Fundamental Ignorance

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Fundamental Ignorance (ma rig pa)

  • Fundamental ignorance (avidyā) is classed among the six primary dissonant mental states, but it uniquely is regarded as the source of all dissonant mental states, and as the source of the twelve links of dependent origination, which give rise to cyclic existence (saṃsāra). bDud-'joms Rin-po-che ([[NSTB, pp. 55-57) explains the evolution of bewilderment from fundamental ignorance in three phases: Firstly, the fundamental ignorance of self-identity (bdag nyid gcig pu'i ma rig pa) is not recognised to be false. Secondly, the co-emergent ignorance (lhan skyes ma rig pa) ensures that the consciousness of self-identity and non-recognition of actual reality coincide. Thirdly, the fundamental ignorance (kun btags ma rig pa) of the imaginay generates bewilderment through which one's own bewildering perceptions are externally discerned in terms of the subject-object dichotomy, giving rise to all the sufferings of cyclic existence. GD (from the Glossary to Tibetan Elemental Divination Paintings)