Peaceful and Wrathful Deities

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zhi khro - peaceful and wrathful deities [JV]

zhi khro - [scriptures on the] peaceful and wrathful; the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities; peaceful and wrathful deities [RY]

zhi khro khrom dkrugs - the peaceful and wrathful deities as an assemblage [RY]

zhi khro sbrags sgrub - a sadhana combining the peaceful and wrathful deities [RY]

zhi khro lha - peaceful and wrathful deities [RY]

zhi khro lha tshogs - the peaceful and wrathful deities [RY]

zhi khro'i rtsa dbang - root initiation of the peaceful and wrathful deities [JV]

zhi khro'i lha - peaceful and wrathful deities [IW]

zhi khro'i lha tshogs - peaceful and wrathful deities, {yi dam zhi khro'i lha tshogs} peaceful and wrathful yidam-deities [RY]

zhi khro'i lha tshogs - the assembly of peaceful and wrathful deities [IW]

zhi khro'i lha tshogs - the assembly of peaceful and wrathful deities [R] [IW]

rus rgyan drug - The six bone ornaments that are common for both the peaceful and wrathful deities are: the bone ornament at the crown of the head that symbolizes concentration and Akshobhya; the earrings that symbolize patience and Amitabha; the choker that symbolizes generosity and Ratnasambhava; the bracelets and anklets that symbolize discipline and Vairochana; the belt that symbolizes diligence and Amoghasiddhi; and the human ashes and Brahma cord on the torso that symbolize the Vajra Bearer or Vajradhara. [Jokyab Rinpoche] [RY]

zhi khro na rak dong sprugs - sadhana of the peaceful and wrathful deities to overturn the deepest hell [RY]

Forty-Two Peaceful Deities ([[zhi ba'i lha zhe gnyis]) - peaceful deities, forty-two: Samantabhadra, Samantabhadri, Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amogha siddhi, Akasha Dhatvishvari, Buddha Lochana, Mamaki, Pandaravasini, Samayatara, Kshitigarbha, Vajrapani, Akashagarbha, Avalokiteshvara, Lasya, Malya, Gita, Nirti, Maitreya, Nivarana Viskambin, Samantabhadra, Manjushri, Dhupa, Pushpa, Aloka, Gandha, Amrita kundali, Hayagriva, Mahabhala, Yamantaka, An.kusha, Pasha, Sphota, Gantha, Munindra, Vemacitra, Shakyamuni, Simha, Jvalamukha, and Yamaraja. [GM] [RY]