Lady of the Lotus-Born

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Calling the Guru from Afar

Calling the Guru from Afar

A Supplication to Pierce your Heart with Devotion

Namo Guruve. This style of supplication called Calling the Guru from Afar is known by everyone. Nevertheless, the key point for invoking the guru's blessings is devotion inspired by disenchantment and renunciation, not as mere platitude but from the core of your heart, from the very marrow of your bones. Chant the song melodiously with the confidence of having resolved that your own guru is none other than the Awakened One .

lama khyenno
drinchen tsawey lama khyenno
düsum sangye kyi ngowo
lungtok damchö kyi jungney
paktsok gendün kyi ngadak
tsaway lama khye khyenno

Guru, think of me.
Kind root guru, think of me.
Essence of the buddhas of the three times,
Source of the sublime Dharma of statements and realization,
Sovereign of the sangha, the assembly of noble ones,
Root guru, think of me.

jinlab tukje yi terchen
ngödrub namnyi kyi jungney
trinley chidö küntsöl dzey
tsawey lama khye khyenno

Great treasure of blessings and compassion,
Source of the two siddhis,
Enlightened activity that grants all wishes,
Root guru, think of me.

lama öpak mepa khyenno
trödel chökui longney zik shik
daksok ley-ngen khorwar khyam nam
dechen dakpey zhingdu drong dzö

Guru Boundless Light, think of me.
Regard me from the expanse of the unconstructed dharmakaya.
Lead me, wandering throughout samsara because of my evil actions,
To rebirth in your pure land of Great Bliss.

lama chenrezig wang khyenno
ösel longku longney zik shik
rigdruk dug-ngel tseney zhi zhing
khamsum khorwa dongney truk dzö

Guru mighty Avalokiteshvara, think of me.
Regard me from the expanse of luminous sambhogakaya.
Completely pacify the suffering of the six classes of beings
And churn the three realms of samsara from their depths.

lama pema jungney khyenno
ngayab pemo öney zik shik
nyigdü kyabmey böbang nyam tak
tukje nyurwa nyidu kyob dzö

Guru Padmasambhava, think of me.
Regard me from Chamara, the realm of Lotus Light.
As I am without refuge in this dark age,
Protect your helpless disciple with your swift compassion.

lama yeshe tsogyal khyenno
khachö dechen drongney zik shik
dikden daksok sipey tsoley
tarpey drong khyer chenpor dröl dzö

Guru Yeshe Tsogyal, think of me.
Regard me from the celestial city of great bliss.
Though I have done much evil,
Free me from the ocean of existence into the great city of liberation.

kater gyüpey lama khyenno
zungjuk yeshe longney zik shik
dakgyü trülpey münkhang tölney
tokpey nyima sharwar dzö chik

Lineage gurus of the Kama and Terma, think of me.
Regard me from the expanse of unified wakefulness,
In my mind, a cave dark with confusion,
Make the sun of realization dawn.

künkhyen drimey özer khyenno
lhündrub ö-ngay longney zik shik
kadag gongpey tsalchen dzok ney
nangzhi taru chinpar dzö chik

Omniscient Drimey Özer, think of me.
Regard me from the expanse of the five lights of spontaneous presence.
Having perfected the great strength of realizing primordial purity,
Help me reach culmination in the four visions.

nyammey jowo yabsey khyenno
gaden lha-gye üney zik shik
tongnyi nyingje nyingpo chen gyi
jangsem gyüla kyewar dzö chik

Peerless Lord Atisha, father and sons, think of me.
Regard me from Tushita while surrounded by hundreds of deities.
Cause bodhichitta, emptiness suffused with compassion,
To arise within my mind.

drubchok marmi daksum khyenno
dechen dorje yingney zik shik
detong chakchen chokngö drubching
chöku nying-ü seypar dzö chik

Supreme siddhas, Marpa, Milarepa and Gampopa, think of me.
Regard me from the basic space of indestructible great bliss.
Help me to attain the supreme siddhi of Mahamudra, empty bliss,
And awaken dharmakaya in the depths of my heart.

jikten wangchuk karmapa khyenno
khakhyab drodül yingney zik shik
chökün denmey gyumar tokney
nangsem kusum charwar dzö chik

Mighty lord of this world, Karmapa, think of me.
Regard me, from the basic space, taming beings to the reaches of space.
Help me realize that all phenomena are false, mere illusions.
Cause experiences to arise as the three kayas.

kagyü cheshi chung-gye khyenno
rangnang dakpey zhingney zik shik
neykab zhiyi trülpa sangney
nyamtok taru chinpar dzö chik

Masters of the four great and eight lesser Kagyü lineages, think of me.
Regard me from the buddhafield of pure personal experience.
Having dissolved the confusion of the four states,
Lead me to the end of experience and realization.

jetsün gongma nam-nga khyenno
khordey yermey longney zik shik
namdak tagom chösum drelney
sangwey lamchok dröpar dzö chik

Five Sakya forefathers, think of me.
Regard me from the expanse of samsara and nirvana indivisible.
Combining the pure view, meditation and conduct,
Lead me along the supreme path of secrets.

nyammey shangpa kagyü khyenno
namdak sangye zhing-ney zik shik
tabdröl nyamlen tsülzhin jongney
milob zungjuk nyepar dzö chik

Unequalled masters of the Shangpa Kagyü, think of me.
Regard me from the buddha realm of total purity.
By properly practicing means and liberation,
Enable me to discover the unity beyond learning.

drubchen tangtong gyalpo khyenno
tsölmey tukje longney zik shik
denmey tokpay tülzhuk drubney
lungsem rangwang duwar dzö chik

Mahasiddha Tangtong Gyalpo, think of me.
Regard me from the expanse of effortless compassion.
By practicing the discipline of realizing the absence of concrete reality,
Enable me to master prana and mind.

pachik dampa sangye khyenno
lerab drubpey yingney zik shik
gyüpey jinlab nyingla zhukney
tendrel chokmey charwar dzö chik

Only father, Dampa Sangye, think of me.
Regard me from the basic space which accomplishes the supreme activity.
With the lineage blessings entering my heart,
Cause auspicious connections to arise in all directions.

machik labkyi drönma khyenno
sherab parchin longney zik shik
dakdzin nyemje tseyney chöching
dakmey trödrel dentong dzö chik

Only mother, Machik Labdrön, think of me.
Regard me from the expanse of prajnaparamita.
Cutting through the subtle pretense of clinging to a self,
May I see the truth of the simplicity beyond self.

künkhyen dolpo sangye khyenno
namkün chokden yingney zik shik
powey ugnam umar gakney
podrel dorjey kutob dzö chik

Omniscient Dölpo Sangye, think of me.
Regard me from the basic space endowed with the supreme of all aspects.
Having stilled the breath of transference within the central channel,
May I attain the vajra body beyond transference.

jetsün tara natha khyenno
namsum phonya yingney zik shik
dorje sanglam gekmey dröney
jalü khachö drubpar dzö chik

Jetsun Taranatha, think of me.
Regard me from the basic space of the three companions.
Having traveled the secret vajra path unimpeded,
May I accomplish the celestial rainbow body.

terchen chokgyur lingpa khyenno
künkyab chöküi longney zik shik
nyitok kyemey ngang-la timney
rangrik rangsa zinpar dzö chik

Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa, think of me.
Regard me from the all-pervasive realm of dharmakaya.
Having let dualistic thought dissolve into the state of non-arising,
May I re-assume the seat of natural awareness.

orgyen dechen lingpa khyenno
rangsal longkui yingney zik shik
ku-nga yeshe lhündrub chenpo
pangtob meypar ngöngyur dzö chik

Orgyen Dechen Lingpa, think of me.
Regard me from the self-luminous realm of sambhogakaya.
Enable me to realize, beyond abandonment and attainment,
The great spontaneous presence of the five kayas and wisdoms.

kyabdal shikpo lingpa khyenno
drodül tukjey ngang-ney zik shik
semgyi rinchen rang-la nyetey
drebu zhila dzokpar dzö chik

All-pervasive Shikpo Lingpa, think of me.
Regard me from the compassionate state of taming beings.
Discovering the jewel of mind within myself,
May the fruition be perfected within the ground.

sempa pemey nyugu khyenno
gyutrül drawey longney zik shik
yeshe gyalwey kuzhi wangchuk
chokdang yermey nyitu dzö chik

Sempa Padma Nyugu, think of me.
Look upon me from the realm of the Magical Net.
May I be inseparable from the supreme wisdom king,
The sovereign of the four kayas.

jamyang khyentse wangpo khyenno
khyennyi yeshe yingney zik shik
mishey loyi münpa sangney
khyenrab nangwa gyepar dzö chik

Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, think of me.
Regard me from the basic space of the wisdom of twofold knowledge.
Dispelling the mental darkness of unknowing,
May I spread the light of supreme knowledge.

ösel trülpey dorje khyenno
jazer ö-ngay longney zik shik
tiklung semkyi drimey dakney
zhönnu bumkur jangchub dzö chik

Ösel Trülpey Dorje, think of me.
Regard me from the expanse of five-colored rainbow lights.
Having purified the stains of essences, winds and perception,
May I awaken within the youthful vase body.

pema do-ngak lingpa khyenno
detong gyurmey longney zik shik
gyaldang gyalsey gongpa tadak
dakgi yongsu kongnü dzö chik

Pema Do-Ngak Lingpa, think of me.
Regard me from the expanse of unchanging empty bliss.
Grant me the ability to completely fulfill
All intentions of the victorious ones and their heirs.

ngawang yönten gyatso khyenno
yingye zungjuk longney zik shik
nangwey dendzin hrülgyi zhik ney
gangjung lamdu khyernü dzö chik

Ngawang Yönten Gyatso, think of me.
Regard me from the expanse of the unity of basic space and wisdom.
Rending my clinging to an apparent reality,
May I bring whatever arises onto the path.

gyalse lodrö taye khyenno
jamdang nyingjey ngangney zik shik
drokün drinchen pama sheney
zhenpen nyingney drubnü dzö chik

Son of the victorious one, Lodrö Thaye, think of me.
Regard me from the expanse of loving-kindness and compassion.
Knowing all beings to be my kind parents,
May I acquire a pure, altruistic heart.

pema gargyi wangchuk khyenno
dechen ösel yingney zik shik
duknga yeshe ngaru drölney
pangtob nyidzin zhikpar dzö chik

Pema Gargyi Wangchuk, think of me.
Regard me from the basic space of luminous great bliss.
Having liberated the five poisons into the five wisdoms,
May I destroy the duality of loss and gain.

tennyi yungdrung lingpa khyenno
sizhi nyamnyi yingney zik shik
mögü nalma gyüla kyeney
tokdröl dü-nyam chenpor dzö chik

Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa, think of me.
Regard me from the basic space in which existence and peace are equal.
Genuine devotion having grown in my mind,
May the great realization and liberation be simultaneous.

drinchen tsawey lama khyenno
chi-tsuk dechen neney zik shik
rang-rik chöküi rangzhel jalney
tsechik sanggye drubpar dzö chik

Kind root guru, think of me.
Regard me from the crown of my head, the abode of great bliss.
Having met dharmakaya, natural awareness, face to face,
May I accomplish buddhahood in a single lifetime.

dakdra semchen leyngen dikto chen
tokmey düney khorwar yünring khyam
dadung dug-ngel tamey nyonggyur wey
kyoshey kechik tsamyang makye pey
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
ngejung tingney kyewar jingyi lob

Sentient beings like me, with negative karma and evil deeds,
Have wandered in samsara from beginningless time.
I continue to experience endless suffering,
But I never feel even the briefest moment of regret.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that renunciation may arise from the depths of my heart.

daljor tobkyang mitse tongzey khen
dönmey tsedir jawey taktu yeng
dönchen tarpa drubla leylö khyer
norbü lingney laktong loggyur pey
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
milü dönden drubpar jingyi lob

Though having attained the freedoms and riches I squander my life,
Always preoccupied by the pointless affairs of this world.
When applying myself to the great pursuit of liberation, I am overcome by laziness.
As I return from this island of jewels empty-handed,
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that my human life may become meaningful.

mishi sateng lüpa chigkyang mey
danta chikjey nyitü paröl dro
rang-yang nyurwa nyidu chigö kyang
yünring dödrab jepey nying rülpo
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
longmey lona tungwar jingyi lob

Not a single life on earth escapes death,
Even now, they pass away one after the other.
Soon, I too must die. I am a fool, thinking I will remain forever.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me so that with no time to waste, I will curtail my plans.

nyingdu dukpey dzashey sosor drel
serney sakpey nordzey zhen-gyi chö
chepey lü-kyang shüldu borney su
namshey bardo tölmey khorwar khyam
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
chig-kyang gömey tokpar jingyi lob

I will be separated from each of my loved ones.
All the valuables I have hoarded will be enjoyed by others.
Even this body I hold so dear will be left behind,
And, within the bardo, my consciousness will wander aimlessly throughout samsara.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that I may realize the futility of it all.

jikpey münpa nakpö ngönney su
legyi lungmar drakpö gyabney dey
miduk shinjey poney dekching tsok
zöka ngendröi dug-ngel nyonggö na
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
ngensong yangley tarwar jingyi lob

The black darkness of fear confronts me.
The fierce gale of karma pursues me.
The lord of death's hideous thugs club and beat me.
Having to endure the unbearable sufferings of negative rebirths;
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that I may be liberated from the abyss of the lower realms.

rangkyön riwo tsam-yang kongdu bey
zhenkyön tildru tsam-yang drokching mö
yönten chungzey meykyang zangpor lom
chöpey mingtak chömin khona chö
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
rangdö nga-gyal zhiwar jingyi lob

Though my faults are as great as a mountain I keep them to myself.
Though others' faults are as small as a sesame seed I proclaim them far and wide.
Though I lack the least of qualities, I boast about how great I am.
I call myself a Dharma practitioner but behave to the contrary.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me to pacify my selfish pride.

tenpung dakdzin gongpo khongdu chuk
samtsey tamchey nyönmong pelwey gyu
chetsey tamchey migey drebu chen
tarpey lamdu choktsam machin pey
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
ngardzin tseney chöpar jingyi lob

Within, I conceal my nemesis — the demon of ego-clinging.
All my thoughts only cause disturbing emotions to increase.
All my actions result in nonvirtue.
As I have not so much as turned towards the path of liberation,
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that self-grasping be severed at the root.

tömey tsamla gadang maga kye
tsikngen tsamla zöpey gocha shor
nyamtak tong-yang nyingjey semmi kye
jinyül jungdü serney düpey ching
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
semgyü chödang dreypar jingyi lob

With a little praise or blame comes that much joy or sorrow.
With a few harsh words I let down my armour of patience.
Although I see the afflicted, I feel no compassion.
When I have the chance to be generous, I am bound by the knot of greed.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me to mingle my mind with the Dharma.

khorwa nyingpo meyla nyingpor zung
togö chirdu tendün lingyi bor
khogu tsang-yang gögö chichir mang
miden gyumey chö-gyi rangsem lü
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
tsedi loyi tongwar jingyi lob

Though insubstantial, I ascribe substance to samsara.
For the sake of food and clothing I abandon what has lasting value.
Although I have all that is needed, I crave for more and more.
I deceive myself with unreal, illusory phenomena.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me to abandon any interest in such a life as this.

lüsem dug-ngel tramo-ang mizö kyang
ngendror drola mitser nyingdö chen
gyumdrey lumey ngönsum tongzhin du
gewa midrub dikpey yolang pel
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
lela yichey kyewar jingyi lob

Unable to bear the slightest physical or mental pain,
With jaded heart, I don't hesitate to take inferior rebirths.
Even though I directly perceive that cause and effect are unfailing,
Instead of doing what is right, I only perpetuate harm.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that I gain conviction in the law of karma.

drala dangsem nyenla chaksem kye
langdor neyla timuk müntar tom
chözhin chötsey jingmuk nyiwang shor
chömin chötsey wangpo selshing drung
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
nyönmong drawo chompar jingyi lob

I hate my enemies and cling to my friends.
Groping in dark delusion as to what to accept and reject,
When practicing the Dharma, I fall prey to dullness and sleep.
When involved in non-Dharma, my senses are clear and sharp.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that I destroy my enemy — disturbing emotions.

chiney tana yangdak chöpey zuk
nangdu rangsem chödang madrey pey
dukdrül zhindu nyönmong kongna bey
kyenngen tretsey chöpey tsangtak tön
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
ranggyü ranggi tülwar jingyi lob

On the surface, I appear to be a pure practioner;
While inwardly my mind isn't mingled with the Dharma.
Like a viper I hide my disturbing emotions within,
But faced with trouble, my faults are exposed.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that I may tame my own mind.

rangkyön ngenpa ranggi matok pey
chöpey zukzung chömin natsok chö
nyönmong migey leyla shugkyi gom
gelo yang-yang kyekyang yang-yang chey
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
rangkyön ranggi tongwar jingyi lob

Failing to notice my own shortcomings,
Pretending to be spiritual, I am anything but.
Naturally skilled in negative emotions and karma,
Again and again good intentions arise, again and again they come to naught.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that I might see my own faults.

zhakrey songzhin chila parpar nye
nyinrey longzhin ranggyü chirchir gyong
lama tenzhin mögü rimgyi drib
chela tsedung dagnang jechung song
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
mugö ranggyü tülwar jingyi lob

As each day passes, death approaches ever nearer.
As each day passes, my heart becomes ever more calloused.
While following a teacher my devotion gradually fades,
And my love and pure perception towards my Dharma friends diminish.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me to tame my savage mind.

khyabdro semkye söldeb cheyna yang
mögü nyingjey tingney makye pey
tsiktsam wanggyur chöchö gejor nam
jeylo tsamley gyütok makhel wey
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
chichey chösu drowar jingyi lob

I take refuge, engender bodhichitta, and supplicate,
But devotion and compassion are not felt deep within my heart,
These Dharma activities are mere lip service.
I only go through the motions and am left untouched.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that whatever I do may lead to Dharma.

dakdey döley dug-ngel tamchey jung
zhenpen semgyi sangye drubsung kyang
semchok kyeching rangdö puktu chuk
zhenpen tachi zhennö zhorla drub
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
dakzhen jeypar nüpar jingyi lob

All suffering arises from wanting my own happiness.
Although it is said that buddhahood is accomplished by wanting to help others,
Though I engender bodhichitta, secretly my aims are selfish.
On top of not benefiting others, I harm them.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that I am able to put myself in others' place.

sangye ngönang lama miru zung
damzab tönpey kadrin nganggi jey
rangdö majung tsena yichey gom
dzeychö namla tetsom lokta drib
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
mögü dribmey pelwar jingyi lob

Although my guru is the Buddha actually manifest, I think of him as simply human.
I forget his kindness in imparting the profound instructions.
If he doesn't give me what I want, I lose faith.
I obscure myself by seeing his behaviour through doubts and disdain.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that my devotion may not fade but grow.

rangsem sangye yinkyang ngoma shey
namtok chöku yinkyang dönma tok
machö nyugma yinkyang kyongma nü
rangbab neluk yinkyang yima chey
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
rang-rig rangsar drölwar jingyi lob

Although my mind is the Buddha, I don't recognize it.
Although my thinking is dharmakaya, I don't realize it.
Although nonfabrication is the innate, I fail to sustain it.
Although naturalness is the basic state, I am not convinced.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that natural awareness is liberated into itself.

yong-ngey chiwa nyingney drenma tub
pen-nge damchö tsülzhin drubma nü
den-nge lendrey langdor tsülzhin mey
gö-nge drenshey maten yengwey khyer
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
yengmey drenpey zinpar jingyi lob

Although death is sure to come, I am unable to take it to heart.
Although applying the genuine Dharma is sure to help, I am unable to practice it.
Although the law of karma is certainly true, I don't discriminate correctly.
Although mindfulness is surely needed, I don't apply it and am carried away by distraction.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that I maintain undistracted mindfulness.

ngönley ngenpey nyigmay dü-tar kye
ngarchey tamjey dug-ngel gyuru song
drok-ngen namkyi dikpey dribmey yok
dönmey lengmö geyjor yengwey khyer
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
chöla nying-ru nüpar jingyi lob

Through previous bad karma I was born at the end of this dark age.
All I have done only results in suffering.
The bad influence of others has cast its shadow upon me,
My practice of virtue overcome by the distractions of meaningless talk.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me to be able to persevere in Dharma practice.

dangpor samgyu chöley meypa la
tama drubdrey khorwa ngensong gyu
tarpey lotok migey seykyi chom
tendün nyepa mugö dakdra nam
lama khyenno tukjey nyur du zik
damchö taru chinpar jingyi lob

At first, I thought of nothing but the Dharma.
But in the end, the results of my actions only cause further samsara and the lower realms.
The harvest of liberation is ravaged by the frost of nonvirtue.
Like a savage, I destroy what is of lasting value.
Guru think of me, regard me with compassion.
Bless me that I may perfect the sublime Dharma.

kyoshey tingney kyewar jingyi lob
longmey lona tungwar jingyi lob
chiwa nyingney drenpar jingyi lob
leyla yichey kyewar jingyi lob

Bless me that disenchantment is felt from the bottom of my heart.
Bless me that without wasting time I curtail my plans.
Bless me that I take death to heart.
Bless me that I feel conviction in the law of karma.

lamla barchey meypar jingyi lob
drubla tsöndrü nüpar jingyi lob
kyenngen lamdu longwar jingyi lob
nyenpo rangtsuk tubpar jingyi lob

Bless me that the path is free of obstacles.
Bless me that I am able to practice diligently.
Bless me that difficulties are utilized as the path.
Bless me that I may be steadfast in using the remedies.

chömin mögü kyewar jingyi lob
neyluk rangzhal jalwar jingyi lob
rang-rig nying-ü seypar jingyi lob
trülnang zhitsa chöpar jingyi lob
tsechik sangye drubpar jingyi lob

Bless me that I feel genuine devotion.
Bless me that I may come face to face with the natural state.
Bless me that natural awareness is awakened within my heart.
Bless me that confused experience is severed at the root.
Bless me that I may accomplish buddhahood in a single lifetime.

solwa debso lama rinpoche
dungwey bödo drinchen chökyi jey
kalmey dagla resa kyöley mey
tuk-yi yermey drepar jingyi lob

Precious guru I supplicate you,
Kind Dharma lord, I cry out with longing,
Unfortunate though I am, my one hope is you.
Bless me that we mingle our minds indivisibly.

Although several devoted practitioners have encouraged me to write something like this for a long time, I neglected to do so. Recently, at the request of both Samdrub Drönma, a noble female practioner, and Deva Rakshita, this was written by Lodrö Thaye, someome who merely maintains the image of a dark age lama, at the great practice center Dzongshö Deshek Düpa. May virtuous goodness increase!

This edition was made as an offering to fulfill a wish of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche’s by three of his disciples: Erik Pema Kunsang, Ian Saude and Michael Tweed. We offer our thanks to Nalanda Translation Committee, Ringu Tulku, and Michelle Martin for having prepared earlier versions. May Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche swiflty return.

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© Rangjung Yeshe Translations & Publications, 1998. Copies can be freely made. Third edition, 2001
Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery
P.O. Box 1200
Kathmandu, Nepal