chu bo bzhi
1) four great rivers; 2) four currents; 3) birth old age, sickness and death [IW]
1) the Four Great Rivers [flowing in the four directions from Mt. Kailash, Brahmaputra, Ganges, Yamuna, Indus], 2) Four Currents, four pools 'dod pa, desire. srid pa, existence. ma rig pa, ignorance. log par lta ba, - wrong views [RY]
4 floods ('dod pa la 'dod chags pa, srid pa'i 'dod chags pa, ma rig pa, lta ba ngan pa) [JV]
1) four great rivers [flowing in the four directions from mt Kailash, Brahmaputra, ganges, Yamuna, Indus, gangg', pakshu, sit'a, sindhu]; 2) four currents 'dod pa, = desire srid pa, existence ma rig pa, ignorance [[[log par] lta ba]], wrong views sred pa'i chu bo]; 3) birth old age, sickness and death [Skye ba, rga ba, na ba, 'chi ba] [IW]