Namchö Mingyur Dorje
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gnam chos mi 'gyur rdo rje
Short Biography
- 1645-67 - Namchö Mingyur Dorje, tertön [RY]
- shud bu dpal gyi seng ge - Palgyi Senge of Shubu. One of the ministers of King Trisong Deutsen, sent among the first :emissaries to invite Padmasambhava to Tibet. He learned translation from Padmasambhava and rendered numerous teachings of Mamo, :Yamantaka and Kilaya into Tibetan. Having attained accomplishment through Kilaya and Mamo, he could split boulders and divide the :flow of rivers with his dagger. His reincarnations include the great Tertön Mingyur Dorje of the Namchö tradition. Palgyi Senge :means 'Glorious Lion.' [RY]
Literary Works
- sangs rgyas lag 'chang - Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand, revealed by Namchö Mingyur Dorje [RY]
- gnam chos - termas revealed by Mingyur Dorje, nephew of Karma Chagmey; Sky Teaching. cycle of termas revealed by {gter ston mi 'gyur rdo rje} [RY]
Main Teachers
Main Students
Main Lineages
Alternate Names & Spellings
- gter ston mi 'gyur rdo rje - Tertön Mingyur Dorje: 1645-1667 [RY]
Other Reference Sources
Internal Links
External Links
- The TBRC link[1]