Nyingtik Yabshi
Nyingthig Yabshi (snying thig ya bzhi) - the Four-fold Heart Essence
The Nyingthig Yabshi was compiled by Longchenpa to condense the two primary lineages of Dzogchen practice in Tibet, those of Padmasambhava and Vimalamitra. Together, this collection of texts is considered the core teaching on the practice of Dzogchen, and in particular the Heart Essence teachings of the Instruction Class.
The teachings of the Padmasambhava's lineage are contained in two volumes and are referred to as the Khandro Nyingthig (mkha' 'gro snying thig. Longchenpa's commentaries on this cycle of teachings comprise three further volumes, which are known as the Khandro Yangthig (mkha' 'gro yang thig).
The teachings of the Vimalamitra's lineage are contained in four volumes, known as the Vima Nyingthig (bi ma snying thig. Longchenpa's commentaries on this cycle of teachings comprise two volumes, which are referred to as the Lama Yangthig (bla ma yang thig).
Longchenpa also wrote two volumes of commentary that relate to both lineages, entitled Zabmo Yangthig (zab mo yang thig). CJD
- Vol. 1-2 Lama Yangthig
- Vol. 3-6 Vima Nyingthig
- Vol. 7-9 Khandro Yangthig
- Vol. 10-11 Khandro Nyingthig
- Vol. 12-13 Zabmo Yangthig
Publication Data
- klong chen rab ‘byams (compiler). snying thig ya bzhi. Reprint of the ‘dzom ‘brug pa chos sgar edition. Darjeeling: Talung Tsetrul Pema Wangyal, 1976.
Internal Links
Alternate Translations
- Four Branch Heart Essence
- Four Heart-Essences
- Nyingtig Ya Shi