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Comment: One of the five kinds of effects ('bras bu). With respect to the divisions, the first would, for instance, be to kill and to be killed; the second would, for instance, be to kill and then to kill again.  +
Comment: See rgyu mthun gyi 'bras bu.  +
Comment: This is often contrasted with motivation at the time [of the action] (dus kyi kun slong) as in the case of being motivated by compassion to prevent a murderer from killing 500 Foe Destroyers and at the time of killing the murderer acting with a motivation of hatred.  +
Comment: This is the definition of indirect cause (brgyud rgyu).  +
Commentary: In what sense this college is "lower" is doubtful.  +
Comment: This often refers to the end of the continuum of being a sentient being, that is to say, a being who still has obstructions yet to be abandoned, and thus it means right before Buddhahood.  +
Comment: This is the definition of contradictory in the sense of not abiding together (lhan gcig mi gnas 'gal).  +
Approacher to Stream Enterer; Comment: This is one of the eight types of enterers and abiders (zhugs gnas brgyad): Approacher to Stream Enterer (rgyun zhugs zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of Stream Enterer (rgyun zhugs 'bras gnas); Approacher to Once Returner (phyir 'ong zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of Once Returner (phyir 'ong 'bras gnas); Approacher to Never Returner (phyir mi 'ong zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of (phyir mi 'ong 'bras gnas); Approacher to Foe Destroyer (dgra bcom zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of (dgra bcom 'bras gnas). For the Sanskrit see the individual entries.  +
atiyoga is the highest of the three divisions of Highest Yoga Tantra in N#ying-ma: mahAyoga, anuyoga, and atiyoga  +
Abider in the Fruit of Stream Enterer; Comment: This is one of the eight types of enterers and abiders (zhugs gnas brgyad): Approacher to Stream Enterer (rgyun zhugs zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of Stream Enterer (rgyun zhugs 'bras gnas); Approacher to Once Returner (phyir 'ong zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of Once Returner (phyir 'ong 'bras gnas); Approacher to Never Returner (phyir mi 'ong zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of (phyir mi 'ong 'bras gnas); Approacher to Foe Destroyer (dgra bcom zhugs pa); Abider in the Fruit of (dgra bcom 'bras gnas). For the Sanskrit see the individual entries.  +
Comment: See rgyun mtha' kho nar skye ba.  +
production only at the end of a continuum; Comment: This is one of the three assertions concerning mental direct perceptions indicated on this occasion (skabs 'dir bstan gyi yid mngon): production only at the end of a continuum (rgyun mtha' kho nar skye ba); alternating production (spel mar skye ba); and production in three types ('gros gsum par skye ba).  +
Comment: This is equivalent to substantial cause (nyer len).  +
the mountain which is at the center of the universe in traditional Buddhist cosmology  +
Check entry's transliteration of "eNeya" (T)  +
(PH) Jeffrey, since blo and rig pa are definition/definiendum they shouldn't be listed as synonyms, right?  +
abodes of knowledge refers to the five branches of traditional Buddhist learning: philosophy, logic, grammar, medicine, and arts and crafts  +
Entry originally said "bdang" (T)  +