ma ha yo ga'i tan tra sde bco brgyad

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Eighteen Tantrapitakas of Mahayoga. As enumerated in Longchenpa, sngags kyi spyi don tshangs dbyangs 'brug sgra pp. 27-28, they comprise:
three tantras representing the body, speech and mind of buddha-body-- respectively glang po rab 'bog, glang po chur 'jug, and Buddhasamayoga,
three tantras representing the body, speech and mind of buddha-speech-- respectively ri bo brtsegs pa, pad ma dbang chen, and Candraguhyatilaka,
three tantras representing the body, speech and mind of buddha-mind-- respectively rtse mo 'dus pa, gcig las 'phros pa, and Guhyasamaja,
three tantras representing the body, speech and mind of buddha-attributes-- respectively sgron me 'bar ba, bdud rtsi sa ma ya 'bum, and Shriparamadya,
three tantras representing the body, speech and mind of buddha- activities-- respectively dpal phreng dkar po, ma mo rgyud lung, and bid yo ta ma la 'bum sde,
and three tantras representing of body, speech and mind of all these in general-- respectively thabs kyi zhags pa, dam tshig bkod pa, and gsang ba snying po GD