ming gzhi gtso phal
the aggregates of the four names, phung po lnga excluding gzugs. [def. tshor ba, 'du shes, 'du byed, rnam shes. the four skandhas [excluding gzugs dissolved in the dun gzhiat death. The 1st four stages in the bardo of the after-death experience. ignorance, stirring of conscious patterning, discursive consciousness, and labeling subject and object [RY]
the aggregates/skandhas of the four names, the four skandhas of name; phung po lnga excluding gzugs tshorba 'du shes 'du byed rnam shes, dissolved in the dun gzhi death Or the 1st four stages in the bardo of the after-death experience ignorance, stirring of conscious patterning, discursive consciousness, and labelling subject and object. tshor ba, 'du shes, 'du byed, rnam shes bzhi 'dus pa'i phung po yid kyi lus so [IW]
the four aggregates/ skandhas of name [IW]