Pure Vision
sku 'od du yal - vanish into body of light [JV]
'ja lus pa - body of light [JV]
'ja' lus - rainbow body, authentic existence, transfigured psycho-organism, body of a saint vanishing in the rainbow or in the manner of the colors of the rainbow, rainbow body of light [JV]
zag med 'od kyi lus - Unconditioned body of light. Same as rainbow body [RY]
zang thal 'od kyi lus - unimpeded body of light [RY]
'od kyi sku - body of light [RY]
'od kyi lus - Body of light. The body of light of the five wisdoms. It's devoid of materiality [RY]
'od sku - body of light [IW]
'od sku - his body made of light; body of light [RY]
'od sku - body of light, body of light [JV]
'od skur grol - become liberated in the body of light [JV]
'od skur gshegs pa - to enter the body of light [JV]
'od lus - body of light [IW]
'od lus - the Body of Light; body of light [RY]
'od lus - light body, body of light [JV]
ye shes kyi 'od sku - the wisdom body of light [RY]