi ngang [IW]

ka dag gi gnas lugs - natural state of primordial purity [JV]

klungs su gyur pa - established in the natural state [JV]

skad zer - claim to, profess to {gnas lugs sgom pa skad zer nas} claim to train in the natural state [RY]

khregs chod gnas lugs - the natural state / condition of Trekchö / Cutting Through [RY]

khregs chod gnas lugs - the natural state/ condition of trekcho/ cutting through [IW]

'khor sgyur gyi 'khor lo'i khyad chos drug - the six special qualities of the wheel of universal emperor: 1) {myur du 'gro ba} going quickly; 2) {gzhan du 'gro ba} going for /to others; 3) {ma rgyal ba las rgyal bar byed pa} 4) {rgyal ba rnal du 'god pa} 5) establishing rgyal ba in the natural state {mtho ba las 'phar ba} 6) {dma' ba las 'bab pa}; [IW]

grol lam - Path of liberation. 1) When related to the 'path of ripening' it refers to the practice of the oral instructions of one's personal vajra master. 2) When related to the 'path of means' it refers to the practice of sustaining the natural state of mind; Mahamudra or Dzogchen [RY]

dgongs pa de kho na nyid - natural state [JV]

rgyun bskyang ba - to practice remaining (in the natural state) [JV]

ngang - scope (for rig pa'i ngang, "scope of awareness"); (true) state/ context; fundamental nature/ state; isc. continuity; isc. embrace; isc. natural state; isc. while . . . ; is(vf)c. quality [RB]

ngo 'phrod - realized, realization, received the transmissions *, be identified; 1) having realized the natural state encounter it; 2) Bcos ma ma yin par lag par 'byor ba Phyag bris ngo 'phrod byung bas 'dir yang blo sems bde [IW]

ngo bo - 1) essence, essential meaning * nature, character, attribute, entity, intrinsic/ central/ essential nature, vital substance, core, being, inmost nature, vitalement, synthesis; 2) principle, existence, fact[icity][of being], faculty; 3) entity, concerns, identity {dngos po}; 4) definition, main principle; 5) what it comes down to, at bottom, in fact, the buddha-body of reality, way things are, natural state, realize[d], realization, receive[d] transmission, see, identify, recognize, be introduced, understand, surface of [IW]

ngo bo - 1) essence, nature, character, attribute, identity, entity, intrinsic/ central/ essential nature, vital substance, core, being, inmost nature, vitalement, synthesis; 2) principle, existence, facticity, fact, faculty; 3) entity, fact of being, concerns, identity {dngos po}; 4) definition, main principle [one of trio of the essence, natural expression and spirituality according to the great perfection, the essence [gd] similar to rang bzhin but when referring to sugatagarbha, ngo bo refers to the emptiness part whereas {rang bzhin} refers to the luminosity or clarity part]; 5) what it comes down to, at bottom, in fact, identity of things, the buddha-body of reality, essential meaning [R] way things are, natural state, realize[d], realization, receive[d] transmission, see, identify, recognize, be introduced, understand, surface of [IW]

ngo bo - essence, pure fact, being, facticity, facticity of being, fact of ultimate nature of things, lack of any specifically characterizable being, fact of being, state of being what it comes down to, at bottom, in fact, entity, substance, intrinsic nature, identity, identity of things, essence or emptiness aspect of primordial base, fundamental condition, true nature, 1 of chos gsum, in fact, real substance, entity, identity, natural state [JV]

ngo bo'i mnyam bzhag - composure of the natural state [JV]

dngos gnas - real, true, the nature of things, the natural state, the way things are [IW]

dngos po'i gnas lugs bsgom pa - meditate on the natural state of things / the way things are [IW]

chos nyid mngon sum gi snang ba - The visionary appearance of direct perception of reality, appearance of the manifestation of dharmata [one of the {snang ba bzhi} the natural state of things as they are primordially pure dharmata by its manifestation being seen transcending the extremes of labelings of intellectual analysis opens the gate to the tathagata's secret buddha fields inconceivable to thought] [IW]

chos nyid gnyug ma - natural state, circumstances of the external world [JV]

chos nyid gnyug ma - natural state [of dharmata] [IW]

chos nyid gnyug ma - natural state [RY]

chos nyid rnal ma'i don - genuine fact of isness/ reality/ dharmata, meaning of the natural state of dharmata [IW]

chos dbyings stong pa nyid kyi gnas lugs - field of events and meanings; dharmadhatu, the natural state of emptiness [IW]

'chi ba 'od gsal gnas lugs - the natural state of luminosity of death [IW]

'chi ba 'od gsal gnas lugs mngon du 'gyur - realize death as the natural state of luminosity [RY]

'chugs pa - [A} 1) lips sdum par byed pa [straighten?] two Snyan sgron, lamp of hearing request oral natural state [IW]

ji bzhin pa - as it is, suchness, the authentic condition, state of being just as it is, natural state [JV]

rjes thob - 1) RJY: post-meditation, the post-meditative period, ensuing, after a period of contemplation, aftermath [of meditative absorption). Generally, the period of being involved in sense perceptions and daily activities. Specifically, the period of being distracted from the natural state of mind. 2) subsequent attainment / realization, 3) Jackson, 1994, EMS, "post-meditation practice." post-attainment, post-meditation experience, [Skt] prashthalabdha; postmeditative awareness, ["after-feeling"]; Thrangu Rinpoche: the feeling after {mnyam bzhag} [RY]

nyams 'al 'ol dang gnyug ma rab rib can - a hazy meditation mood or a distorted version of the natural state [RY]

gnyug ma - 1) the way things are, the natural state; 2) primordial/ fundamental existence, genuine,real, authentic, innate, on-going, uninterrupted, perpetual, primordial, original, natural [state], continuously residing, innate genuine nature, original untouched nature [IW]

gnyug ma - real, genuine, unconceptualizable reality, natural, original, authentic, not artificial, innate, peculiar, absolute, essential, innate nature, innate, intrinsic, innate, natural state [JV]

gnyug ma rab rib can - a distorted version of the natural state [RY]

gnyug ma'i ngang - the natural state, innate state /continuity [IW]

gnyug ma'i ngang - the natural state, innate state, innate continuity [RY]

gnyug ma'i thol glu - spontaneous song of the natural state [RY]

gnyug ma'i lus - body of the natural state [the subtle life grasping wind or dvangs ma'i lus of inseparable mind and wind, continuous from beiginningless samsara to buddhahood] [IW]

gnyug ma'i lus - body of the natural state [IW]

gnyug ma'i gshis - natural state [JV]

gnyug mar gnas pa - continuously existing, existing as/within the natural state [IW]

gnyud ma'i ngang - natural state [IW]

snyug ma'i sems - mind in its natural state [gd] [IW]

lta ba spros bral gyi gnas lugs - the view of the natural state of simplicity [RY]

de kho na nyid - 1) thatness, reality, suchness, thusness, natural state, real nature, real, That, what actually is, the real thing, state of being just as it is. Syn tathata {gnas lugs, stong pa nyid, de nyid, chos nyid, yang dag pa, de bzhin nyid}. can be abbreviated by {de nyid} reality; Skt. tattva or tatva, thatness itself. 2) that very same, that itself [RY]

de kho na nyid - the real, suchness, the way things are, [emptiness, thusness, the natural state, dharmata, dharmadhatu, That, that very same, thatness, reality, reality, what actually is, the real thing (it does not always mean the absolute truth, it can also be relative. There is conventional suchness and absolute suchness it can be abbreviated by {de nyid} [IW]

don dam - / the absolute [1) (met) liberation 2) dharmata, the natural state of all dharmas inexpressible by speech and thought, the realm of individual and personal wisdom so so rang rig pa'i ye shes kyi spyod yul] [IW]

don dam gyi gnas tshul - ultimate condition, the way things really are, the natural state of the absolute [IW]

don dam gnas lugs - the true natural state [RY]

gdams ngag nyon - {gnas lugs ma rtogs bar du thos pa dgos pas bla ma'i gdams ngag nyon} Until you realize the natural state, you need to learn, so listen to his instructions. Atisa [RY]

gdod ma gshis kyi gnas lugs - primordial true nature, natural state of the primordial essence [RY]

gdod ma gshis kyi gnas lugs - natural state of the primordial essence [IW]

gdod ma'i ka dag chen po'i gnas lugs - original natural state of great primordial purity [RY]

gdod ma'i gnas lugs - original state, original and natural state [JV]

gnas tshul - 1) [actual facts of] conditions/ circumstances/ situation, object; 2) news, information, issue; 3) abiding mode [of reality]; 4) subsistence, natural state/ mode; 5) the way it is, how things [really] are [IW]

gnas tshul ji bzhin pa - natural state of things just as they are true state offerings [RY]

gnas tshul ji bzhin pa - natural state of things just as they are, true state of things [IW]

gnas tshul ma mthong ba'i blo - mind that does not see the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs - Natural State, natural condition; fundamental nature (of reality); abiding nature [of reality]. the nature of the buddha body of reality. circumstances, condition, situation, fundamental nature, mode of being, natural condition / state, mode of being, natural situation, natural state, things as they are, news, ontological status, the actual condition of existing, situation, principle, truth, the natural state, mode of subsistence, the basic condition; nature. See also Syn {yin lugs, gnas tshul}. Ex. {sems kyi +} the nature of mind [RY]

gnas lugs - natural (situation, condition of things, state, state of all things), essential nature, mode of subsistence, mode of abiding, reality, being, real (disposition, being, existence), genuine (existence, deep-structuring), existential presence, circumstances, condition, situation, principle, truth, haeceity, presence, being-oneself, being-in-itself, primordial experience of being, the fact of being, blunt fact of existence, things as they are, SA dngos po'i gnas lugs, absolute nature, situation, condition, fundamental nature, actuality, enduring condition, true essence, natural state, true nature, way of abiding, real mode [JV]

gnas lugs - 1) the way things are; 2) perfect nature of all things; 3) natural state)/ [abiding nature of reality, the nature of the buddha body of reality. circumstances, condition, situation, fundamental nature, mode of being, natural condition/ state, mode of being, natural situation, natural state, things as they are, news, ontological status, the actual condition of existing, situation, principle, truth, the natural state, mode of subsistence, the basic condition] [IW]

gnas lugs - 1) the way things are; 2) perfect nature of all things; 3) natural state; 4) situation, conditions [IW]

gnas lugs kyi ngang - the natural state; the realm of the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs kyi rtogs pa - realize the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs kyi rtogs pa - realization of the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs kyi rtogs pa skyes te - realized the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs kyi rtogs pa rgyud la skyes te grol ba yin pa - awakens the realization of the natural state within one and brings liberation [RY]

gnas lugs kyi lta ba - the view of the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs kyi sta ba - vision of the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs kyi don - the meaning of the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs kyi snang ba - appearance of the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs kyi phyag rgya chen po - Mahamudra of the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs kyi rtsal - expressions of the natural state [JV]

gnas lugs kyi rang mtshang ji bzhin - innate suchness of the natural state exactly as it is [RY]

gnas lugs gi gzhi - the ground of the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs bsgom zer - claim to meditate on the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs ngang - the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs chos sku - dharmakaya as the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes - wisdom of knowing the natural state as it is [IW]

gnas lugs ji lta ba bzhin - the natural state as it is [IW]

gnas lugs ji lta ba gzigs pa'i ye shes - the knowledge of quality, the knowledge which sees the natural state just as it is [RY]

gnas lugs gtan la 'bebs - ascertain the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs gtan la 'bebs pa - ascertaining the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs lta ba'i ngo sprod - introducing the view of the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs lta ba'i ngo sprod - introduction to/ transmission of the view of the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs stong pa - natural state of emptiness [JV]

gnas lugs tha bral - the natural state free from difference [IW]

gnas lugs thar thug - the ultimate natural state [IW]

gnas lugs mthar thug - ultimate natural state [IW]

gnas lugs de kho na nyid - the natural state/ real condition of thatness, suchness [IW]

gnas lugs de kho na nyid - the natural state of thatness, the ral condition of thatness, suchness [RY]

gnas lugs de kho na nyid kyi don - the natural state/ real condition of thatness, suchness [IW]

gnas lugs de bzhin nyid - the natural state as it is, the suchness nature [RY]

gnas lugs don - [the meaning of] the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs don gyi kun gzhi - ultimate all-ground of the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs don gyi ye shes - ultimate wisdom of the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs don dam gyi lta ba - the ultimate view of the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs don dam pa'i bden pa - absolute truth of the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs rdo rje'i skyabs 'gro - vajra refuge of the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs rdo rje'i skyabs 'gro - the vajra refuge of the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs spyod pa'i blo - mind that realizes the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs phug chod - total understanding of the natural state [JV]

gnas lugs phyag rgya chen po - mahamudra of the natural state [= {de gshegs snying po} [IW]

gnas lugs phyag rgya chen po - mahamudra of the natural state [JV]

gnas lugs phyag rgya chen po - Mahamudra of the natural state. definition Syn for {de gshegs snying po} [RY]

gnas lugs phyag chen - mahamudra as it is, things as they are, mahamudra [the natural state] [ground Mahamudra] [IW]

gnas lugs ma bcos pa'i rtogs pa rgyud la skye ba - to awaken within you the realization of the uncontrived natural state [RY]

gnas lugs rdzogs pa chen po - dzogchen of the natural state [IW]

gnas lugs gzhi'i 'od gsal - Ground luminosity of the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs gzhi'i 'od gsal - ground luminosity of the natural state [RY]

gnas lugs la sgrib - to obscure the natural state [JV]

rnam du 'byor ba - to put into practice, "to join with the natural state" [RY]

rnam du 'byor ba - put into practice, "join w the natural state" [IW]

rnal du - at ease / peace / to the natural state [RY]

rnal du dbab pa - bringing to the natural state * resting at ease, remaining in naturalness, let things settle in their nature, leave in its natural composure [IW]

rnal du dbab pa - bringing to the natural state [= {bde lugs su nyal ba} resting at ease, remaining in naturalness, let things settle in their nature, leave in its nautral composure [IW]

rnal du dbab pa - resting / remaining in naturalness, bringing to the natural state. Syn {bde lugs su nyal ba} resting at ease, remaining in naturalness, let things settle in per nature, leave in its natural composure; to come down to the/ a fundamental, natural condition [RY]

rnal du dbab pa - settle into the natural state, resting in naturalness, to bring into the natural state [JV]

rnal dbab - relaxing in the natural state [JV]

rnal 'bebs - bringing to the natural state [RY]

rnal 'byor pa - Yogi / yogi. Tantric practitioner. In this book, the word yogi often holds the connotation of someone of who has already some level of realization of the natural state of mind [RY]

rnal ma - 1) genuine, true, the way things actually are [...Gtam rnal ma,...Go bsdur rnal ma,...Gnas lugs rnal ma]; 2) [in accord w] natural state, things as they are [Nyen tsabs che ba'i gnas tshul byung skabs sems rnal du phab ste brtag dpyad byed dgos,...Dran pa rnal du bzhag nas rtsod pa rgyag pa,...Shes pa rnal du mi gnas pa] [IW]

rnal ma - 1) real true, way things are; 2) in accord w the natural state/ way things are [IW]

rnal ma - natural state, genuine, fundamental state, SA rnal, nature of the genuine condition, authentic condition [JV]

rnal ma - 1) the true, real, actual, genuine, original, pure, basic. 2) natural state, uncontrived state, absolute nature, fundamental / natural condition. 3) Syn {dngos ma}, {ma bcos pa}, {ma bcos pa'i don}, {so ma}, {gshis lugs}, {yang dag pa} [RY]

rnal ma - 1) the true, real, genuine, original; 2) absolute nature, natural state; 3) unfabricated, uncontrived state; 4) fresh [IW]

rnal ma - 1) real true, way things are [Gtam rnal ma,...Go bsdur rnal ma,...Gnas lugs rnal ma]; 2) in accord w the natural state/ way things are)/ [Nyen tsabs che ba'i gnas tshul byung skabs sems rnal du phab ste brtag dpyad byed dgos,...Dran pa rnal du bzhag nas rtshod pa rgyag pa,...Shes pa rnal du mi gnas pa] [IW]

rnal ma'i ngang - the natural state [RY]

rnal ma'i don - the true nature, natural state [RY]

rnal ma'i rnal 'byor - yoga of naturalness/ the natural state, {rdzogs rim} [IW]

rnal ma'i rnal 'byor - yoga of naturalness / the natural state. Syn {rdzogs rim} [RY]

rnal ma'i rlung sems - prana/mind of the natural state [lus la rang chas su yod pa'i rlung sems te, ye shes kyi rlung dang rig pa'o] [IW]

rnal ma'i rlung sems - prana/mind of the natural state [IW]

rnal ma'i lus - body of the natural state [IW]

rnal ma'i sems - mind of the natural state, self-arising wisdom [IW]

rnal mar gzhag - settle into the natural state [JV]

rnal mar bzhag pa - to settle into the natural state [RY]

rnal mar bzhag pa - settle into the natural state [IW]

rnal gzhag chen po - great natural state [JV]

rnal bzhag chen po - totally settled into the natural state, the great self-settled natural state [RY]

rnal bzhag chen po - great naturalness, the great settling into the natural condition, totally settled into the natural state, the great self-settled natural state [JV]

dbyings rig rang so la 'jog pa - rest in the natural state of space and awareness [IW]

dbyings rig rang so la 'jog pa - to rest in the natural state of space and awareness [RY]

'brel yod - connected [since relations between things do not produce resolution, all thoughts of former --- in the natural state must be destroyed] [IW]

sbyor ba don gyi gnas lugs - the natural state of adherence. [Syn. {sems nyid 'od gsal ba}, {bde gshegs snying po} [RY]

sbyor ba don gyi gnas lugs - the natural state of adherence [IW]

ma bcos gnyug ma'i ngang - the unfabricated natural state, within unfabricated naturalness [IW]

ma'i 'od gsal - Mother luminosity. The ground luminosity of the natural state inherent as the enlightened essence of all sentient beings [RY]

mtshan med - characteristicless [meditate on he natural state, emptiness [IW]

gzhi gnas kyi ye shes - the wisdom dwelling in the ground. ground wisdom of the natural state [IW]

gzhi gnas lugs kyi ye shes - ground wisdom of the natural state [RY]

gzhi lhun grub kyi gnas lugs - natural state of the ground of spontaneous presence, the ground condition of spontaneous presence [RY]

gzhi'i gnas lugs - the basic condition, the ground of the natural state [IW]

gzhis lugs - natural state, way things are [IW]

mzhon du bum pa sku'i gnas lugs - the natural state of the youthful vase body [IW]

zang ka ma - just as it is, just so, ordinary, simply, in its natural state, not changed [R] [IW]

zang ka ma - just as it is, just so, ordinary, simply, in its natural state, not changed [ati] [IW]

'od gsal nyug ma'i rig pa - the insight of the luminous natural state [IW]

'od gsal gnyug ma'i rig pa - luminous natural awareness/ insight, luminous awareness of the natural state [IW]

'od gsal rnal ma - 1) real luminosity; 2) the luminous natural state [IW]

yang gsang gnas lugs phug chod - discovery of the innermost secret natural state of being [JV]

yin lugs - as it is, fundamental being, innate condition, modes of reality. abiding nature of reality, the true / absolute nature, the mode of being, 'how it is', the condition of [the detailed characteristics of the nature] the natural state, natural state of existence; the mode of being; mode/ manner of being; the way something/ things actually is/ are. Syn {gnas lugs} [RY]

yin lugs - distorted description of the presence, the whole of empirical reality, being this or that, the state of existence of things, innate condition, natural state of existence, things as they are, mode of being, actual mode, real nature [JV]

yin lugs - 1) reason; 2) nature of emptiness; 3) as/ how it is, fundamental being, innate condition, modes of reality, detailed attributes of the abiding nature of reality.,the true/ absolute nature, the mode of being, the condition of [the detailed characteristics of the nature] the natural state [IW]

rang thog tu - in one's own condition, in one's own natural state, in one's condition, within oneself [JV]

rang bab - natural state, automatically [JV]

rang bab - 1) the way it is, [rest in] its natural state; 2) naturally occurring; 3) rang so/ self-pacified [IW]

rang bab - natural flow naturalness, [rest in the] natural state; [rest in the] natural state, natural flow naturalness [RY]

rang bab gshis - natural state [JV]

rang babs - unfabricated and natural state, natural, naturalness, self-occurring, spontaneously happening, spontaneous, self-manifesting, natural flow, natural mind, as it is, naturalness, as it is naturally, as it is by itself, in its own way, the natural state, left alone, self-occurring; self occurring; naturalness; natural condition falling out in and of itself; just so, natural flow, as it naturally is. naturalness, self-occurring, spontaneously happening, spontaneous, self-manifesting, natural mind, as it is, as it is by itself, in its own way, the natural state, left alone, self-occurring, unfabricated and natural state [RY]

rang babs - just so * natural flow, as it [naturally] is [by itself], naturalness, self-occurring, spontaneously happening, spontaneous, self-manifesting, natural mind, in its own way, left alone, self-occurring, [unfabricated and] natural state [IW]

rang babs - self-occurring, naturalness, just so, as it occurs to one's self, self-occurring, naturalness, natural state, natural [JV]

rang babs - natural condition/ circumstance; (natural state of) utter relaxation; isc. utterly relaxed; isc. natural(ly); (CYDz) natural seelting/ settling naturally/ naturally settled [RB]

rang babs su klod pa - release into the natural state [RY]

rang zhal - gnas lugs kyi + - the true face of your natural state [RY]

rang zhal - 1) one's face [h]; 2) the face of; 3) [dharmata and the mind of the natural state] true/ natural/ original face/identity [IW]

rang gzhag - in its natural state, self-settledness, natural condition [JV]

rang bzhag - self-settledness in its natural state, self-settled, remain as itself [JV]

rang bzhag chen po - great natural state [JV]

rang bzhin - (inherent, essential, ultimate, in its) nature, natural (disposition, state, constitution, temperament, inherent existence), character, actuality, fact, datum, essence, in itself, givenness, presence, frame of reference, natural state, character of existents, innate essence, manifesting, identity, accidental, character, nature or clarity aspect of primordial base, true nature, intrinsic nature, condition, 1 of chos gsum, the very substance, the substance of, its nature, natural [JV]

rang bzhin ngang - natural state [RY]

rang bzhin du gnas pa - naturally abide/ present, abide in the nature/ natural state rang sor gnas pa [IW]

rang bzhin babs - innate nature/ natural state of utter relaxation [RB]

rang bzhin bzhag - in its natural state [JV]

rang lugs - one's own (thing, system), (our, its) own system, way, natural state, naturalness [JV]

rang lugs su - as it naturally is, natural way, in its own natural state, in its natural way, in the natural state [JV]

rang lugs su - [adv.] naturally, its natural state [RY]

rang lugs su - [adv] naturally, its natural state [IW]

rang lugs su gnas - abide in the natural state, to remain calm in its own natural state [JV]

rang sa - (one's) own natural condition/ own place; natural state; isc. own ground [RB]

rang sa - 1) 1's fatherland; 2) place 1 is living; 3) 1's bhumi/ level; 3) in its own place/ state, in itself, where/ as it is/ was; 4) natural state; 5) own level; 6) same level as 1self [IW]

rang sa - in its own place, in its own state, in itself, where it is, natural state, own level, same level as oneself. also {rang sar} [RY]

rang sar - 1) 1's fatherland; 2) rang phyogs kyi sa khul; 3) 1's bhumi/ level; 3) in its own place/ state, in itself, where/ as it is; 4) natural state; 5) own level; 6) same level as 1self [IW]

rang sar grol ba - released into its own natural state [RY]

rang sar bzhag pa - to rest in its own place/ natural state [RB]

rang sar zin - resuming its natural state / own stable; remaining in its own (original) condition [RY]

rang so - naturally, natural state [RY]

rang so nyid - natural state [RY]

rig pa sems kyi rang so gzung ba - let your awareness take hold of the natural state of mind [RY]

lus so - the body and its proper/ natural state [IW]

shes pa rnal du dbab - bringing consciousness to its natural state [RY]

gshis kyi gnas lugs - natural state of how things are present, natural state, basic natural state [JV]

gshis lugs gnyug ma'i 'pho ba - innate phowa of the natural state [RY]

sems kyi rang babs - natural state of mind, the way mind naturally is, natural flow of mind [JV]

sems nyid ngal gso - relaxing in the natural state of the mind [JV]

sems rnal ma - 1) straightforward and right to the point; 2) mind not out of control; 3) natural state of mind [IW]

bsam gtan ngal gso - Easeing Weariness Through Meditation [text teaching the self-exiting samadhi of the natural state, the profound quick path producing familiarity with the path of luminous wisdom, with root verses and commentary in three chapters, written in the 14th century by the Nyingma master Longchenpa.] [IW]

lhan ne - {lhan ne ba} (to be) very present stable/ abiding/ steadfast; [EPK: "remaining in nonduality/ a natural state"] [RB]

lhan ne ba - (to be) very present stable/ abiding/ steadfast; [EPK: "remaining in nonduality/ a natural state"] [RB]

lhug ma - 1) natural state; 2) prose [IW]

lhun grub kyi gnas lugs - the spontaneously present natural state [IW]