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'gro ba sgrol ba'i thugs - mind of liberating beings. [one of the five kinds of mind, thugs lnga. The all-accomplishing wisdom; the mind of nirmanakaya which liberates beings. (Nyingma).] [RY]

bya grub ye shes - all-accomplishing wisdom; {bya ba grub pa'i ye shes} [RY]

bya sgrub ye shes - all-accomplishing wisdom [the karma family wisdom] [IW]

bya ba grub pa'i ye shes - all-accomplishing wisdom; krtyanusthana-jnana; pristine awareness in which everything is spontaneously fulfilled;] the wisdom of all-accomplishing action, action accomplishing wisdom [RY]

bya ba grub pa'i ye shes - all-accomplishing wisdom [IW]

bya ba grub pa'i ye shes - (krtyanusthana-jnana the wisdom of all-accomplishing action, all-accomplishing wisdom/ awareness [IW]

bya ba nan tan gyi ye shes - wisdom of persistent action, wisdom of persevering action. Equivalent to 'all-accomplishing wisdom; syn {bya ba grub pa'i ye shes}, {bya grub ye shes} [RY]

bya ba nan tan tu grub pa'i ye shes - all-accomplishing wisdom [RY]

ye shes - wisdom, original wakefulness. Basic cognizance independent of intellectual constructs. There are also the five wisdoms, aspects of how the cognitive quality of buddha nature functions: the dharmadhatu wisdom, mirror-like wisdom, wisdom of equality, discriminating wisdom and all-accomplishing wisdom [RY]

ye shes lnga - Five wisdoms. The dharmadhatu wisdom, mirror-like wisdom, wisdom of equality, discriminating wisdom and all-accomplishing wisdom [RY]

accomplishment awareness, pristine wisdom of accomplishing aims, wisdom that accomplishes actions, action-accomplishing wisdom [JV]

timeless awareness as spontaneous fulfillment/ of ensured fulfillment/ in which everything is spontaneously fulfilled [RB]

all-accomplishing wisdom; krtyanusthana-jnana; pristine awareness in which everything is spontaneously fulfilled;] the wisdom of all-accomplishing action, action accomplishing wisdom [RY]

all-accomplishing wisdom [omniscience transforming the eye etc. the consciousnesses of the five gates the stains of conceptualizing various dharmas as different rang gzugs don yod grub] [IW]

all-accomplishing wisdom [IW]

(krtyanusthana-jnana the wisdom of all-accomplishing action, all-accomplishing wisdom/ awareness [IW]