Dualistic Fixation
ku sa ra - Indian master invited to Tibet by King Songtsen Gampo [RY]
kong co - 1) queen, lady, princess etc. 2) the wife of King Songtsen Gampo [RY]
khri btsun - 1) queen. 2) the Nepalese queen of King Songtsen Gampo [RY]
khrims chen drug - the six major laws, {gtan khrims lnga} + {kheng mi ldog pa} [instigated by King Songtsen Gampo] [RY]
gram pa rgyangs - Drampa Gyang; One of the twelve missionary temple (mtha' 'dul gtsug lag khang) built in the 7th century by King Songtsen Gampo [RY]
jo bo mi bskyod rdo rje - Jowo Mikyö Dorje, a crowned-Buddha image in Ramoche Temple at Lhasa, brought by the Nepalese wife of King Songtsen Gampo [RY]
jo bo rin po che - Jowo Shakyamuni, or Jowo Rinpoche, the crowned Buddha of Lhasa, brought to Tibet by King Songtsen Gampo's Chinese wife [RY]
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi sprul pa rgyal po srong btsan sgam po - King Songtsen Gampo, an emanation of Avalokitesvara [RY]
'phrul snang - Trülnang. One of two important temples in Lhasa built by King Songtsen Gampo and housing a statue of Buddha Shakyamuni [RY]
brag lha klu phug - Dra Lhalupuk; King Songtsen Gampo's meditation cave on the front side of Chakpori Hill [RY]
ma Ni bka' 'bum - teaching of Avalokiteshvara by King Songtsen Gampo [RY]
zan ching - Chinese princess married to King Songtsen Gampo, rgya bza' kong jo [IW]
yang 'dul lha khang bzhi - Four Temples for Further Taming. established by King Songtsen Gampo at Kongpo Puchu, Lhodrak Khoting, Chamtrin Degye, and Changdra Dumtso [RY]
ra mo che - Ramochey. One of two important temples in Lhasa housing the statue of Buddha Shakyamuni brought to Tibet by the queens of King Songtsen Gampo [RY]
ra sa 'phrul snang - Rasa Trulnang. A famous temple in Lhasa built by King Songtsen Gampo [RY]
lha gcig khri btsun - Bhrikuti, King Songtsen Gampo's Nepalese queen [RY]
lha sa - Lhasa. 'Abode of the Gods.' The capital of Tibet and location of the famous Jokhang temple founded by King Songtsen Gampo [RY]