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- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'byor pa'i snying po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'byung gnas
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'byung gnas gtsug phud
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'dzud pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'jug pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'jug par byed pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'khor lo
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'od
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'od 'phro 'bar ba'i sku
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'od 'phro ba dpal gyi rgya mtsho
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'od 'phro ba dpal gyi rgyal mtshan
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'od zer
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'od zer 'bar ba'i gtsug phud
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'od zer gyi sprin gyi 'od
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes 'pho ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes brnyes pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i che ba nyid
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes bstan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes bum pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes byin
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes can
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes che
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes chen po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes chen po'i 'od gzer shin tu yangs pa'i rgyal po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes chen po'i glu dbyangs
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes chen po'i ro
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes chen po dang ldan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes chu
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dam pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dang bral
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dang bral ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dang ldan
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dang ldan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dang mngon par shes pa'i sgo
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dang mngon par shes pa'i spyod pa yongs su gnon pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dang rnam par shes pa'i mtshan nyid rtogs par khong du chud pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dang shes bya thams cad la mnga' brnyes zin pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dbang phyug ma
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dmar po'i 'od zer
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dpal
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dpal bzang po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dri ma med
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dri ma med pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dri ma med pa'i 'od
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes dri ma med pa phun sum tshogs pa'i sprin
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes grub pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes gsal ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes gzhan gyis mi thub pa'i mthu
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes gzigs pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes gzigs pa rab rib mi mnga' ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes gzugs
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes gzugs can
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes khams
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kun tu bzang po'i dkyil 'khor
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kun tu rtsom pa rnam par dag pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kun tu snang ba'i dam pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kun tu snang ba'i ri bo
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi 'khor lo
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi 'khor lo'i dbang phyug
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi 'od
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi 'od kun tu snang ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi 'od zer
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi bdag nyid
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi byin gyi rlabs
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi chu
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi de kho na nyid
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi dga'
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi dga' ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi dkyil 'khor
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi dkyil 'khor kun tu snang ba'i dbyangs
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi dpal
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi dpal gyis brgyan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi gzugs
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi khams
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi khyad par dga' ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi khyad par gyi dga' ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi khyad par la mos pa'i sems dang ldan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi klong thams cad la mngon sum du yang dag par gzhol ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi lam
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi lam tshad med pa'i rjes su song ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi lha
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi lhan cig skyes pa'i dga' ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi lus
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi mchog dga'
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi mchog gi dga' ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi mdzod
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi me
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi me sbar ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi me tog kun nas rnam par dag pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi mig
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi mthu bo che rdo rje'i mtshon cha can dpa' bo
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi pad+ma
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi pha rol tu phyin pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi phung po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi phung po dam pa mdzad pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi phung po rnam par dag par 'gyur
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi phyag rgya
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi phyag rgya'i ting nge 'dzin
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi rdo rje
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi rgan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi rgya mtsho
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi rgyud
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi rigs
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi rigs las skyes pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi rlung
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi rnam pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi rnam par dbye ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi sa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi sa bon
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi sgo bsam gyis mi khyab pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi sgo kun nas rnam par dpyad pas yongs su 'grub pa 'byung ba'i snying po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi sku
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi sman
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi snang ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi snying po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi spyan
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi spyod pa kun tu thogs pa med pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi spyod yul
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi stobs
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi stobs dang shugs rab tu thob
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi stobs kyi ri bo'i gzi brjid
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi thig le
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi tshogs
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi tshogs chen po la rnam par dbye ba shin tu byas pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi tshogs dang ldan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi tshogs kyis yang dag par 'grub pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi tshogs yongs su tshol ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi yul
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi zhal
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyi zhal shin tu rgyas pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyis 'phags pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyis kun tu rnam par 'phrul ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyis legs dag
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyis rgan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes kyis thugs su chud pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes la 'dzud pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes la 'jug pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes la btsud pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes la dbang ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes la dgyes pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes la mi rtog pa mang ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes la mngon par mos pa'i bsam pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes ldan
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes ldan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes lnga'i bdag nyid
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes lnga'i rang bzhin can
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes lus can
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes ma bsgribs pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes ma sbyangs pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mar me
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mchod pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mchog
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mchog gi rdo rje 'chang ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mdzod
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes me
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes me lce
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mig
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mkha' 'gro'i dbang phyug
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mkha' gro
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mnga'
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mnga' ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mngon par bsgrub pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mngon par bsgrub pa dang ldan
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mngon par bsgrub pa dang ldan pa'i gzungs
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mngon par bsgrub pa dang ldan pa'i gzungs rab tu thob pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mngon par bsgrub pa tshad med pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mngon par rtogs
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mngon par rtogs pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mngon par shes pa chen po dang ldan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mtha' yas ldan
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mtha' yas pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mthong ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mthong ba'i lam la 'dzud pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mthong ba dang ldan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes mtsho
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes nyi ma'i gzi brjid
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes phun sum tshogs pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes phun sum tshogs pa'i bsod nams 'od
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes phun sum tshogs pa rnam pa bzhi
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes phyag rgya
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rab tu brtan pa'i 'od gzer gyi dra ba'i gzugs kyi phung po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rdo rje
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rdo rje'i gzi brjid
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rdo rje'i mtshon cha mnga' ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rdo rje'i ri bo
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rgya mtsho
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rgya mtshos 'phags pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rgyal mtshan kun tu dpa'
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rgyud can
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rgyun ldan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rjes su 'brang ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rnal 'byor
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rnam pa bzhi
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rnam pa gnyis
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rnam par nges pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rnam par sbyong bar byed pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rnam par snang ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes rnam par snang ba'i snying po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes sa bon
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes sangs rgyas
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes sems dpa'
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes seng ge'i dpal gyi rgyal mtshan rgyal po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes sgron ldan
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes sgron ma
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes shin tu rnam par dag pa'i me tog snang ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes shin tu yangs pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes skar mda' snang ba'i rgyal po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes sku
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes slob dpon
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes snang ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes snang ba'i gzi brjid
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes snang ba chen po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes snang ba chen pos rnam par gzigs pa'i blo dang ldan pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes snang ba lam me ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes snang ba po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes snang bar gyur pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes snang bas rnam par gnon pa'i seng ge
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes sngon du 'gro ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes sngon du 'gro bas mngon par 'du mi byed cing kha na ma tho ba med par tshe rabs thams cad du mngon du zhugs pa rnams
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes snying po
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes spangs
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes spangs pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes spo'i 'od 'phro sprin
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes spro ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes spyan
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes spyan ldan
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes spyod pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes ta la la'i ting nge 'dzin
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes thig le
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes thub par dka' ba'i snying po can
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes thugs su chud pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes tog
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes tog gi rgyal mtshan
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes tshad med pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes tshad med pa mngon par bsgrub pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes tshol ba
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes yon tan phyug
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes yongs su dag pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes yongs su smin par byed pa
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes zer
- Steinert App Dictionaries/50-NegiSkt/ye shes zla ba