rigs can lnga
five lineages [IW]
five lineages. 1) nyan thos kyi theg pa mngon par rtogs pa'i rigs lineage truly realizing the vehicle of the Shravaka. 2) rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa mngon par rtogs pa'i rigs lineage truly realizing the vehicle of the pratyekabuddha. 3) byang chub sems dpa'i theg pa mngon par rtogs pa'i rigs lineage truly realizing the vehicle of the bodhisattva. 4) ma nges pa'i rigs uncertain lineage. 5) rigs med pa No lineage. Five Families of Beings. These are pious attendants nyan thos kyi theg pa mngon par rtogs pa'i rigs or shravakayanabhisamayagotra. self-centered buddhas rang rgyal or pratyekabuddha yana. tathagatas de bzhin gshegs pa or tathagata. the dubious family ma nges pa'i rigs or aniyatagotra. and the cut-off family rigs med pa or agotraka [RY]
five lineages: 1) *nyan thos kyi theg pa mngon par rtogzs pa'i rigs* - lineage truly realizing the vehicle of the Sravaka 2) *rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa mngon par rtogs pa'i rigs* - lineage truly realizing the vehicle of the pratyekabuddha 3) *byang chub sems dpa'i theg pa mngon par rtogs pa'i rigs* = lineage truly realizing the vehicle of the bodhisattva 4) *ma nges pa'i rigs* = uncertain lineage 5) *rigs med pa* = No lineage OR Five Families of Beings These are pious attendants *nyan thos kyi theg pa mngon par rtogs pa'i rigs* or s'r vakay n bhisamayagotra, self-centred buddhas *rang rgyal* or pratyekabuddhay na, tath gatas *de bzhin gshegs pa* or tath gata, the dubious family *ma nges pa'i rigs* or aniyatagotra, and the cut-off family *rigs med pa* or agotraka, Mvt 1260-1265] [IW]
five families of beings [RY]