shes bya'i sgrib pa

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knowledge veil/ obscuration [IW]

obscuration concerning the nature of reality/ due to ignorance concerning the knowable; cognitive obscuration [RB]

intellectual obscurations, obscurations to (knowledge, omniscience), veil of primitive beliefs about reality, sin produced from the objects of cognition, obstructions to omniscience, cognitive obscuration, obscurations due to intellectual knowledge, conceptual obstacles, conceptual obscuration [JV]

cognitive obscuration; The subtle obscuration of holding on to the concepts of subject, object and action. It is temporarily purified in the moment of recognizing the nature of mind, and utterly purified through the vajra-like samadhi at the end of the tenth bhumi. Also: knowledge veil, knowledge obscuration, obscuration concerning the knowable, obstruction to omniscience, obstructions to objects of knowledge, veil of [dualistic] knowledge, conceptual veil, obscuration with regard to knowables, obscuration to the knowable, instinctive ignorance; obscuration due to ignorance concerning the knowable; obscuration of not knowing; thams cad mkhyen pa la sgrib byed obscurations due to (erroneous) intellectual knowledge; obstructions to omniscience [RY]

intellectual obscurations, obscurations to (knowledge, omniscience), veil of primitive beliefs about reality, sin produced from the objects of cognition, obstructions to omniscience, cognitive obscuration, obscurations due to intellectual knowledge, conceptual obstacles, conceptual obscuration, obstacles to knowledge [JV]

1) cognitive obscuration, intellectual obscuration, mental obscuration, psychic obscuration, perceptual obscuration, noetic obscuration, gnostic obscuration, objective obscuration; 2) cognitive veil, intellectual veil, mental veil, psychic veil, perceptual veil, noetic veil, gnostic veil, objective veil; 3) cognitive obstruction, intellectual obstruction, mental obstruction, psychic obstruction, perceptual obstruction, noetic obstruction, gnostic obstruction, objective obstruction; 4) cognitive shroud, intellectual shroud, mental shroud, psychic shroud, perceptual shroud, noetic shroud, gnostic shroud, objective shroud; 5) obstruction to knowledge, obstruction to understanding; 6) obstruction to omniscience, obstruction to all-embracing knowledge or understanding. One of the two main forms of obscuration, sgrib pa gnyis. Long form of shes sgrib. Erick Tsiknopoulos