rnam thar sgo gsum
Three gates of emancipation. Emptiness, signlessness, and wishlessness [RY]
three gates of emancipation, three doors of deliverance, three approaches to liberation. Emptiness stong pa nyid, aspirationlessness smon pa med pa, and attributelessness mtshan nyid med pa [RY-old]
rnam par thar pa'i sgo gsum three avenues/ doorways to liberation [RB]
three gates of liberation [rnam par thar pa'i sgo gsum] [IW]
three approaches to liberation [emptiness stong pa nyid or s'u^nyat, aspirationlessness smon pa med pa or nirpranidh na], and attributelessness mtshan nyid med pa or nirlaksana- the three door of delivarance, three gates of emancipation [tserig] [IW]
three approaches to liberation [RY]
3 liberations, SA rnam thar gsum, 3 doors of liberation (ngo bo nyid med pa or stong pa nyid, mtshan ma med pa, smon pa med pa), 3 doors of emancipation (stong pa nyid, mtshan med, smon med) [JV]
three gates of/ approaches to liberation [IW]
three approaches/gates to liberation [emptiness stong pa nyid or s'u^nyat, aspirationlessness smon pa med pa or nirpranidh na], and attributelessness mtshan nyid med pa or nirlaksana- the three door of delivarance, three gates of emancipation [tserig] [IW]
three approaches to/ gates of liberation [emptiness stong pa nyid or shu^nyat, aspirationlessness smon pa med pa or nirpranidh na/ apra uhita], and attributelessness mtshan nyid med pa or nirlaksana/ animitta- the three doors of delivarance/ gates of emancipation [tserig] [IW]