sems smad bco brgyad
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Eighteen Marvels of Mind (sems smad bco brgyad). [RY]
The Root Cycle of the Unconstructed Expanse of the Great Perfection (spros pa med pa'i klong rtsa ba'i skor) comprises the Eighteen Marvels of Mind:
- Great Space (nam mkha' che),
- Cuckoo of Awareness (rig pa khu byug),
- Great Soaring Garuda (khyung chen lding ba),
- Revealing Great Strength (rtsal chen sprug pa),
- Sixfold Meditation (sgom don drug pa),
- Spontaneous Summit (rtse mo byung rgyal),
- Sky King (nam mkha' rgyal po),
- Jewel Studded Bliss (bde ba phra bkod),
- Perfect Comprehension (rdzogs pa chig chod),
- Assemblage of Vidyadharas (rig 'dzin kun 'dus), / Assemblage of Precious Gemstones,
- Wheel of Life-Force (srog gi 'khor lo),
- Awakened Mind (byang chub sems rig), / Nonarising Natural Mind,
- All-Encompassing Bliss (bde ba rab 'byams),
- Framework of Existence (srid pa'i spyi chings),
- Sublime King Scripture (rje btsan dam pa),
- Wishfulfilling Jewel of Awakened Mind (yid bzhin nor bu), (byang sems yid bzhin nor bu)
- Sphere of Immensity (thig le klong yangs),
- and Pure Golden Ore (rdo la gser zhun).
From Wellsprings, quoting the Golden Garland Chronicles. EPK
Alternate lists
- See details under lung chen po bco brgyad.
- Also called Eighteen Major Scriptures of the Mind Section.