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<noinclude><span class=TibUni16>[[བྱང་བདག་བཀྲ་ཤིས་སྟོབས་རྒྱལ།]]</span></noinclude><br>
'''Maitreya''' ([[byams pa]]). 'The Loving One.' The bodhisattva regent of [[Buddha Shakyamuni]], presently residing in the [[Tushita]] heaven until becoming the fifth buddha of this aeon; author of five treatises preserved by [[Asanga]].
<noinclude>[[byang bdag bkra shis stobs rgyal]]</noinclude><br>
===Short biography===
*'''Guru Tashi Tobgyal''' ([[kar ma gu ru bkra shis stobs rgyal dbang po'i sde]]) Karma Guru, Tashi Tobgyal Wangpö Deh (1550-1603), tertön. Also known as [[Jangdag Karma Guru Chögyal Wangpo]] (1550-1602).<br>

'''Changdak Tashi Tobgyal Wangpo De''' (1550?-1603) - An important master in the Northern Treasures lineage, he was the immediate rebirth of [[Ngari Panchen]] and also the qualities emanation of [[King Trisong Detsen]]. He was a student of [[Dordrak Rigdzin Chenpo Lekden Dudjom Dorje|Rigdzin Lekden Dorje]] and the father (and teacher) of [[Dordrak Rigdzin Chenpo Ngagi Wangpo|Rigdzin Ngakgi Wangpo]]. He is counted among one of the previous incarnations of [[Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa]].<br>
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During his lifetime, wars raged in central Tibet and the monastic community of the [[Northern Treasures]] were forced to wander from place to place. Having been invited to Kham in Eastern Tibet to teach, he was offered robes for his monks. He returned to his community, establishing it at the present site of [[Dorje Drak Monastery]] which he named, Pema Evam Chogar.<br>
[[Category:Buddhist Masters]]
[[Category:Indian Masters]]
He found [[hidden-treasures]] at places such as [[Samye Monastery]], Tsa-rong and [[Lhodrak]], as well as authored a biography of [[Guru Rinpoche]]. His younger brother, Yishin Norbu, founded a monastery at Zang-zang Lhadrak where [[Rigdzin Godem]] had found the bulk of the [[Northern Treasures]]. <br>
===Literary Works===
*Ocean of Wondrous Sayings to Delight the Learned Ones (bstan pa'i snying po gsang chen snga 'gyur nges don zab mo'i chos kyi 'yung ba gsal bar byed pa'i legs bshad mkhas pa dga' byed ngo mtshar gtam gyi rol mtsho) An immensely detailed history of the transmission of the teachings in the Nyingma School. Five volumes. <br>
===Main Teachers===
*[[Dordrak Rigdzin Chenpo Lekden Dudjom Dorje]]<br>
===Main Students===
*[[Dordrak Rigdzin Chenpo Ngagi Wangpo]]<br>
===Main Lineages===
===Alternate Names & Spellings===
*Chogyal Wangpo'i De
*Guru Tashi Tobgyal
*Jangdag Karma Guru Chogyal Wangpo (byang bdag karma gu ru chos rgyal dbang po)
*Karma Guru Tashi Topgyal Wangpo De (karma gu ru bkra shis stabs rgyal dbang po'i sde)
===Other Resources===
*Rinchen Terdzo vol.12 (na); (bdud 'dul karma gu ru) terma of Guru Rinpoche as Dudul Karma Guru.<br>
===Internal Links===
*[[Dorje Drak Monastery]]
*[[Northern Treasures]]<br>
===External Links===
[[Category:Tertons]][[Category:Buddhist Masters]]
[[Category:Nyingma Masters]][[Category:Dzogchen Masters]]

Latest revision as of 21:37, 15 December 2005

Maitreya (byams pa). 'The Loving One.' The bodhisattva regent of Buddha Shakyamuni, presently residing in the Tushita heaven until becoming the fifth buddha of this aeon; author of five treatises preserved by Asanga.

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