Discriminating Knowledge

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see details under Prajna

kun rtogs ye shes - discriminating wisdom, discriminating knowledge [RY]

nges pa'i tshig so so yang dag par rig pa - discriminating knowledge of language, exact understanding of different languages, one of the {so so yang dag par rig pa bzhi} four analytical knowledges [RY]

chos mngon pa - Abhidharma. One of the three parts of the Tripitaka, the Words of the Buddha. Systematic teachings on metaphysics focusing on developing discriminating knowledge by analyzing elements of experience and investigating the nature of existing things [RY]

chos rab rnam 'byed so sor rtogs pa'i shes rab kyi lhag mthong - the insight of discriminating knowledge that fully discerns phenomena [RY]

chos so so yang dag par rig pa - discriminating knowledge of the Dharma [RY]

dran pa nye bar bzhag pa bzhi - Four applications of mindfulness. Mindfulness of the body, sensations, mind, and phenomena. Their essence being discriminating knowledge concurrent with mindfulness, they are chiefly practiced on the lesser stage of the path of accumulation [RY]

drod - Heat. The first of the 'four aspects of ascertainment' on the path of joining. Getting close to the flame-like wisdom of the path of seeing by possessing concentration concurrent with discriminating knowledge [RY]

gdul bya smin pa gsum - Threefold Ripening of Disciples is the ripening of nature, faculty, and thought (khams dbang po bsam pa) or strong ripening: The nature is ripened through having trained in the Dharma and the path during many former lives. By the power of that, the faculties are ripened since the five faculties of perfection (rnam byang) have become extremely sharp. By the power of that, discriminating knowledge (shes rab) has ripened from the present intelligence obtained at birth [RY]

sde snod gsum - Tripitaka. The three collections of the teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni: Vinaya, Sutra, and Abhidharma. Their purpose is the development of the three trainings of discipline, concentration and discriminating knowledge while their function is to remedy the three poisons of desire, anger and delusion. The Tibetan version of the Tripitaka fills more than one hundred large volumes, each with more than 600 large pages. In a wider sense all of the Dharma, both Sutra and Tantra, is contained within the three collections and three trainings. To paraphrase Khenpo Ngakchung in his Notes to the Preliminary Practices for Longchen Nyingtig: "The three collections of Hinayana scriptures, namely Vinaya, Sutra, and Abhidharma, respectively express the meaning of the training in discipline, concentration and discriminating knowledge. The teachings describing the details of precepts for the bodhisattva path belong to the Vinaya collection while the meaning expressed by these scriptures are the training in discipline. The sutras expressing the gateways to samadhi are the Sutra collection while their expressed meaning, reflections on precious human body and so forth, are the training in concentration. The scriptures on the sixteen or twenty types of emptiness are the Abhidharma collection while their expressed meaning is the training in discriminating knowledge. Scriptures expounding the details of the samayas of Vajrayana are the Vinaya collection while their expressed meaning is the training in discipline. The scriptures teaching the general points of development and completion belong to the Sutra collection, while their expressed meaning is the training in Samadhi. All the scriptures expressing the Great Perfection belong to the Abhidharma collection, while their expressed meaning is the training in discriminating knowledge." [RY]

spobs pa so so yang dag par rig pa - discriminating knowledge of ready speech, the right discriminating knowledge of eloquence [RY]

spyan - Eyes / mig. The five eyes known as the physical eye, divine eye, eye of discriminating knowledge, Dharma eye and Buddha eye [RY]

spyan lnga - Five eyes. The physical eye, the divine eye, eye of discriminating knowledge, the eye of Dharma, the eye of wisdom also called 'buddha eye.' [RY]

phar phyin drug - Six Paramitas. The six transcendent actions of generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, and discriminating knowledge [RY]

dbang po lnga - Five Faculties. The five faculties 'ruling' over the first two of the four aspects of ascertainment on the path of joining are: faith, zeal, mindfulness, concentration, and discriminating knowledge [RY]

zab pa dang rgya che ba'i shes rab - discriminating knowledge of the profound and the extensive [RY]

shes rab - discriminating knowledge [RY]

so so yang dag rig pa bzhi - the four kinds of discriminating knowledge; four right discriminations [RY]

so sor rtog pa'i shes rab - discriminating knowledge, analytic insight, superior knowledge which individually analyses; discriminating transcendent knowledge; prajna which individually discriminates [RY]

so sor rtogs pa - discriminating knowledge [thd]

so sor brtags pa'i shes rab - discriminating knowledge [RY]

sor rtog gi shes rab - discriminating knowledge [RY]

bslab pa gsum - Three trainings. threefold training, tri-shiksa, The trainings of discipline, concentration, and discriminating knowledge [RY]

ha shang gi lta ba - Hashang View. A view propagated in Tibet by Chinese Buddhist masters. When used in a negative sense it means to simply pursue a meditative state devoid of conceptual thinking, believing that to be the ultimate. It is criticized as lacking the clarity of discriminating knowledge [RY]