Seven Branches

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khams bde bar gshegs pa'i snying po - the nature sugata-essence, {de bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po}, the dhatu sugatagarbha [IW]

khams bde bar gshegs pa'i snying po - the nature sugata-essence. Syn {de bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po} [RY]

bdag med gsum - the three aspects of sugata-essence, {gzhi dus kyi rang bzhin rnam dag}, the natural purity at the time of the ground. {'bras dus]] kyi glo bur bral dag}, the purity of freedom from momentary [stains] at the time of fruition. {lam dus kyi dag la ma dag}, the partial purity at the time of the path] [RY]

bde bar gshegs pa'i snying po - Skt sugatagarbha; sugata-essence, buddha nature, enlightened essence, essence for attaining experience of bliss [RY]

bde gshegs ngo bo - sugata-essence [RY]

bde gshegs snying po - sugata-essence, buddha nature, essence of the sugatas, buddha nature [JV]

bde gshegs snying po - sugatagarbha [Buddha-nature, sugata-essence nucleus of the sugata fundamental continuity gzhi rgyud primordially existing within the continuums of all sentient beings, empty in essence, ngo bo; luminous by nature, rang bzhin; and embodying bdag nyid can [or just mean having the nature all pervading compassion.] [IW]

bde gshegs snying po - buddha-nature, sugata-essence, sugatagarbha, [essence of enlightenment present in all sentient beings] [RY]

bder gshegs snying po - sugatagarbha, sugata-essence, "buddha- nature," "enlightened essence" [RY]

bder gshegs snying po sems rig dbyer med - sugata-essence of undifferentiated sem and rigpa [RY]

bder gshegs snying po gsum - the three aspects of sugata-essence, [IW]

bder gshegs snying po gsum - the three aspects of sugata-essence, {gzhi dus kyi rang bzhin rnam dag} the natural purity at the time of the ground, {'bras dus kyi glo bur bral dag} the purity of freedom from momentary [stains] at the time of fruition, {lam dus kyi dag la ma dag} the partial purity at the time of the path] [RY]