Dualistic Fixation

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khregs chod - Trekchö, Cutting Through, the Thorough Cut; 'Cutting through' the stream of delusion, the thoughts of the three times, by revealing naked awareness devoid of dualistic fixation. To recognize this view through the oral instructions of one's master and to sustain it uninterruptedly throughout all aspects of life is the very essence of Dzogchen practice. Together with {thod rgal} the two main parts of {rdzogs chen}. See also {ka dag khregs chod}. Alt. trans. of {khregs chod}: cutting the stiffness / solidity / hardness, cutting through rigidity, cutting resistance; the slash that completely severs [RY]

gnyis 'dzin - dualistic grasping, dualistic perception; dualistic fixation, holding as being two; grasping at duality, subject-object, dualistic perceptions [RY]

gnyis 'dzin - holding to two, doubt, unsteadiness, wavering, dualistic fixation, dualistic grasping, grasping at duality, dualistic thinking, tied to dualism, dualistic perception, duality, who are always in dualism [JV]

gnyis 'dzin gyi dri ma - defilement of dualistic fixation [RY]

gnyis 'dzin gyi bag chag - habitual tendencies for dualistic fixation [RY]

gnyis su 'dzin pa - dualistic fixation [RY]

gzung 'dzin - object and subject duality, graspable object and grasping subject, grasping and fixation, dualistic fixation, grasper and the grasped, perceiver and the perceived, apprehendable and the apprehender [IW]

gzung 'dzin - perceiver and perceived, subject object duality; subject and object; graspable object and grasping subject, grasping and fixation, dualistic fixation, the grasper and the grasped, perceiver and the perceived, the apprehendable and the apprehender. Syn {bzung rtog dang 'dzin rtog}. Syn {bdag rnam gnyis}; dualistic perception of/ grasping at object and subject, object-subject dualism [RY]

gzung 'dzin zhen pa - dualistic fixation(s) [RB]

rig pa - Rigpa. The state of awareness devoid of ignorance and dualistic fixation [RY]