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sgrub brgyud shing rta brgyad
Eight Great Chariots of the Practice Lineage. The eight independent schools of Buddhism that flourished in Tibet: 1. Nyingma, 2. Kadam, 3. Marpa Kagyu, 4. Shangpa Kagyu, 5. Sakya, 6. Jordruk, 7. Shije and Chö (counted as one), and 8. Nyendrub, . (RY)
Eight Chariots of the Practice Lineage. (RY)
8 practice lineages. (IW)
Eight Chariots of Spiritual Accomplishment. (RY)
Chariots of Spiritual Accomplishment, Eight. (RY)
Eight chariots of the practice lineages (sgrub brgyud shing rta brgyad).
- Nyingma (rnying ma),
- Kadam (bka' gdams),
- Sakya (sa skya),
- Marpa Kagyu (mar pa bka' brgyud),
- Shangpa Kagyu (shangs pa bka' brgyud),
- Shije (zhi byed) and Chöd (gcod),
- Kalachakra or Jordrug (dus 'khor or (sbyor drug), and
- Orgyen Nyengyu (o rgyan bsnyen brgyud).
For a collection of instructions and empowerments related to these eight chariots, see Damngag Dzo.