snang ba phyad phyod
four visions; snang ba bzhi
four visions (direct, increase, perfection, dissolution), SA snang bzhi, 4 visions, 4 stages in the progress of the practice of integration of the light of thod rgal, SA chos nyid mngon sum gyi snang ba, nyams snang gong 'phel gyi snang ba, rig pa tshad phebs kyi snang ba, chos nyid zad chen po'i snang ba. (JV)
four visions. (RB)
Four visions. Four stages in Dzogchen practice: manifest dharmata, increased experience, awareness reaching fullness, and exhaustion of concepts and phenomena. They usually pertain to thod rgal, but can also refer to four stages in the perfection of Trekcho practice. (EPK)
four visionary appearances. 1) The visionary appearance of the direct perception of reality (chos nyid mngon sum gi snang ba). 2) The visionary appearance of ever-increasing contemplative experience (nyams gong 'phel ba'i snang ba). 3) The visionary appearance of reaching the limit of awareness (rig pa tshad phebs kyi snang ba). 4) And, the visionary appearance of the cessation of clinging to reality (chos nyid du 'dzin pa zad pa'i snang ba). (GD)
the four appearances/ visions: gsang sngags rdzogs pa chen po'i lam nyams su blangs pa las thob pa'i slob lam nas mi slob lam bar gyi lam gyi snang ba ste, chos nyid mngon sum gyi snang ba, nyams snang gong 'phel gyi snang ba, rig pa tshad phebs kyi snang ba, chos zad blo 'das kyi snang ba rnams so] [IW]