dal ba brgyad

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the 8 freedoms [IW]

eight freedoms / leisures / liberties. [TRS 29:2] [RY]

eight freedoms [RY]

the eight freedoms dmyal ba dang, yi dvags, dud 'gro, kla klo, lha tshe ring po, log lta can, sangs rgyas ma byon pa'i zhing, lkugs pa: freedom from the mi khom pa'i gnas brgyad, being free from the non-freedom of being born in hell, as a hungry ghost a beast, a long lived god, or barbarian, in wrong views, nor in a time without buddhas, nor as an idiot without speech]. [IW]

8 states with beings at ease. [JV]

Eight freedoms. Not being in the three lower realms, not a long-living god, not having wrong views, not a savage, a mute, or born in an age without buddhas. [RY]

Mipham Rinpoche: ngan song gsum dang 'du shes med pa'i lha ste mi ma yin pa'i mi khoms pa'i gnas bzhi/ mtha' 'khob kla klo/log lta can gyi rigs/sangs rgyas ma byon pa'i zhing/ dbang shes blun lkug brda mi 'jal ba ste mi'i mi khoms pa bzhi ste/ brgyad po bral ba'i dal ba brgyad// To dwell within the three lower realms or among the perceptionless gods are the 'four nonhuman unfree states'. To belong to a primitive border tribe, to hold wrong views, to dwell in a realm where a buddha has not appeared, or to possess defective faculties or mental capacity, such as being imbecilic, inept or incapable of communicating, are the 'four human unfree states'. To be free from these eight are the 'eight freedoms'. [RY]