nyon yid
disturbed mind [consciousness] [RY]
disturbed-mind consciousness [RY]
nyon mongs pa can gyi yid (emotionally) affected/ biased/ tainted consciousness; isc. I-consciousness/ sense of self [RB]
nyon mongs pa'i yid kyi rnam par shes pa - Defiled mind. The aspect of mind which, taking the all-ground as reference, conceives the thought "I am," one of the eight collections of consciousnesses [RY]
klesha mind, afflicted mind consciousness [IW]
afflicted mind consciousness, disturbed mental cognition, disturbed mind consciousness, disturbed mind, nyon mongs pa can gyi yid, nyon mongs pa'i yid kyi rnam par shes pa Defiled mind; disturbed mind [RY]
emotional consciousness [RY]
emotively-toned ego-consciousness, affectively-toned mind, emotionally-toned ego-act, emotively-toned and constituted aspect of mind, emotionally perturbed ego-centered consciousness, mind of the passions [JV]
klesha mind, afflicted mind consciousness [disturbed mental cognition, disturbed mind consciousness, disturbed mind, klesha mind, defiled mind rnam shes tshogs brgyad kyi nang gses, 'phags lam ma thob pa kyi bar du kun gzhi'i rnams ha la dmigs nas rtag tu ngar 'dzin pa'i bdag nyid can yid kyi sa'i nyon mongs pas bsgribs la lung du ma bstan pa'i gtso sems. [IW]
The afflicted mental consciousness, the afflicted mental cognition, the emotional mental consciousness, the emotional mental cognition. [Erick Tsiknopoulos]